Wonderful Words of Life
~ The Bible ~
Study it carefully think of it prayerfully.
Deep in your heart let its pure precepts dwell.
Slight not its history ponder its mystery
None can e'er prize it too fondly or well.
Accept the glad tidings, the warnings and chidings.
Found in this volume of heavenly lore.
With faith that's unfailing and love all prevailing,
Trust in its promise of life evermore.
With fervent devotion and thankful emotion
Hear the blest welcome, respond to its call.
Life's purest oblation the hearts adoration
give to the Saviour who died for us all.
May this message of love from the tribune above,
To all nations and kindred be given.
Joyous anthems of praise.
Hallelujah on earth and in Heaven
... Author unknown
Thanks Mauli Girl for poem
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