David Albrecht - 02/10/00 07:07:08
My Email:daverw6@aol.com
How did you find my site?: classmates.com
Your own webpage? Well, that puts you miles ahead of me. I haven't even figured out all the bells & whistles of AOL after 4 years!
I guess your kids are a little young for "Bug Juice" -- it's aimed at 9+. We're working on another series about sports for teens that will also air on Disney Channel.
I'm not due to head East again for a while, but let's think about getting together for a cappucino when next I do!
Paula - 08/14/99 19:19:08
My Email:corgiemom@wizwire
Your Favorite Website: /Heartland/Plains/2208/
Why is that your Favorite Site?: nice variety of quilting topics
How did you find my site?: from the Quiltmaker list
Thank you for sharing your children and home. It is lovely and I'm sure you will enjoy making the way you want it.
Paula - 08/14/99 19:17:48
My Email:corgiemom@wizwire
Your Favorite Website: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/2208/
Why is that your Favorite Site?: nice variety of quilting topics
How did you find my site?: from the Quiltmaker list
Thank you for sharing your children and home. It is lovely and I'm sure you will enjoy making the way you want it.
Jeanie Perna - 07/22/99 21:50:17
My Email:JKP21@webtv.net
Internet Nickname: JKP21
How did you find my site?: I was looking up my last name.
I was looking up my last name and came up with your page. It is nice.
Winnie Surratt - 06/30/99 11:29:12
My Email:wsurratt@csj.net
How did you find my site?: crazyquilters
Amy Doman - 06/28/99 15:05:09
My Email:domana@igg-tx.net
Your Favorite Website: the hamster dance
Why is that your Favorite Site?: it's so hilarious!
How did you find my site?: you wrote to me--thanks!
Nykki - 05/19/99 21:33:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/5099/index.html
My Email:bunnymom3@yahoo.com
Internet Nickname: bunny mom
Your Favorite Website: mine lol
Why is that your Favorite Site?: cause I worked hard on it
How did you find my site?: my guestbook
I enjoyed my visit to your site. You have beautiful little girls there. I'll be talking to ya on 1995 kids.
Nancy - 04/28/99 20:19:04
My Email:nancyegreen@yahoo.com
Internet Nickname: quiltbug
Your Favorite Website: impossible to choose just one
How did you find my site?: your e-mail to QB mailing list
Great site! I especially like the pansies on the home page (I LOVE pansies). Looking forward to seeing some quilt pictures, as well as updates on your gorgeous little girls.
pcollins - 03/16/99 08:50:52
My Email:pcollins@quik.com
Internet Nickname: patty
Your Favorite Website: ?????
Why is that your Favorite Site?: n/a
How did you find my site?: you finnally let me in on it
so happy to finally find your web page. it hasn't been easy for goof ball gram. i'm still trying to come into the 20th century. i'm just so silly. love your web page, and finally have some pictures to show my friends and brag with, tell my girls i plan to
see them this week-end love mom.
Virginia Corriea - 03/12/99 16:43:30
My Email:vikato@webtv.net
Wow, I'm inpressed. How did you ever know to do all this? Your girls are darling. Thanks for sharing. Virginia in CA
Barbara Johannah - 03/07/99 21:52:01
My URL:http://www.purchaseforless.com
My Email:pfl@voltage.net
Your Favorite Website: http://www.purchaseforless.com
Why is that your Favorite Site?: it keeps the bill collector away
How did you find my site?: on a quilting list
You have a great site it was fun visting.
Happy quilting.
Bob - 03/02/99 23:00:43
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ma/romewatch/index.html
My Email:rodon@gis.net
How did you find my site?: From your email
Hi Carol! Nice little page you have here! I see you have had lots of visitors too! And I love your picture! Have a great day!
Bob - 03/02/99 22:53:26
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ma/romewatch/index.html
My Email:rodon@gis.net
How did you find my site?: From your email
Hi Carol! Nice little page you have here! I see you have had lots of visitors too! And I love your picture! Have a great day!
Lillian Hiscock - 12/12/98 14:48:37
My Email:lilyhh@mediaone.net
Internet Nickname: Lily
How did you find my site?: On your homepage
Hello Carol,
I have lived in Burlington for 36 years. Hope you enjoy living here. Your home is lovely and a great place to raise your lovely girls.
Susan Newsom - 12/08/98 15:46:26
My Email:senewsom@hotmail.com
How did you find my site?: From the Quilter's Web Digest
You have a nice web site. It is easy to get around in and easy to read--backgrounds don't overpower the text.
