From: William E. Phillips ‘46

      I am writing to advise you  of the death of my 1946 classmate Bob Regan, in December 2000.

      I first met bob on my first day of school in 1943.  We lived on the 3nd floor of “E” barracks.  Our paths crossed many times.  I was an officer in the 131st Infantry, 33nd Division, Illinois National guard.  Bob was a Chief Warrant Officer on the Division Staff.  He remained in the Guard for 38 years.  One of his last assignments was Aide-Decamp to General Arthur Weller.  General Weller is a very close friend of mine and I saw Bob at a number of military functions.  Bob spent six years in the reserve and was on active duty during Desert Storm as a lega Warrant Officer.  He retired at age 63.

      In civilian life, he was with the Chicago Tribune for many years.

      He retired to Brunswick, GA and resided there at the time of his death.


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From: Dick Reinhard ‘44

      Cinco de Mayo is a BIG deal in Mexico. It makes me wonder about our Mexican friends from WMA. There were several in the Class of 1944. We had a boxing program at Western back in those days, and I remember having a match with a boy by the name of Manuel Castro, his second was one Louis Lomolin. Castro came charging out and knocked me down with many stars flashing in the first few minutes of the first round. I thought I was “done for” The ref. thought I slipped and picked me up. When Castro came charging back I swung a lucky punch and broke his nose thus saving me from extinction as the fight was stopped. I had that recollection just from typing " Cinco de Mayo " at the top of this letter. I later became the Middle Weight champ—a cadet by the name of Dave Lutz was Heavy Weight champ. He was a mighty good friend back then, but we lost contact after WWII.

        Thanks for the update on the addresses. I want to let you know that my brother Charles W. Reinhard ‘39  is no longer living. Automobile accident—our dad went out the same way. They are answering Roll Call in a better place now. Charlies’ name is listed and should be removed I think—also my area code has been changed to 352 from 904. Once in a while I get a phone call from Jack Metz or some other great friend from WMA days—so change to 352 and I won't miss any calls.

        Thanks again for the wonderful job you are doing for all of us. It's always a pleasure to read about the good old WMA days!

      Best regards,


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From:Raleigh Wilkinson ‘53

      Please renew my newsletter for another year.


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From: Ed Fritsch ‘48

      New Information—effective July 15th: 49A Sumac Court, Mt> Laurel, NJ 08054. 

      Current email address: burgwayelf@juno.com.


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From: Steve Satorius ‘65

      Thanks for a wonderful magazine.  I hope you and your wife are going out to dinner every now and then on us.


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From: R. Todd Beebe ‘65

You're doing a great job.  I noticed in the new directory my address, telephone number and e-mail need updating.  Please change your records to the following:         R. Todd Beebe '65,  8123 N. New Braunfels, #L, San Antonio, TX 78209.  Tel:  (210) 826-8300;         FX: (210) 682-4015, E-mail:  tbeebe@hoganre.com

      Thank you very much!


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From: Burton B. Ruby ‘37

      I guess according to the last newsletter, this will be my final payment to you as our Editor. I can't let the occasion go by without expressing my personal thanks, and I am sure that of everyone on your honor roll, for the fine job which you have done in rekindling and keeping alive the flame of our experiences at WMA and in going back almost eighty years for some of our older alums. It has been sixty eight years since I first set foot on the campus in Alton in September 1933.

I looked through my copy of the 193 7 Recall the other day and lived again through many of the experiences which I had during my four years in Alton. I even had to get my magnifying glass out to make sure that I was looking at the person that I thought I was looking at! It was fun!!

So, my friend, thanks to you and Vivian for what you have done and what I am confident our new Editor Al Wrisley will continue to do.

      Just as a quick update, I had some totally unexpected abdominal surgery (non-cancerous) in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida during the latter days of February. I have recovered pretty well and am getting my strength back slowly. June and I are now back in Michigan Citv for the summer

Sometime this summer I hope to get together with John Henderson to whom I offer my sincere condolences on the death of his brother, George, who was a fellow cadet.

Thanks again, Bob, and all good wishes.



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From:  Bill Fuchs ‘48

Thank you so much for all you have done for all of us who attended western.



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From: John B. Boozell ‘42

Got busy with other things.  I think I owe some dues.  Us this for dues and anything else!


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From:  Sylvia Emswiler ‘Wi

I just realized that the subscription to the Alumni Newsletter has run out.  Tom always enjoyed readiug them and although I don’t know many, I would like to keep up with the ’49 class.

You & Vivian have done a marvelous job over the years of putting the newsletter together.  I know everyone appreciates your hard work.

My vry best to you both.



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From: Bob Knewitz ‘51

I just returned from attending the 50th year reunion of the class  of ’51.

Except for gross negligence, I have no ecuse for having allowed my subscription to the WMA Alumni Newsletter to expire.

Please reinstate, and many thanks for your efforts,



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From: Thomas A. Mann ‘51

I was a member of the 1969 graduating class at WMA.  Please include my name and address in any future Newsletters.

3314 East 51st Street, Suite 207K. Tulsa, Oklahoma 74135-3527.  Tel: 918.742.2417 x16,Fax: 918.743.3377. Email: tommy@sandstone1.com.


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