Hello! Sign my thing, and be merry!


Tina ( Septsister) - 01/18/00 13:16:09
My URL:/boopybetty21
My Email:boopybetty21@hotmail.com
Do you like my homepage?: yes
Any comments, complaints, or compliments about it?: cool
Do you like horses?: yeah there okay
Did you adopt an animal?: a million of them
If so, which one, and what is it called?: fat little red one
If not, are you going to?: maybe maybe not

BLAH BLah blah blah blah blah blah blah

Ella - 12/16/99 00:15:15
My URL:http://expage.com/sillella6eeehorn
My Email:ebeyer@rochester.rr.com
Do you like my homepage?: yes
Any comments, complaints, or compliments about it?: Your page is really cool
Do you like horses?: YES
Did you adopt an animal?: no
If not, are you going to?: yes

Really cool page!

Sillella - 12/12/99 21:20:46
My URL:http://expage.com/page/sillella6eeehorn
My Email:ebeyer@rochester.rr.com
Do you like my homepage?: loved it
Any comments, complaints, or compliments about it?: nope
Do you like horses?: Love them!!!
Did you adopt an animal?: no
If not, are you going to?: yes

I think this is a really cool site!! I cant wait to adopt a horse

Ed Kramer - 10/04/99 23:11:21
My URL:http://www.onekindr.com
My Email:onekindr@erie.net
Do you like my homepage?: yes

You have a neat site, I enjoyed the visit

Blaise Riou - 03/24/99 11:35:05

Bonjour. I votre homepage est intéressant. Combien de temps avez-vous été sur l'Internet? Quoi qu'il en soit, je dois aller vague déferlante plus de pages de Web. Bon e Chance!

Elly - 03/20/99 18:10:05
My Email:hamish.gillespie@telinco.co.uk
Do you like my homepage?: yep!
Any comments, complaints, or compliments about it?: no
Do you like horses?: you bet!
Did you adopt an animal?: no
If not, are you going to?: Definetly

Everything's really colourful and it looks really eye-catching!

Kimberly Luceno - 01/01/99 15:34:15
My Email:rapture@mazinaw.on.ca
Do you like my homepage?: Yes!
Any comments, complaints, or compliments about it?: No
Do you like horses?: Love them!
Did you adopt an animal?: No, sorry! Maybie next time
If not, are you going to?: Yes, next time!

I have had the priviledge of owning several different breeds of horses growing up. We have had Morgans, thouroughbred cross, Appaloosa, quarterhorse, Arabian and Welsh Mountain pony. I hope to be getting a thouroughbred mare soon. Talk to you latter!

Val - 12/09/98 00:36:52
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~AngloArab169/
My Email:equizone@hotmail.com
Do you like my homepage?: Yes
Any comments, complaints, or compliments about it?: No, I haven't seen it updated in a bit though
Do you like horses?: Sure!!!
Did you adopt an animal?: No
If not, are you going to?: No probably not

Please check out my page. It's a c-horse game called Equi-Zone

clare stehbens - 10/25/98 09:24:14
My Email:c.stehbens
Do you like my homepage?: It's very cute
Any comments, complaints, or compliments about it?: I like it overall, but the blue background is boring
Do you like horses?: Sometimes
Did you adopt an animal?: No

Kate you have done a good job with your page. I hope it grows and continues to be a success

Julie - 10/24/98 14:47:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Chasm/6179
My Email:jbstauffer@hotmail.com
Do you like my homepage?: Yes
Any comments, complaints, or compliments about it?: Nope
Do you like horses?: Yes
Did you adopt an animal?: Nope
If not, are you going to?: Yes

I like your homepage.It is AWEsome.

Magdalen - 10/23/98 15:03:36
Do you like my homepage?: i love your home page
Any comments, complaints, or compliments about it?: no
Do you like horses?: i LOVE horses
Did you adopt an animal?: no
If not, are you going to?: no


Vanessa Gray - 10/16/98 08:54:04
My Email:www.graypj@sympac.com.au
Do you like my homepage?: yeah
Any comments, complaints, or compliments about it?: its cool
Do you like horses?: YEAH!!!!!!!
Did you adopt an animal?: yes but ya havnt given it to me yet
If so, which one, and what is it called?: number 22 i chose

I have already been in the guest book but i diddnt put all the details in!!!!! Your thingy is cool anyway!!!!!