I like the way you have your links to other sites by categories.
I didn't list a favorite site because there are too many that I really like. Some are quilting related, some computer related and some are music related.
I am new to the quiltlist and haven't introduced myself yet.
Jeanne Glenfield - 11/20/98 00:29:27
My Email:jgquilter@aol.com
Internet Nickname: none
Your Favorite Website: impossible to chose
How did you find my site?: Applique Email
Hello Carol,
another quilter from Mass. - soon to be Burlington - I'm in Pepperell (the boonies)
Did you get to A Quilters' Gathering ?
Your name sounded familiar.
Good luck with your move - Burlington had a very active quilt guild.
Jerry - 10/07/98 13:55:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/4504
My Email:forgetful@hotmail.com
Internet Nickname: 4getful
Hi. I am your neighbor at 4504. I am just checking out the neighbor's homepages. I really like your site a lot. My mother-in-law does quilting and I see it as tedious work and very rewarding. I wish you well in your quilting and your family. Please stop b
my page if you have time.
10/03/98 01:31:31
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Nancy Bunt - 09/03/98 01:09:46
My Email:nbunt@glenwoodcs.com
Internet Nickname: Iowarose
Your Favorite Website: I have several!!!
How did you find my site?: got a clue from your E-mail
Carol your little darlings look like thier Mother the lucky little dears!! I really enjoyed your site and am so glad you let me know about it!!
Kathy Horrigan - 07/11/98 00:13:08
My Email:bokamibr@MSN.com
How did you find my site?: awesome
Great job. I am very impressed with your web page. How did you learn how to do it? Do you have a scanner for the pictures? I am also impressed with the number of people who have visited your site.
Angel B. - 07/10/98 02:33:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/9844/
My Email:angel1@home.net
Your Favorite Website: Have too Many!!
How did you find my site?: through another guestbook
Hi--you have a nice site. I'm so glad to find a quilter's group here in Geocities. I'll check it out more thoroughly. Come see my site and be sure and see the photos from the AQS show in Paducah! Take care!
Sharon - 07/03/98 01:21:18
My Email:momm@bellatlantic.net
Internet Nickname: Momm1
Hi Carol, Just wanted you to know i came to visit wa surpised you had a web page i didn't know that .. The girls are cute i think Peggy's going to look like you.. I was more surprised to find myself on your page your too sweet! I am honored to be on the l
st of your friends ! Thanks Hugs..Sharon
Kara Townsend - 06/28/98 04:02:08
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com
Hi! I saw your site and thought it was great. I know how difficult it is to keep a quality site. Good Job! Let me know if you want to exchange links :)
Annie E - 06/14/98 17:12:04
My Email:annie63@conc.tdsnet.com
Internet Nickname: LittleMom
Your Favorite Website: crazyquilters
Why is that your Favorite Site?: I love the people and swaps!
How did you find my site?: from your email
Hi Dear Carol,
I loved the pics of the girls and you. Thank you so much for being my friend!!! You're so special. Hugs, Annie
Nanette Willis - 06/08/98 20:25:46
My Email:ruggerquilts@hotmail.com
Internet Nickname: Lily2
Hi Quiltmom,
What a pretty dress...you look so beautiful! Your girls are so cute!
Great seeing you, will mail pics soon.
Love Ya
Cindy - 06/01/98 14:57:30
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~cindy_anne/index.html
My Email:grenslde@nbnet.nb.ca
Internet Nickname: AnneQLTS
Your Favorite Website: Mining company
Why is that your Favorite Site?: A lot of quilting stuff there
How did you find my site?: surfed on from Beth's
Carol,Love the pics of your girls.They are just sweet and so are you.
laura collins - 05/01/98 19:15:02
My Email:laura@w3z.com
How did you find my site?: you told me
cathy - 05/01/98 16:02:13
My Email:mamasan@ptd.net
Internet Nickname: catstoy
Your Favorite Website: mplayer.com
Why is that your Favorite Site?: Play Hearts with real people
How did you find my site?: you told me about it!
I don't know, Quiltmom - the pictures of those two little girls look very familiar!! I think I've got you!!
Scrappy-Can (Carol) - 04/30/98 19:22:58
My Email:jccrane@sympatico.ca
Internet Nickname: Scrappy-Can
Your Favorite Website: Crazyquilter's
Why is that your Favorite Site?: lots of swaps
How did you find my site?: through #crazyquilter's on dalnet
Your web page is GREAT!!! Now, if only I can get one finished!! (OK - STARTED!!) Can't wait to see that sampler I keep hearin about! Chat with you soon!
