Welcome to the Knights of Columbus council 5436 Guest Book. We are interested in hearing a little about you.

Paul Willer - 09/15/00 22:32:04
My URL:/willer2
My Email:willer2@slic.com

My name is Paul Willer and have been working on a very ambitious directory that I call "Knights of Columbus Directory & Links" located at http://www.geocities.com/willer2 This is a simple directory that was meant to help the average Internet user looking for Knights of Columbus links to be able to find them a lot simpler. Please stop by and visit. If you should decide to link to my site, I e-mail you my logo, which you could link directly to my page. Thank-you for taking a look, and any suggestions would be appreciated

Michel Sauve - 11/07/99 17:44:18
My URL:http://rogersauve.com
My Email:sauve@sympatico.ca
Address: 6546-St-Hubert,Montreal ,Qc.Canada
Parish: St-Edouard

Roger Sauve Inc.K of C link update request. Roger Sauve Inc.are the official distributor of Knights of Columbus in Canada since 1955,and we serve many members in U.S.A. Thank you for the link to our K of C web page.Since we now have our own Domaine name,our web page address has changed.I am sending you this update so taht users linking to our page fron your site get the correct link. Please update your web link to our new permanent address. http://rogersauve.com Thank you Michel Sauve Vivat jesus

Mike Vande Wiel - 12/29/98 00:04:41
My Email:priests@priest.com
Address: Pembroke, ON, Canada

Please add your e-mail address to your page for those who wish to get in touch with you. You have a few links on your site to some of our sites and we are changing providers. Please contact me for updated links. Mike Vande Wiel Priests for Life, Canada priests@priest.com

10/03/98 01:31:10
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

steve - 09/21/98 16:24:49

This is a test

- 04/03/98 20:27:38


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