Vanessa - 10/13/98 10:31:09
Do you like my homepage?: yes it is cool
Any comments, complaints, or compliments about it?: great!!!
Do you like horses?: you bet i do
Did you adopt an animal?: no
If so, which one, and what is it called?: pass-
If not, are you going to?: Probably

Good job! Did you do this all by yourself?

Amy Maine - 10/12/98 12:20:49
My URL:http://www.geocities. com/heartland/fields/1625
My Email:uffd@borg.com
Do you like my homepage?: love it
Do you like horses?: love them all of my life


pony_pal - 10/10/98 21:50:11
My Email:pony


10/03/98 01:32:53
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Jade Brischke - 10/02/98 21:21:41
My URL:http://geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/4855
My Email:jbrischke@geocities.com
Do you like my homepage?: Definately!
Any comments, complaints, or compliments about it?: Really good for someone just starting out
Do you like horses?: Yep 100%
Did you adopt an animal?: Nope
If not, are you going to?: Don't know

Wow! Glad to see someone that loves horses as much as I do. I have two horses of my own, Clancy and Arabella.

- 09/23/98 19:47:15


Christine C. - 09/21/98 21:41:11
Do you like my homepage?: yes
Do you like horses?: I love them!!!
Did you adopt an animal?: I will when I get an EMail address
If so, which one, and what is it called?: Would like the race horse

I love horses a lot!! I want to own horses when I grow up. I think that race horse was very beautiful and graceful. Horses are my favorite animals, I think about them all the time.

CLAIRE - 09/13/98 21:08:34
My Email:BIOWORKS2000
Do you like my homepage?: YYYYEEEESSSS
Any comments, complaints, or compliments about it?: ITS COOL!!!!!!!
Do you like horses?: YYYYYEEEEESSSSS
Did you adopt an animal?: NOT YET
If so, which one, and what is it called?: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
If not, are you going to?: YES MAM WHY NOT!!!


claire Armstrong - 09/13/98 20:58:10
Do you like my homepage?: cooooooooooooolllllll
Any comments, complaints, or compliments about it?: no
Do you like horses?: yyyyyyyeeeeeeessssss
If not, are you going to?: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hope - 09/06/98 17:42:18
Do you like my homepage?: yes
Any comments, complaints, or compliments about it?: I think it's neat that people who can't really have a horse, can have a horse here.
Do you like horses?: yes I loved the mommy and her colt
Did you adopt an animal?: not yet
If not, are you going to?: I would like to


Hope - 09/06/98 17:39:24
Do you like my homepage?: yes
Any comments, complaints, or compliments about it?: I think it's neat that people who can't really have a horse, can have a horse here.
Do you like horses?: yes I loved the mommy and her colt
Did you adopt an animal?: not yet
If not, are you going to?: I would like to


Michaela - 09/02/98 01:59:44
My Email:zorra@gorge.net
Do you like my homepage?: It's Fabulous!
Do you like horses?: Love and own them.
If not, are you going to?: need to check it out.

You are doing a great job!

Michaela - 09/02/98 01:59:39
My Email:zorra@gorge.net
Do you like my homepage?: It's Fabulous!
Do you like horses?: Love and own them.
If not, are you going to?: need to check it out.

You are doing a great job!

Michelle Needham - 09/01/98 06:39:53
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~NeedhamM/TightRein
My Email:galloper@clear.net.nz
Do you like my homepage?: Yes
Any comments, complaints, or compliments about it?: It's Awesome
Do you like horses?: Love them!
Did you adopt an animal?: No
If not, are you going to?: Yes


trace - 08/31/98 09:58:36
Do you like my homepage?: yep, you bet
Any comments, complaints, or compliments about it?: like the moving horses
Do you like horses?: live for horses!

I have 2 horses, Flash and Gem... 1/4 horses... they are 4 and 5 years old, and they're the best! Always interested in learning new things about them!

