Hello and welcome to Matthew's page. Please let me know what you think of his page, and leave any comments you might have. Thanks!

krissy - 12/17/00 02:43:55
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: yes
Child's name/birth/death date: devonte
City/State/Country: manchester nh
MY name is krissy I lost my son Devonte to sids 5 months ago he was three months old I like all the web sites of all the babies It is a place for them to be remembered forever. sorry for your loss I know how you feel hopefully someday they will find a cure or a cause. goodluck. thanks krissy

Stacey - 12/05/00 01:18:32
My Email:brainz@vnet.net
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: no
Your baby is nery beautiful. I can only image how hard it is for you. You are in my prayers!! With all my love and support. Stacey

jennifer mcclendon - 09/14/00 03:10:20
My Email:jen029@webtv.net
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: yes
Child's name/birth/death date: damon mcclendon/11-01-96/01-15-97
City/State/Country: gainesville,fl,u.s.a.
i know your loss. it's a terrible feeling.i loved my damon with all my heart.but, i do not regret any of the time that i was blessed to have him with me. my ove will never fade and neiter will my memories. god bless.

Christie Colley - 08/03/00 14:40:00
My Email:christie.colley@uroplasty.com
Hi Melissa! I was just checking your boys's sites - I like to do that from time to time. My computer at home crashed losing all my email address - will you send me your's again at the above address? I hope you are getting settled in your new house and oing o.k.. God bless you! Take care!

Mounty Amiithist - 06/23/00 19:38:32
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/cherubs2/DSHERIFF/saw.html
My Email:amiithist@yahoo.com
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: yes
Child's name/birth/death date: Michael Allen 3/31/97 - 6/12/97
I would like to invite you to check out the Cherub Champions...a web competition team..Just click on the join graphic..

Nicole Rix - 04/28/00 13:01:22
My Email:Hardhit12@aol.com
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: no
City/State/Country: Brockton, Ma
I have just read your story, I wanted to tell you that I am sorry for your loss. I was online reasearching SIDS for a college report when I came across your sons' name and story. Ironically it is the anniversary of his departure. Your story touched me dee ly, the death of a child is very difficult for all involved. Stay strong and always cherish the time that you were given with Matthew, because they were some of the greatest moments of your life. God bless...

Shannon Thomas - 04/14/00 17:41:43
My Email:oceanbreeze@execulink.com
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: No
I read your story because I am a mother of a 7 month old boy and am terrified of putting him in a crib. My husband's co-worker just lost a baby to crib death as well as my cousin. I have the angelcare monitors, but am still afraid. I wanted to learn more about SIDS. I think your web page is wonderful and I am terribly sorry for your loss. I could not imagine what yous must have gone though and I imagine still are.

Jennifer - 04/05/00 07:19:42
My Email:jgoff1@midsouth.rr.com
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: NO
Child's name/birth/death date: Zachary 02/25/2000
City/State/Country: Memphis, TN
Your beautiful Matthew reminds me of my 5 week old baby boy Zachary. I hope to never have to go thru what you did. My heart goes out to you and your family.

mishelle bull - 04/04/00 16:31:05
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: no but my auntie did that is so very sad i still feel sad till this day have a happy life in heaven mattew
Child's name/birth/death date: karter allen good janurary 15,1999-march ,4,1999
City/State/Country: salem,orgen,usa
i think that was very sad what happend to your child and it was sad when it happend to my aunties child the babies death still up sets us sometimes we are very hurt by his death.love mishelle bull.

mishelle bull - 04/04/00 16:30:26
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: no but my auntie did that is so very sad i still feel sad till this day have a happy life in heaven mattew
Child's name/birth/death date: karter allen good janurary 15,1999-march ,4,1999
City/State/Country: salem,orgen,usa
i think that was very sad what happend to your child and it was sad when it happend to my aunties child the babies death still up sets us sometimes we are very hurt by his death.love mishelle bull.

