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Acowie Tribe Homepage updated on January 11, 2004!

Welcome to the Acowie Tribe Home Page!
Fayetteville, Peachtree City, and Riverdale,

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Make sure you check out the 6 April 2000
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Newspaper Article
about the Fayette YMCA!
Thanks Shanna!!!!

Friends Always

For the past 70 years Y-Indian Guide Programs have offered thousands of 5- to 9-year-olds and their parent's opportunities to laugh, love, grow, and learn together. Y-Indian Guide parent and child pairs meet in small groups called tribes to hold meetings or conduct outings that incorporate a variety of recreational and educational activities. The programs are built around an American Indian theme that provides new experiences for parents and children and reinforces their awareness of nature, community, and family ties.

Parents and children can participate in any of five Y-Indian Guide Programs.

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