April Conyers - 03/06/00 18:29:33
My Email:AprilFawn@Yahoo.com
Where are you from?: I live in Ipswich, Mass. But I'm from Colorado
How'd you find us?: I'm Kathy Hendrix' Daughter!:)
I am very sorry that I never attended this church while I lived so near to it! Now I really wish I had. I really love this webpage, and I hope to hear from you, Pastor Pete, soon. I enjoyed our conversation so much, and I feel an uncomparable joy in my heart stil over 24 hours later! Your voice and prayer lifted my spirit so! I know that Christ is in my heart and working hard on me every day! Thank-you, Pastor, for giving me new hope to go along with the hope and joy I receive from the Lord Himself. I feel so lucky to have met you, even if not face to face. I urge anyone who has the opportunity to attend the Circles of Love Church to DO IT!!! If you miss the opportunity to will be sorry, as I am. I can't wait to receive tapes from you, Pastor, and I would love to hear from you anytime! God Bless you!
- 11/29/99 17:10:17
- 11/26/99 01:12:43
- 10/16/99 04:52:56
Wayne - 07/25/99 11:16:56
My URL:http://homepage.netspaceonline.com/~wayne/walk3.html
Where are you from?: Kansas usa
Sure injoyed your web page and all the links. You have a great looking page. We have a web page also when you have time stop bye and take a look the address is http://homepage.netspaceonline.com/~wayne if you like want you see tell your friends and al
o we just added a Guest Book so Please sign it thank you.
Just checking in.
Carl - 05/16/99 03:27:36
My URL:http://cedorsey.webjump.com
My Email:cdorsey@startrekmail.com
Where are you from?: IN
How'd you find us?: Invite
The administrator of this site signed my guestbook and was nice enough to invite me to stop by. Nice page. Keep God close to your heart and He will keep His ministry through you strong.
Pastor Thomas Pangan - 05/07/99 03:39:07
My Email:tom.pangan@gte.net
Where are you from?: Colorado Springs, CO
How'd you find us?: Associate Pastor
As a "new kid" on the Internet community (and having access now to a home computer) I finally get to sign in!
God Bless everyone. The time is nearing when we shall be in glory. My prayers are that "WE" all are prepared. Tremendous job on this web page!!!
Mark - 04/06/99 21:16:52
Where are you from?: Colorado Springs
How'd you find us?: bookmarked
Just checking the upcoming events. Sooner or later i will be able to find one that my work will allow me to attend.
Karen Moulton - 03/27/99 21:17:48
My Email:kangel@codenet.net
Where are you from?: colorado springs,CO
Hi Pastor Pete,
I finally found it with Kathy help, she is sitting
next to me right now. Pastor Pete you are the best!
Mark Ford - 02/18/99 01:23:35
My Email:Mford@codenet.net
Where are you from?: Colorado Springs
Checking upcoming events.
I do like this church and the people involved.
Jane Ward - 02/08/99 04:19:43
My Email:ourgang@kktv.com
Where are you from?: Scottsdale, Az
How'd you find us?: a friend told me
Very nice to see this. Hope many many more check it out. Jane
Debbie Murphy - 02/08/99 04:05:18
My Email:wdwmurphy@pcisys.net
Where are you from?: Peyton, CO
How'd you find us?: e-mail fromEbert
It's a beautiful page. I'm glad you wrote your doctrinal statement. I would recommend your church to anyone in town looking for a church. Sorry I missed your birthday Pastor Pete, I read my email after it was over. Hope it was happy!
I tried to email you for Naomi's birthday but it came back. Deb
Debbie Murphy - 02/08/99 04:01:46
My Email:wdwmurphy@pcisys.net
Where are you from?: Peyton, CO
Mark Ford - 02/04/99 23:25:26
My Email:ebert@kktv.com
Where are you from?: Colorado Springs
Just checking upcoming events.
Nice page, well done
Larry M. Bowers - 01/06/99 05:06:01
My Email:larry.bowers@CWIX.COM
Where are you from?: Colorado Springs, CO
How'd you find us?: Thru KKTV.COM Chat Room for Over 50
My Dear Friend, Pete, it is so nice to re-establish a deeper relationship with you, and to learn of your church, location, and radio program.