mishelle bull - 04/04/00 16:27:59
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: no but my auntie did that is so very sad i still feel sad till this day have a happy life in heaven mattew
Child's name/birth/death date: karter allen good janurary 15,1999-march ,4,1999
City/State/Country: salem,orgen,usa

mishelle bull - 04/04/00 16:27:12
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: no but my auntie did that is so very sad i still feel sad till this day have a happy life in heaven mattew
Child's name/birth/death date: karter allen good janurary 15,1999-march ,4,1999

mishelle bull - 04/04/00 16:26:00
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: no but my auntie did that is so very sad i still feel sad till this day have a happy life in heaven mattew
Child's name/birth/death date: karter allen good

mishelle bull - 04/04/00 16:22:46

Ethel Smith - 03/28/00 15:51:17
the page is very touching. the letter from heaven brought tears to my eyes. I did not get a chance to finish reading it but I will. your new friend Ethel Smith

Jason A. Davis, Sr - 03/24/00 01:00:16
My Email:don't have computer
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: yes
Child's name/birth/death date: Jason A. Davis, Jr 8/29/99-9/12/99
City/State/Country: Levittown, Pa USA

Jason A. Davis, Sr. - 03/24/00 00:57:49
My Email:don't have computer

Jerry - 03/21/00 19:01:57
My Email:Prettyboy645@yahoo
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: No
City/State/Country: Denison Tx
I'm doing my senior research paper over SIDS and I happened to run across your page, its really sweet. Dont put your head down God knows what he's doing

Isaac Reyes - 03/17/00 00:55:01
My Email:El_LOCO_24@yahoo.com
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: My cousin lost her child
Child's name/birth/death date: Micheal Delario Hicks he was born August 99 died Feburary 2000 29
City/State/Country: Midland ,Texas United States
I don't know what the feeling is when you lose some you love especially a young child or new born but i am so sorry and realy don't know what to tell you. My cousins baby was 7mns and he died in his crib too. She was pretty shocked and she didn't know why My uncle which is my moms brother and the baby's Grandfather was also shocked he said he had bearly seen him a night before but god wanted him and he took him. My cousin walked in at 5.a.m. to check on him because he would wake up at that time hungry and she didn't hear him crying or anything and when she checked on him he was dead. She says his cover was wrapped around his neck real tight. She called the ambulance and they tried cpr on him but it was too late. Her husband left to work though having a wei d feeling he thaught of checking on him before he took off to work but he was running late. He says that if he would of checked on him he probably would of saved him. Well i got to go and hopefully you get my letter soon and answer back. And Godbless you nd your family.

Angie - 03/15/00 18:02:28
My Email:Allangie16
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: no, but i did lose a nephew on March 9,2000
Child's name/birth/death date: Bradley/1-24/3-9
City/State/Country: Mt.Vernon Kentucky
We are very sorry and we know what you are going through you will be in our thoughts and prayers God bless you angie

Ashlyn and Kelly - 03/13/00 14:41:07
My Email:pansies33@juno.com
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: no
Child's name/birth/death date: no
City/State/Country: Florida
I am so sorry about Matt! We are doing a project on SIDS and are glad to put your son's name and poem in it. Thanik you!

Monique Tremblay - 03/05/00 04:21:14
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: no my sister did
Child's name/birth/death date: Sage cuff
City/State/Country: Ottawa,ON
Matthews was a beautiful baby. My sister lost her baby on New years day this year 2000. at the age of 3 and a half months. Miss you Sage loveAuntie nickie

sunil - 03/04/00 18:59:13
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/XplicitAudio
My Email:sunil@linkline.com
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: no
Well im a student researching about SIDS for a class of mine.. im only a senior in high school.. some how i waz brought to your page.. and i dont sign guestbooks very often, but i wanted to let u know that even thou u dont kno me and i dont know you..that you n your family are in my thoughts.. well take care and live life to the fullest..

bryan harris - 02/29/00 18:15:53
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: no sorry
i'm very sorry your baby is cute

Paul Cusick - 02/25/00 18:03:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/pcusick3
My Email:pcusick3@yahoo.com
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: no
City/State/Country: Boston, MA
I stumbled across this page while searching under our last name. The story of Matthew really touched me. I have a brother named Matthew William Cusick. I just wanted to let you know my prayers are with your family. God Bless.

