Majdanek Photos 1 Majdanek Photos 2 Majdanek Photos 3 Map of Poland
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Gerry Searle and I traveled
through Lublin on our way to Odessa, Russia to catch a British ship going to Port Said,
Egypt. Three (3)Km east of Lublin, Poland, we stumbled across Majdanek Extermination Camp.
Lublin, on the main supply route for the Germans in their Russian campaign, was one of the
first Polish cities captured. Majdanek (1941-1944) was originally established as a
concentration camp under the Waffen SS and its first occupants were Russian POWs but the
camp soon became a detention center for Jews. In April 1942, mass transports of Jews began
arriving at Majdanek.
The Russians liberated Majdanek on July 24, 1944
-Gerry and I arrived there around the end of January or beginning of February, 1945. 1
took the following photos of the camp with the GI 35mm Kodak I recovered from Oflag 64.
We met Jane Walker, a
British subject, in Lublin and traveled with her on box cars to Odessa, Russia where we
boarded a British ship to Port Said, Egypt. My wife kept up a correspondence with Jane
Walker who was living in Bexhill-on Sea, England, and in 1948, Jane visited us when I was
stationed in Frankfurt, Germany. There, we learned the fascinating story of her life. |

Jane Walker |
Jane's father was Military
Attached in Berlin prior to W.W.I and Jane was educated in Germany. During W.W.I she made
18 courier trips from Berlin to Switzerland for the British. Prior to W.W.I she worked for
British Intelligence in South Africa (Boer War) and later in Palestine with General Glubb
and Lawrence of Arabia. Prior to W.W.II, she was sent to Poland where she first learned
Polish and when Britain entered the war against Germany, she worked with the Polish
underground in acts of sabotage and in returning downed fliers back to Britain. She showed
us a Polish newspaper photo of the results of the robbery of the German pay truck in
Warsaw. Jane's roll was to drive a farm cart loaded with cabbages that had its wheel
modified to come off. As the pay truck came down a narrow street, Jane drove the cart
across blocking the road. The wheel came off, the cart fell on its axle, and cabbages
spilled out over the street. The Poles jumped the truck ,and the Germans, and made off
with the payroll. The photo showed Jane still in the street picking up her cabbages and
the truck with the dead Germans draped all over it. |
1948 L to R. Ginny Angelini, Jane Walker and Vivian Keith at Rhine Main AFB. The plane was
used as part of the Berlin Airlift. |
headstone at Bexhill-on-Sea, in England, 1961 |
She received the MBE (Order
of the British Empire for Merit), the highest award given to civilians. She also received
an invitation and reserved seat to the coronation of Elizabeth II. Jane also appeared on
the BBC show, This is Your Life. Jane died in 1962 a year after we visited her in her home
at Bexhill-on-Sea, England. She was 84, nearly blind and hobbling from the after effects
of a broken hip. A truly remarkable lady! |
Visit the Majdanek
Extermination camp site at:
Page design by: Q. Brian Sickels '71