Blizzard Pictures of 2003

Here are some snow pictures from the blizzard of 2003.

The official measurement is 24", but the most I could measure was 22" in my yard.

From the back deck - our patio table.

From the back deck - our patio table.

From the back deck - our patio table.

From the back deck - our patio table.

From the back deck - There is an 8" steeple on top of this gezzebo.

From the back deck

Our Cars, only thing left showing is a piece of side mirror and the antenna.

Our Cars

Christopher & Rachel - We could lose a kid this way!.

Christopher & Rachel

Christopher & Rachel.

Christopher & Rachel

Christopher learning how to use a tape measure - 22" he says.


Our Trash cans look like Madonna's top! Julie is on the right.

Trash cans

Barn roof.

Barn roof

Pickup truck fared better than the cars.

Pickup truck

Where did the Mailbox go?.

Where did the Mailbox go?

Hwy 9 - looking west.

Hwy 9

Julie enjoying the snow.

Julie enjoying the snow

Driveway is now a tunnel - Still more to shovel!.

Driveway is now a tunnel.

Rhonda's so happy we didn't move to Florida!


Walkway to cleared car. 2 more to go!

Walkway to cleared car

Last updated: 2-19-2003

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