Kayla - 02/17/00 02:34:47
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: he wasn't my child but I did love him with all my heart.
Child's name/birth/death date: Colton Schuch/11-30-94 to 4-17-95
City/State/Country: Janesville, MN
My prayers are with your family.

Wendy - 02/10/00 03:19:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/wini1313/
My Email:wini1313@aol.com
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: Yes
Child's name/birth/death date: Jacob / 7-2-96 / 9-16-96
City/State/Country: Decatur, IL USA
BEAUTIFUL BABY! Love your page!

Angie Watkins - 02/01/00 19:59:12
My Email:watkins.angie@worldnet.att.net
City/State/Country: Sioux Falls, SD
Hi Melissa - Just checking Matthew's page after reviewing Ben's. Youv'e done a super job! I am always amazed at your strength and ability to give back, to your family, to yourself, and to others. God has blessed you and you most certainly are a blessin to many. Take care.

Hazel M. Cummings - 01/11/00 03:15:33
My Email:jrc@americalnetzero.net
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: yes-Grandson
Child's name/birth/death date: Gage Thomas England 8-2-99 to 10-7-99
City/State/Country: Grand Island, Ne 68801

Hazel M. Cummings - 01/11/00 03:15:04
My Email:jrc@americalnetzero.net
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: yes-Grandson
Child's name/birth/death date: Gage Thomas England 8-2-99 to 10-7-99
City/State/Country: Grand Island, Ne 68801

katherine - 12/17/99 18:20:15
My Email:feuerrader74
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: no
I am only 16 and, not even thinking of having a child for years to come, but, this syndrome has questioned me for so long! I just want to tell you that I am very sorry for your sons death! he was a cute baby!

Bonnie Calder - 11/17/99 20:01:51
My Email:sky_kisses@cheerful.com
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: No
I saw your beautiful baby boy, my prayers are with you and your family. This page is very heartwarming and touching, and I believe you would have a lot of courage to do this.

Maggie - 11/05/99 18:03:34
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: no
City/State/Country: Alexander City, AL
Great page! It made me cry reading the poems and looking at the pictures!

Haley - 11/05/99 03:11:16
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: no
City/State/Country: Alexander City, Al

Devie Howell - 10/19/99 01:37:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/devie5
My Email:dnm1992@earthlink.net
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: no but have lost 2 one to leukemia and one stillborn
Child's name/birth/death date: Amberleigh May 4,93 - July 11,93 and Cory Michael sb July 22,98
City/State/Country: Ft.Benning,GA. 31905
Your page is great. Thanx for coming to mine and signing my guestbook. Our little angels are above playing together :-)

Lamantha - 10/14/99 02:44:00
My URL:LlRichardson2@cs.com
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: no
Very beautiful.

Julee - 10/09/99 13:20:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Trail/5955/
My Email:juleeoakley@eurobell.co.uk
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: YES
Child's name/birth/death date: Adam 1984
City/State/Country: Plymouth U.K
Please visit the site, the cause of SIDS has been discovered and now something can be done to prevent it.

KATHRINE STEFFLER - 09/22/99 18:52:12
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: YES IN 1995
Child's name/birth/death date: KARA KATHERINE RIDEOUT B:01/03/95 D:07/25/95

Joelle Fasnacht - 09/21/99 21:31:51
My Email:dafjaf@epix.net
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: yes
Child's name/birth/death date: ALex Elizabeth Victoria Edwards / August 15-August16
City/State/Country: millerburg Pa 17061
I am doing a project on SIDS and that I am very sorry for your loss my I am sure that god is taking care of mathew and whating over every move that he makes . But, if you have any facts or infofor me please contact me .