Kristine - 04/29/98 17:06:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/1074/
My Email:kchristensen@sprint.ca
Internet Nickname: Willo^
Your Favorite Website: Crazyquilters Homepage
Why is that your Favorite Site?: Cause I am loyal to my home!
How did you find my site?: You emailed me and told me..lol.
Loved your pages, fun isn't it! Thanks for the link...
Brenda Neily - 04/28/98 14:57:13
My Email:crnberry@ici.net
Great work, Carol. Loved linking to others on #CrazyQuilters
Hugs, Brenda
Edwina McMaster - 04/27/98 22:43:10
My Email:megan@interlog.com
Internet Nickname: Mitts
Your Favorite Website: Crazyquilters and related Crazyquilters Home Pages
Why is that your Favorite Site?: Because all my new quilting friends are here
How did you find my site?: You Told me and I love it
I love your angels - they are so beautiful! They deserve to be put into a memory quilt to keep that angleic look forever.
You have a very quilty neat site.
Mary Frances Wasson - 04/26/98 15:20:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/6868/
My Email:bilwas@intertex.net
Internet Nickname: maryfrances
Your Favorite Website: http://greatertuna.com and CrazyQuilters on DalNet
Why is that your Favorite Site?: Because I love the characters and this site has "Tex" appeal.
How did you find my site?: You told me about it!!!!!
Love your site. You did an excellent job...makes me want to start all over again. Would love to see your quilting projects as well. :+)
Edwina McMaster - 04/26/98 00:34:46
My Email:megan@interlog.com
Internet Nickname: Mitts
Your Favorite Website: Crazyquilters
Why is that your Favorite Site?: Cause all my friends are there
How did you find my site?: Carol - you told me about it its GREAT
Nancy Howe - 04/24/98 17:21:52
My Email:nanrich@uninets.net
Internet Nickname: nanrich
How did you find my site?: you told me about it
Had to stop in and check out your page. Maybe I will get one set up soon and you can visit mine.
Jann Kenny - 04/23/98 22:24:20
My URL:http://geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/2776
My Email:QLTGCRZYRN@aol.com
Internet Nickname: QLTGCRZYRN
Your Favorite Website: Crazyquilters
Why is that your Favorite Site?: Love to talk about quilting
How did you find my site?: From you!!
Good Start Carol - contact my CP and she will help you - Looking forward to a picture of your quilt(s) !!
YourCrazyPal - 04/22/98 20:54:19
My Email:ilovequilts@mailcity.com
Internet Nickname: ??????
Your Favorite Website: Crazyquilters
Why is that your Favorite Site?: You are there!!!
How did you find my site?: Your email to me!
The site is looking good carol! The girls are so cute!!!! I'll be watching it more and more and see how good you are making it. I miss you!
nono Nanette - 04/22/98 02:45:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/flats/7215
My Email:nono@mail.airmail.net
Internet Nickname: NONO
Your Favorite Website: any quilting...
How did you find my site?: from wacks homepage
hey girl..your two girls are soooo cute....
i sure miss those days when paige was adorable...
and carol????where are the quilts????hummmmmmm???
when i come back...i wanna see some!!!
Betty - 04/22/98 00:42:48
My Email:betyd@auracom.com
Internet Nickname: sewNsew
What a beautiful picture! Love your site - how'd you get so smart???????
Annie - 04/20/98 03:17:05
My Email:aroberts@iinet.com
Internet Nickname: Buttonannie
Your Favorite Website: Crazyquilters
Why is that your Favorite Site?: www.Longaberger.com
How did you find my site?: You told me about it!
Hi Carol,
Great start!!! You are beautiful! So nice to put a face with sweet friends! Keep up the good work and I will keep checking to see how you are doing. I'm impressed so far!
Hugs, Annie
jackie koenig - 04/20/98 03:03:16
My Email:koenig@powerweb.net
Internet Nickname: Wack111
Your Favorite Website: CRAZYQUILTERS
Why is that your Favorite Site?: Because it's the GREATEST
How did you find my site?: well......you told me about it. lol
Will return to check it out again!!
Carol Perna - 04/20/98 02:55:50
My URL:http://www.goecities.com/Heartland/Flats/4501/index1.html
My Email:perna@mediaone.net
Internet Nickname: Quiltmom
Your Favorite Website: http://www.ici.net/customers/quilter/cq.htm
Why is that your Favorite Site?: cuz there are great swaps there
How did you find my site?: I built it.. lol
just testing my guestbook