Sandy Abell - 08/29/98 02:31:21
My Email:smabll@yahoo.com
Do you like my homepage?: yes I love it
Any comments, complaints, or compliments about it?: I LOVE your games
Do you like horses?: YES, I have two
Did you adopt an animal?: no
If not, are you going to?: yes

I relly like your site ive seen a lot but yours is the BEST.

Lisa Bonnikson - 08/27/98 04:12:03
My Email:bonnik@sonic.net
Do you like my homepage?: YYYEEESSS!!!!!!!!!
Any comments, complaints, or compliments about it?: Page is beautiful
Do you like horses?: YES! YES! YES!
Did you adopt an animal?: YES
If so, which one, and what is it called?: #3 Magic


Colleen Kirkhart - 08/26/98 01:07:29
My Email:kirkhartfam@adelphia.net
Do you like my homepage?: I love it !!!!!!!
Any comments, complaints, or compliments about it?: Good job
Do you like horses?: I am in LOVE with them !!!
Did you adopt an animal?: Not yet
If not, are you going to?: Of coarse

I LOVE your website and everything in it!!!!

Colleen Kirkhart - 08/26/98 01:07:07
My Email:kirkhartfam@adelphia.net
Do you like my homepage?: I love it !!!!!!!
Any comments, complaints, or compliments about it?: Good job
Do you like horses?: I am in LOVE with them !!!
Did you adopt an animal?: Not yet
If not, are you going to?: Of coarse

I LOVE your website and everything in it!!!!

Helen Bradshaw - 08/26/98 00:07:39
Do you like my homepage?: yeah
Any comments, complaints, or compliments about it?: Pretty Cool
Do you like horses?: Ofcourse
Did you adopt an animal?: Not here...
If not, are you going to?: Wish I cuold

Nice page...

Bethany - 08/20/98 00:38:38
My Email:horsey8747@aol.com
Do you like my homepage?: a lot!!!
Any comments, complaints, or compliments about it?: It's awesome
Do you like horses?: are you kidding? I'm completely obsessed!
Did you adopt an animal?: no
If not, are you going to?: maybe

I love horses

Lee Wallin - 08/19/98 16:39:24
My Email:mbwallin@smig.net
Do you like my homepage?: yes
Do you like horses?: yes
Did you adopt an animal?: no
If not, are you going to?: yes


Ashley Redcrest - 08/19/98 06:08:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/6066
My Email:ashleyhorse@hotmail.com
Do you like my homepage?: it's neat alright
Any comments, complaints, or compliments about it?: it shows a nice amount of effort
Do you like horses?: WHY ELSE WOULD I BE HERE!!!
Did you adopt an animal?: uh-uh
If not, are you going to?: probably not

Great site. Keep up the good work! Very informative.

Carson - 08/18/98 22:52:18
Do you like my homepage?: Yeah, it's awesome!
Any comments, complaints, or compliments about it?: I think you should raise the "Why I want this pet" essay to 100 words. It's hard to say why in just 50.
Do you like horses?: I LOVE 'EM!!!!
Did you adopt an animal?: I'm still waiting for your answer!
If so, which one, and what is it called?: I'm trying to adopt #3, and it's so far unnamed.
If not, are you going to?: I plan to adopt a few more!

This page is awesome, and I love your horse pics!

Erin B. - 08/16/98 23:55:05
My Email:randy.bardwell@mail.mei.com
Do you like my homepage?: Yes!
Any comments, complaints, or compliments about it?: I love the way a beginner like me learns so much in so little time!
Do you like horses?: YES!!!
Did you adopt an animal?: no
If not, are you going to?: probably

This is a very cool site. Keep up the good work!

Becky Hein - 08/15/98 21:33:21
Do you like my homepage?: yes
Do you like horses?: oh yeah baby
Did you adopt an animal?: no
If not, are you going to?: maybe

your page is cool

Kate Stehbens - 06/09/98 05:17:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/4659
My Email:Kit_Kat15@hotmail.com
Do you like my homepage?: Yep
Any comments, complaints, or compliments about it?: Nope
Do you like horses?: I LOVE HORSES!!
Did you adopt an animal?: Yep
If so, which one, and what is it called?: I adopted the tiny red racehorse, and it's called 'Centuria'.
If not, are you going to?: --

I think you're page is pretty noop!

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