Jean - 09/21/99 01:54:17
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx2/angelbecca/
My Email:angel_mommy_1999@yahoo.com
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: Yes
Child's name/birth/death date: Rebecca "Beccca" Christen S. 10-16-98 through 1-1-99
City/State/Country: tn usa
A beautiful page. I loved the whole site. I hope you'll stop in and see BECCA's page. She is our beloved SIDS angel Thank you for sharing your angels with all of us. Jean Mommy to REBECCA "BECCA" CHRISTEN S October 16, 1998 through January 1, 1999

Christina - 09/19/99 20:37:20
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com\ct2\sids\index.html
My Email:bizkit24@yahoo.com
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: no
City/State/Country: Cromwell, CT\ USA
My heart and soul goes out to you. I myself have never lost a child becuase i am only 15 years of age, but i am continued supporter of a cure for SIDS.

Jeni Kircher - 09/15/99 21:03:39
My Email:jeni_kircher
City/State/Country: St. Cloud, MN
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. This is a beautiful tribute to your son. I lost my only nephew, Zachary Christopher Notermann-Kircher, to SIDS on August 11, 1999. There are no words that can take away the pain, but knowing that ot ers care does help.

Susan Madison - 09/13/99 07:55:21
My Email:jsjmamadison
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: No, Miscarrige
Child's name/birth/death date: 4-5 weeks pregnant
City/State/Country: Minneapolis, Mn USA
I cried, sobbed and smiled my way through that poem. I read it a second time thinking I could make it through with a dry eye, wrong!!!:) Bless your little Guardian Angel. I would also like to leave a message for Nicole. Hello Nicole. I ay you in the pictures with your little brother Matthew. I bet mom and dad love all you help. Only a big sister knows just what to do huh? Nicole. NICOLE. NicOLe. NiCoLe. Isn't it neat to see your name different ways on the screen! :) Next time you s e a tulip, blow a kiss towards Heaven for me.

Jackie - 09/12/99 20:31:33
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ks/IsaacMax/enter.html
My Email:j_l_n_j@yahoo.com
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: yes
Child's name/birth/death date: Isaac Max Benton Morgan ~ February 5th, 1998 to May 17th, 1998
City/State/Country: Kansas
You website is beautiful...Thank you for sharing your beautiful family with me. Sending Love & Prayers, Jackie

Debbie Graf - 09/07/99 15:03:08
My Email:debbie_graf@allianzlife.com
I finally linked to this one from Ben's. What a wonderful tribute!

Sharon - 09/02/99 07:00:28
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ak/mycherub/index.html
My Email:angle@alaska.net
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: CHD (TGA)
Child's name/birth/death date: Taylor Ryan 4/10-4/11/97
City/State/Country: Petersburg AK
Thank you for visiting my baby's site... I'm sorry that you have lost a little one also:( He was a beautiful child. Very sweet~ as are your other children. I tried reading Matthew's story but the url wasn't working:( Take care, my thoughts & prayers a e with you all. hugs, sk ^i^ mom to Timmy 5 (VSD repaired), Taylor 4/10-4/11/97, Mandy 23, Rob 14 & Kasey 12

selina jimenez - 09/02/99 03:07:47
My URL:http://sites.netscape.net/meem208/homepage
My Email:selinajimenez@hotmail.com
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: no
Child's name/birth/death date: Baby Richie 2/28/98 HLHS
City/State/Country: Keansburg N.J. 07734
First of all let me say I am so sorry for the loss of your son. I can not begin to imagine your feelings. I have 2 HH children and Baby Richie who was born with HLHS. You must be a very strong and wonderful person. Much Love to you and yours and you will be in my prayers. Selina Mom to Caitlin 12, Chris 11 and Baby Richie 18 months HLHS If you get a chance please contact me.

