Hi, I am Bryon Metteer, 1992 Graduate of BOLD High School. I thought it would be a cool idea to make a page for Olivia High School Graduates to come and sign the alumni page to find out where everyone has gone! If you graduated in Olivia High School, make sure you sign the page below, you never know who may be lookin' for you!

My intention for creating this Alumni page for you all, was to help keep the Olivia High School Alumni Graduates in touch with one another. It seems so often that people graduate from High School and then lose all track of their friends and never speak to them again.

I was hoping that this page will help change some of that. If you graduated from Olivia High School, just take the time to sign the Alumni page below. Say Hi to some old buds of yours and leave an E-mail address for them to contact you!

Obviously I only have pictures and things from my days spent in Olivia High School. If you have some pictures of the school logo or anything dealing with the school from your era, and can send them to me via e-mail, please feel free to do so.

Have a good time with this Alumni page! It is all here for fun!

If you want to contact me (to tell me how great my kick-ass page is) hehehe, then drop me an E-mail in the mailbox below.

Sign Olivia High School Alumni Book

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You are Olivia Graduate number to visit this page since May 15, 1998!


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