Welcome to my Guestbook!

Dave ODonnell - 02/12/00 18:10:15
My Email:dro@lineone.net

Really great looking children, and also, great looking mum.I am a single dad from London, U.K., e-mail me and I will send pics of my two boy's, Harry & George. Best wishes, Dave.

Marylyn King - 01/04/00 21:33:19
My Email:mking@visualnetworks.com

They're precious. And you look like a very happy mom!

Eric - 12/14/99 23:25:18
My Email:enash@cmsoptions.com

Just dropped in on a whim; the twins look fantastic! Best wishes to you all from San Ramon.

Suzy - 11/10/99 01:09:26

They just get cuter and cuter! Great pix. Thanks for sending them. Josh is here and says Hi. I am going to get a chance to see my grandson Rigel, 5 1/2, Pookie and Jan are bring him back for a few days from NYC where they have been visiting Ray. Am really jazzed. Love, Suzy

mom - 11/04/99 13:04:08
My Email:brummler@mediaone.net

They're GREAT!

Chris Jackson - 08/11/99 19:55:18
My Email:jackson@ctron.com

As beautiful as their mother, and very fortunate to have someone like you as their mother. If they have your heart, your smarts along with your love they will be rich beyond their dreams……of course they will have to turn 30 before they realize all of this Chris

Grandpa John & Nana'chele - 06/05/99 06:15:45
My Email:jhowarth@pacbell.net

Beautiful children. Proud grandparents out here in California.

Marylyn King - 04/13/99 19:40:49
My Email:mking@visualnetworks.com

Love 'em!

Jane Current - 03/31/99 15:43:22
My Email:jcurrent@aol.com

Hi Sarah! Hi kids! Talk with you soon. - Jane

Chris Brame - 03/27/99 03:48:11
My Email:brame@ibm.net

Great web page. Thanks for sharing it with the SMC group. Great looking kids! Congratulations

Susan - 03/27/99 00:44:11
My URL:/wellesley/9204/mom.html
My Email:sugebu@gte.net

Hi! Was wondering if you'd like to join the "new" ring I created for alternative motherhood. Love your photos! -Susan SMC, Tryer

Susan Draper - 03/26/99 20:47:46
My Email:dizzytown@aol.com

Such cute kids.... looks like you have your hands full!

Connie & Noah Maschan - 03/26/99 16:59:35

The twins are so cute. I can't believe how big they are! I remember so well when you were pregnant (of course, Noah is now 9 months old...). Thanks for sharing. Connie

Steve Adler - 01/30/99 23:27:27
My Email:adler@a3dm.com

Your world is just getting better and better....looking forward to the birthdays to come

Ben Howarth - 01/29/99 23:19:16
My Email:bhowarth@mediaone.net

Pretty cute, proud Uncle

Maureen Casile - 12/14/98 15:22:12
My Email:mcasile@mail.utexas.edu

So different from each other! Yet both so cute!

Giselle - 12/10/98 15:19:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/5585/giselle.html
My Email:giselle.zapata-garcia@metrokc.gov

Sarah, Thanks for sharing those adorable pictures. I can't believe how big the twins are! :-) They barely look like babies anymore. Keep up the good work girl! Your fellow decemberry, Giselle

Angela, Mike and Nicholas - 12/06/98 21:37:16
My URL:http://www.erols.com/mikeandangelaleonard/baby.htm
My Email:MikeAndAngelaLeonard@Erols.Com

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEX AND SUSIE!!!! Love, hugs, and kisses from us! We hope to see you guys again soon!

Laura - 12/04/98 15:56:48

Hi. I'm a fellow SMC listserv member and wanted to put a picture to the post! And what a beautiful picture you all are! Thanks so much for sharing. I'm amazed your dog seems to be so intent on being in the room with your children -- s/he looks as thou h s/he is enjoying the addition to your family! Good luck to all of you!

cecilia - 10/06/98 01:06:32
My Email:cecilia_escalante@yahoo.com

Hi!! I am from the SMC listserv and am just getting around to reading my mail. I was visiting your pictures. They are great. The kids look wonderful. They look like they are having the times of their lives. Thanks for sharing them with us. Much hapiness to you all, Cecilia

10/03/98 01:30:49
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Dances With Balloons - 10/02/98 18:36:40


Lydia Theunissen - 10/02/98 13:37:27
My Email:lmt@writeme.com

Sarah-- I love getting the chance to view the updated pics of you and the twins! It's so nice to put a face to the words and names on the SMC listserv! What beautiful children...and what great photography! Lydia

June Mahan - 09/30/98 19:15:56
My URL:http://www.jacksonville.net/~mmahan1
My Email:momkvha@mediaone.net

Hi! Love the pictures, they are very cute. Saw your address on the twins list so thought I would stop by. Come visit us and see my 4 little ones :-)

Pat Goetzinger - 09/30/98 18:16:08
My Email:pamgzzz@aol.com

I love the pictures! Thanks for sharing. The twins are adorable! I laughed at their 3 month pictures staring at the ceiling fan. I've noticed my 3.5 week, Madison, doing the same thing! Pat G., Omaha, NE (SMC)

Sandy - 09/30/98 04:17:24
My Email:mommieeee@aol.com

How adorable they are. Makes me remember those days well.

Jen Tillman - 09/29/98 22:53:00
My Email:Bfajenjun@aol.com

You have beautiful children! Where do you get the energy behind that smile :) Jen, mom to Dustin (SMC)

Eric - 09/28/98 21:45:10
My Email:enash@visualmfg.com

Well, I'll weigh in with my opinion too; obviously this is the most attractive family on Earth!

Auntie Rebekah - 09/23/98 20:29:41

Well, I can't believe no one has signed your guestbook yet so I shall be the first. Those kids get cuter by the second!

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