Ch. Rojos Dalton of Buena Vista


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b. Jan 21, 1997   

Breeder/Owners: Mary Lawson & Melissa Graves


"Mijo" finished his Championship with a 4 point major and Best of Breed over a Multi-BIS, SBIS winner at the prestigious River City Cluster in San Antonio, Texas in August 1999.



Ch. Rojo's Dalton of Buena Vista


Ch. Noble's Rojo Montana, CGC Ch. Rowdytown's Blue Moon Ch. Herring's Red Skillet
White Rock Mollie Maurine
Int'l. Ch. CM Noble Delta Dancer, TT, OFA Finwars Southern Comfort
Coppers Misty Blue
Ch. Buena Vista Polk Salad Annie Ch. Buena Vista Chaz O The Ritz Ch. Touch O Class God of Thunder
Touch O Class Lady Liberty
Ch. Tonkawa Texas Two-Step Tonkawa Brooks Bud Lite
Ch. Tonkawa Carmel Candy, CD