
Poetry by Wanda




"Angel Wings"

I hear the soft flutter of angel wings~~
They are waiting to carry me away..
They know my time is near.
I will not be afraid to go with them~~
For death I have no fear.

My Christ has promised me a home~
up on the "Golden Shore"
There in that land, I'll have not doubts~
or fears nor shall I suffer anymore.

Until that time, I'll wait patiently~~
enduring whatever be my plight.
I know my Angels are here with me,
They will join my Heavenly flight.

by Wanda Youngblood


"A Tiny Mark On Earth"

I came into this world unwanted~~
no parents for awhile.
That's a mighty heavy burden,
for a frightened little child.

As I grew up with heartaches~~
A promise to myself I made.
That tomorrow would be different~~
all bad things I would trade.

I would trade tears for laughter~~
I would trade pain for joy.
I would make this world a better place,
for every little girl and boy.

I needed someone to help me~~
to change this world I trod.
Then one day out of nowhere~~
came the Mighty Hand of God.

He gave me a loving husband~~
to stand close by my side.
He gave me beautiful children~~
to teach, to love with pride.

He allowed me to have friends afar~~
whose voice I may never hear.
I may never see thier faces~~
but in my heart they' re very dear.

I've had the pleasure to cross deserts~~
when thier flowers were in bloom.
I've seen tall prickly cactus' shadow~~
`neath the light of God's silver moon.

I've crossed the high mountains~~
higher than the Eagles fly.
I've crossed the mighty oceans~~
seeing nothing but God's blue sky.

I've walked on cobbled sidewalks~~
where our soldiers' blood once did flow.
While fighting this country's battles~~
our freedom to bestow.

When I leave this world of challenge~~
to see Heaven's beauty unfurl.
I'll take no proof with me~~
God know's of my tiny mark in the world.

by Wanda Youngblood



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