Top S.A. Birman 1998…

The "Sacred Birman Fanciers Group of Southern Africa (S.B.F.G.), was formed during 1997 in an effort to establish the unknown Birman cat in Southern Africa. The Group aims to bring together the small number of Birman breeders and fanciers, so we can work together to establish this magnificent breed here in our country. This Group is an official S.A.C.C. affiliated Breed Group representing the Birman breed in Southern Africa.

Some of our objectives include:

 To encourage a greater interest, appreciation and knowledge of the Birman cat in Southern Africa.

To encourage responsible breeding with the purpose of improving the breed.

To cultivate friendship amongst Birman owners, breeders and fanciers worldwide.

To publish a quarterly Newsletter containing Birman and related issues.

To educate and promote responsible pet ownership, which include neutering and spaying of pets.

To establish a country-wide "Birman Rescue and Welfare Unit" for the purpose of re-homing Birman cats.

Furthermore we promote the breeding of Birmans with good health, temperament and conformation, preserving the type of the Birman without changing its features or breeding to extremes.

We welcome local and overseas members. For more information on how to join our Group, please contact the Secretary:-

Local callers: 031-7082412 (phone/fax)

International callers: 0027 31-7082412 (phone/fax)

Email: hopewell@saol.com

Alternatively you can write to us at:

S.B.F.G., P.O.Box 149029, East End, Durban 4018, SOUTH AFRICA


For suggestions, additions, comments or corrections, please email the webmaster at hopewell@saol.com

This page was last updated on: 30 December 1999



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