Living Arrangement

We bought a house in October 1998 and we now live outside a town called Hedgesville, WV. Yes, we are still far enough out in the boonies that we use a Satellite dish SatelliteDish (The State Flower) to supplement the one antenna channel that we can receive!

The house was built in 1937. This is the first house that we have bought that was not new. A different experience.

Buying older property has some good and some bad advantages. Good that we got 10 acres of land, a stream, a pond, 4 barns, and woods. Bad that we had to rewire the house, remodel the kitchen, paint rooms, and install insulation.

Now the house had been well kept, other than the wiring, it is just dated. We are still remodeling as our budget allows, so this will be an ongoing project for a few years.

Brian loves his job at U.S. Silica Travels away from home vary, but never too much.

Rhonda has finally been able to get her home business started. She has been making custom home draperies for a few months now. Working on her own, she can still be a mother and volunteer with a group called Starting Points.

Julie and Christopher attend Tomahawk Elementary School located near Hedgesville, about 6 miles away. Julie is in 4th grade and Christopher is in 1st grade. Rachel attends a few play groups during the week given by a group that Rhonda volunteers with. All three of the kids are doing well and love playing in the stream after school. During the winter, they love playing on the frozen pond and in the snow.

Our mailing address is:
RR. 3, Box 419
Hedgesville, WV 25427

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