You have found my home page (not that it was hidden) and now you would expect that I might tell you a little bit about myself.


I guess I should start by telling you that I am a born again believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and would like to hear that others have become believers as well. If you want to go to heaven and want to know how to get there you can find out, simply click here and I would be glad to tell you all about how to get there.


Being a born again believer I have tried to show my belief in every area of life. Now I am a helpdesk technician for a living so obviously I do not get a lot of opportunity to tell people about Christ at my place of work (though I do slip in a good word about my Lord when I see the opportunity) so I try to talk about Jesus at other times as much as possible. I also do side work on computers, I work under than name CompuDoc Click on the name CompuDoc to see my web site for working on computers and photo repairs.


One of my hobbies is acting, since I want to glorify my Lord most of my acting is straight from the Bible. I have an acting page with pictures of various parts I have played, my personal testimony and some headshots of different looks I have taken to show how I can change my appearance, please visit my acting page.


Well the other thing I am most deeply involved in would be my family, I try not to talk too much about my family on the web and certainly would not tell anyone where to find me when I have pics of my family on the web but I do like to show off my kids and my talent for refurbishing and editing pictures. I took a picture of my kids and placed them into another background because I thought they would look good in the era that I placed them in, so click here to see my kids.


I also dabble a little bit in web page creation, I created the pages that this site links to, I also made apage for my resume, it is at the college and I am not posting a link here to it.


Talk to you some other time, oh yea, you can e-mail me at


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