Kimmy Smith - 06/05/99 15:58:34
My URL:/~kimmy322/
My Email:kimmy322@yahoo.com
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: Yes,
Child's name/birth/death date: Megan Leight 10-14-89---12-15-89
City/State/Country: Lake Charles, LA
I am a SIDS parent and hope that this ribbon I have created can be used on sites to raise SIDS awareness. Great Page. Thanks for sharing

Visit Kimmy

Sharyle Roberts - 04/01/99 03:13:18
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/pp/sharyle/myboys.html
My Email:sharyle.roberts@gte.net
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: yes
Child's name/birth/death date: Micheal Allen/111982/031383
City/State/Country: Los Angeles/CA/USA
I love you site for Matthew. I have but one picture of my Angel baby, but I can still see him everytime I look at his newest baby brother.

Michelle - 03/10/99 04:34:41
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members6/bbrown70/page3.html
My Email:bbrown@sonetcom.com
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: NO
City/State/Country: Elgin,OK
What a beautiful little boy. You have really done something here. You should be proud of yourselves. Your children are lucky to have such caring parents. I know Matthew is proud of you. Matthew lives on through you. I am so sorry for your loss. God bless.

jan and baby christopher - 03/03/99 15:33:22
My Email:ailfa@m.web.co.za
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: no stillbirth
Child's name/birth/death date: Robyn 1st March 1997
City/State/Country: capetown S.A

Brenda - 03/02/99 07:50:27
My Email:brenda2@tampabay.rr.com
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: No- VATER syndrome
Child's name/birth/death date: Matthew Michael Mashburn December 30-31,1998
City/State/Country: Tampa, FL USA
Your page is beautiful and a wonderful tribute. My Matthew became an angel 12/31/98. In my 14th week of pregnancy he was diagnosed with a fatal birth defect. I decided I would cherish every moment I had with him, including in utero. His gift to me wa to allow his father and me to hold him as he died.

Dave & Connie Finley - 02/18/99 23:09:46
My Email:dfinley@nvc.net
Dear John & Melissa, I have been trying since Sunday to sign this guest book! Rookie computer user!!! This is such a wonderful tribute to little Matthew. You have such a knack for putting into words the feelings we all feel. I will always remember hol ing little Matthew, and am so grateful that I got the chance!! He will always be missed. Tell everyone hi from all of us here! Love, Dave, Connie & Kids

Kasey Woodley - 01/31/99 06:15:55
Child's name/birth/death date: 4-99
City/State/Country: Dyersburg, TN,

Barbara Morgan - 01/22/99 01:15:27
My Email:dbegmorgan@mediaone.com
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: yes
Child's name/birth/death date: dob: 10/14/84 dod: 1/21/85
City/State/Country: Concord, NH
Today is the fourteenth aniversary of the death of my son Ryan David Morgan. He lived to be just 3 months old. Like your Matthew, he was our angel. A very wise old woman told me when he died "you are lucky to have had him for three months. Some people ever meet an ange. You gave birth to him and got to hold him for three months before God called him home". That's the way I like to think of it. Yours truly, Barbara Morgan

shannon cheatwood - 10/28/98 04:37:23
My Email:shanoot@webtv.com
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: no,to HLHS
Child's name/birth/death date: Matthew Edward
City/State/Country: clinton,tn usa
My Matthew was born on Oct.7. We new he had heart problems but they didnt think it was HLHS. Matthews heart was very weak. He passed away on Oct. 8. He was my first child. I never realized I could love someone so much. Im not worried about Matthew. Hes an angel with God now. But Ill always love him and ill always be Matthews mommy. Everything has happened so quick, I'm sure it all hasn't hit me yet. Right now, I'm just trying to find comfort in the fact hat he is in heaven.I thank God for him. Eve though I hd him for only a day, my heart has him forever..... Shannon Cheatwood

10/03/98 01:31:16
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Lori & Bob - 09/15/98 20:41:49
My Email:Destybrea
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: No, thank God
How hard for you to lose one child then to have one with HLHS.Our thoughts & prayers will be with you.

