Welcome to the Gottfried Guestbook! Here are the comments left by others.

Mom - 12/12/00 07:10:57


Michael Laughlin - 12/07/00 02:26:47
My Email:MJCBird@hotmail.com

I love the site. Brian do you have a copy of the family tree? I is a hobby of mine to. Email me and give me more information

Kathy Williams - 11/05/00 05:33:34
My Email:kathylw@bellsouth.net

Hey guys... I was so happy in your last e-mail you sent the link to the web page. I am SO OLD!!! I can't believe how big the kids are! and that is a year ago...wow... I just turned 40 a few weeks ago, so everyone's age stops now I miss you guys SO SO much, you will never know. Aaron finally starts college in Jan. I may be entertaining a job offer in Reading, PA. My company wants me to take a position there at a company we just bought (Gaitronics). It would be about 20 more grand... if it comes through, I wi l probably go. Pray for me to make the right decision and that God's will be done, no matter what it may be. I will have to leave Aaron here if we go as he wants to go to school here. I struggle with that one immensely after all he has been through. T ere are times when you can really tell, he still needs the stability... We will really be close then...huh? (in PA) I hope to see you guys before I have grandchildren!!! Love ya... Kathy

Marty Gray - 08/22/00 18:48:33
My Email:grayautomation@worldnet.att.net

Nice - where did you find time to set something like this up? Marty.

Mike Basista - 03/28/00 01:06:17
My Email:mbasista@nr.infi.net

Hey 'bro - great pics!

Jay Allen - 02/17/00 02:11:11
My Email:you know it

It looks good brother keep up the good work! Friends Forever Jay

Kathy - 09/22/99 19:12:23
My Email:kathylea_60@yahoo.com

Hey Brian, It's been a long time. Have tried to contact to you several times, but haven't been successful. You have 3 e-mails to pick from if you get a chance to drop me a line. kathylw@bellsouth.net or kathylea_60@yahoo.com or kathywilliams@team1carolina.com ope to talk to yo soon. Tell Rhonda and the kids Hi and I love them. You need to update these pictures.... Love ya. Kathy

Angi - 06/01/99 15:20:11
My URL:/Heartland/Garden/5262/
My Email:angiw@geocities.com


Hi Brian! :-)

I just stopped in to wish you and yours a great day today, and a better one tomorrow! :-)


GeoCities Heartland Community Leader
Heartland Angels Committee

Absolutely Angi

Jim Hoeger - 03/12/99 00:38:31
My Email:hoegerj@mindspring.com

Just wanted to say HI. Neat web page. Cute kids. Jim

Derek - 10/12/98 21:57:17
My URL:still too lazy
My Email:Helisa@concentric.net

I just read the blessings -- PTL ! ! ! The following is local gossip; nothing of import. There is a rumor that Mark will be returning here if he can get around his current contract. Rick just moved to the engineering department. Bill is trying to get a central E&I group back under his control; every one of the potentially affected techs wit whom I've spoken are against going back to work for Bill. Plant 6 Line 2 is actually expected to be built although none of the large purchase orders has yet been placed; startup is scheduled for January 2000 (tee hee). Stockhausen has not yet begun inv ntory testing for Y2K problems in the non-networked devices. God has and may He continue to bless you brother.

10/03/98 01:30:40
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Milton Howell - 09/02/98 12:58:38
My URL:http://www.dmj.com
My Email:mhowell@dmj.com

You really need a hobby.

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