.                     . 
                    MOM'S PAGE
Hi, My name is Liza, and as you probably guessed my favorite past time is playing on
my computer.  I like to look for gifs and wallpaper, screen savers and especially themes. That
 drives my husband crazy.  He likes just the plain default window setting and nothing else.
 He gets so mad when he goes to minimize or clicks a wrong key, and as he says it, get those
   awful annoying sounds.  Oh well, what can I say.  Guess that is the difference between men
  and women. We like a little style and pizzazz. Well I hope you enjoy some of my favorite sites.

Click on myto visit my Chatroom

      One of my favorite places to visit is:                        Another great place that I like to
                            File Pile                                                 download different utilities is:
            Here you can find over 1,000,000                                         Jumbo
            free files.  This is a great place to                             A big variety of different things
            start.  You can find almost anything                         to get.  Something for everyone.
           you are looking for.  Check it out. 


       Looking to send someone a birthday card, or maybe it is their anniversary and you want to
      congratulate them.  Whatever the occasion is, here are some great sites to send your wishes.

Blue Mountain Arts' Electronic Greeting Cards

.      Webcards - Postcards From The Web by HAT'Soft

Virtual Sentiments -Animated Cards

      Hallmark Connect

Lots of waves can be found at:                             Animation is one of my favorite
                       Waveplace                                                      things to look for, why not
             I've found alot of nice waves                                       try some of this site:
                  to use in my themes.                                        Media Builder Free Image Library
                                                                                             In this site you can find almost
         Want to learn how to make your                              anything you need to get you started
        own theme?  How about this:                                      with about anything that has do
              Theme Making 101                                                with the need for animation.
     Gives you  step-by-step instruction                                This site even has a place where
           in making your own themes.                                      you can create your own banner.

Andy's Art Attack! - Your One Stop Web Design Resource.

                    Try the best game on the web.  You won't believe how addicting it can be.

                    Acrophobia, an online game that puts your creativity and sense of humor
                    to the test. The action: Up to 14 people meet in a game room and attempt
                    to come up with clever phrases based on groups of onscreen letters
                    (acronyms) and categories.  Acrophobia features original music,  bright
                    attractive graphics, and subtle and not-so-subtle humor.  It's yet another
                    example of an online game designed to bring people together--rather than
                    isolating them further.  While you play enjoy the chatting of some very
                    friendly opponents.  Some download required. Go BeZerk!


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