Angela :-) - 09/02/98 02:38:41
My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/Angel52498
My Email:Stargiiter@aol.com
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: no
City/State/Country: Dallas, TX
I am 15, I'm doing a report on Congenital heart diseases. I found your websites for your sons, I'm very sorry for your loss. Ben and Matthew will be in my prayers. good luck with your daughter and her *teen* years! :-) Love always, Angela

Angela :-) - 09/02/98 02:35:45
My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/Angel52498
My Email:Stargiiter@aol.com
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: no, i am only 15. I'm doing a report on Genital

Jamie - 08/03/98 15:20:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/7182/michaelsmemories.html
My Email:amber23@mailexcite.com
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: no, lost son to hand, foot, mouth virus
Child's name/birth/death date: Michael Andrew Born:7-15-92 Died:8-4-92
City/State/Country: Wisconsin, USA
I am so sorry you lost your precious little boy Matthew he was beautiful. Than to go through the horrible experiences you did with Ben. I am so glad this story has a happy ending, you deserve it. Ben is absolutely adorable! Are things going okay with him ow? Will he need any more surgeries? God bless, Jamie

K. Reilly - 07/21/98 23:53:10
My Email:misskaha@yahoo.com
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: no
Your tribute to your son is beautiful. I work with families and babies who have HLHS and also with those who have lost children to SIDS. I came across your web page by accident while researching HLHS and was touched by your poignant tribute. God bless you all!

Lisa Thiessen - 07/16/98 05:53:10
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ab/DerekAlansPage
My Email:kered@telusplanet.net
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: no - my son was born still
Child's name/birth/death date: Derek Alan Thiessen - born still March 10, 1998
City/State/Country: Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
I am so very sorry to read about the loss of your angel Matt - you have created a beautiful site to remember him and share his life with the world.

Nancy - 07/12/98 03:39:11
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Nlbneb/tshura.html
My Email:Nlbneb@aol.com
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: No
City/State/Country: nebraska
Than is no greater loss than the loss of a child. You have done a wonderful job on your memorial page. My page is a memorial page for my grand daughter, Tshura

Kathy Cusick - 07/03/98 14:40:33
My Email:Sunlor@aol.com
Beautiful!!!! Love Aunt Kathy

nancy - 07/03/98 02:48:06
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Nlbneb/tshura.html
My Email:Nlbneb@aol.com
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: no
City/State/Country: Nebraska
Although I have not lost a child to SIDS, my site is also in the Heaven's Angel Babies because my grand daughter recently died of Gram Negative Sepsis. There is nothing worse than the loss of a child. I am so sorry that we had to met this way and I am s rry for your loss.

nancy - 07/03/98 02:47:00
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Nlbneb/tshura.html
My Email:Nlbneb@aol.com
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: no
City/State/Country: Nebraska
Although I have not lost a child to SIDS, my site is also in the Heaven's Angel Babies because my grand daughter recently died of Gram Negative Sepsis. There is nothing worse than the loss of a child. I am so sorry that we had to met this way and I am s rry for your loss.

Denise - 07/03/98 00:05:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/9572
My Email:wd_wong@hotmail.com
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: no
City/State/Country: NB Canada
Your page looks beautiful.Your son truly was an angel.What a beautiful child.a friend lost her infant son last year and this was one of here favorite poems.
Little Angels
When God calls little children to dwell with him above, We mortals sometimes question the wisdom of His love. For no heartache compares with the death of one small child, Who does so much to make our world seem wonderful and mild. Perhaps God tires of calling the aged to his fold, So He picks a rosebud, before it can grow old. God knows how much we need them, and so He takes but a few To make the land of heaven more beautiful to view. Believing this is difficult still somehow we must try, The saddest word mankind knows will always be "Goodbye." So when a little child departs, we who are left behind Must realize God loves children, angels are hard to find.

Laura/Birdd - 07/01/98 13:35:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/1343
My Email:laurabirdd@hotmail.com
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: yes
Child's name/birth/death date: Robby-11/10/87-02/12/88
City/State/Country: Columbus Ohio
Thank you for visiting my page and leaving your URL. Your memorial to Matthew is beautiful! Thank you for sharing his memory with me :-)

James - 06/27/98 03:55:26
Have you lost a child to SIDS?: NO
Nice site. May God be with you.

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