God will richly bless you in 1999. Love, Larry
Chuck Tadewaldt - 12/13/98 03:21:15
My Email:tade3@aol.com
Where are you from?: Montana/California
How'd you find us?: Email from George Pederson
Attractively done and pleasing to look at and to listen to. Wishing you a VERY joyous Christmas.
Adrien - 11/15/98 21:29:35
My Email:adrien@uscom.com
Where are you from?: Vineland, NJ
How'd you find us?: Just lucky
Real nice site - enjoyed my visit.
Cindi Johnson - 10/14/98 22:03:12
My Email:Cjohnson@KKTV.com
Where are you from?: Jesus domain
How'd you find us?: you
Great job guys.
10/03/98 01:31:55
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Mark Ford - 08/30/98 14:41:42
My Email:mford@codenet.net
Where are you from?: Springs
Just checking the page.
Say hi to everyone for me
Mark Ford - 08/23/98 14:51:47
My Email:mford@codenet.net
Where are you from?: Colorado Springs
I have been working on Sundays. I wish it could be differant. I like your church and will attend when possible
Thomas F. Pangan - 07/02/98 22:15:12
Mark Ford - 06/22/98 02:36:09
My Email:MarkF@kktv.com
Where are you from?: Colorado Springs, CO
How'd you find us?: given address by Pete
I am impressed. This is a very nice website.
nice artwork.
Melody Smith - 06/10/98 16:42:03
Where are you from?: Seatle, WA
How'd you find us?: Browsing the net
May the Love of Jesus fill you all and keep you in His care. Keep up the good work for Jesus. Love the pages. Makes me want to visit you when I come to Colorado.
Mickey G. Quinn - 06/04/98 22:18:55
My URL:http://members.aol.com/hbrm
My Email:hbrm@aol.com
Where are you from?: Campobello, South Carolina
How'd you find us?: A new friend
Dear Friends, I would like to commend you on the great job you have done and are doing here in the wonderful name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. And I would like to encourage you to keep it up for His glory until His soon return. 1 Corinthians 15:5
. We as Christians cannot afford to allow Satan to take over the internet as he has done televisiion and almost every other form of media or else the Gospel of the Lord Jesus will not get out to those who so need it. Yours in His service, Mickey
Phillip Baker - 05/28/98 04:29:16
Where are you from?: Colorado Springs
How'd you find us?: I was told about it from church.
God is good!!
Tony - 05/27/98 01:21:41
Banner surf'n and caught your wave .
Email alligator77002@geocities.com
Visit me @ /Area51/Shire/9166 :)
Bill Cole - 05/20/98 12:02:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/prairie/9364
My Email:bjco@kktv.com
Where are you from?: Colorado Springs
How'd you find us?: With little difficulty
Nice page. A good representation of the church in general. I intend to stop by the church for a visit.
Josh Hendrix - 05/20/98 00:50:39
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~BooJoh/
My Email:BooJoh@kktv.com
Where are you from?: Florissant, Colorado
How'd you find us?: I helped put the page up.
I go to this church and I love it!
"Deacon" Jeff Werner - 05/16/98 01:12:52
My Email:WhizzR@destin.net
Where are you from?: Here and there, but my heart is in Colorado
How'd you find us?: Founding member of Circles of Love Church
Greeting from the south! Sure is good to see the church reaching out onto the web. Don't forget about me down here all by my lonesome - I haven't forgotten about you all! I'd love to hear from you at the above e-mail address. Keep up the Lord's work.<
Mitch Hendrix - 05/14/98 02:15:00
My Email:mhendrix@codenet.net
Where are you from?: Florissant, CO.
How'd you find us?: Reference
Samantha Gagas - 05/14/98 00:40:23
My Email:minihors@coredcs.com
Where are you from?: WI
How'd you find us?: Grandpa
Kathy Hendrix - 05/13/98 23:41:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe
My Email:Nu2me@kktv.com
Where are you from?: Florissant, Colorado
How'd you find us?: I made this!!
I love this church and I love the pastor! And I love the Lord!!!