Leona Marie
                                November 11, 1963, 10:00 PM MST, Pine Ridge, South Dakota,
                                43NO2, 102W33  05:00:00 GMT
                                Prepared by:  Kramer Wetzel


In Part One of the interpretation, you will read two sections concerned with your individual traits. The first section involves how you deal internally with yourself, that is, your ego or will power (Sun), your emotional make-up (Moon), your learning and intellectual orientation (Mercury), your relationships and sociability (Venus), and the expression and focus of your physical energy (Mars).

The second section is how well you deal internally with the situations you experience in life, that is, your capacity for happiness (Jupiter), your ability to tolerate restrictions and frustrations (Saturn), your ability to relate to the particular societal environment of your generation (Uranus), your ability to relate to the spiritual qualities of your generation (Neptune), and how you may fit into the deep structural changes in society concerning such issues as public morality, and public attitude toward conservation and exploration (Pluto).


The Sun describes your ego and will power.  Your ego dictates the direction you want your life to take.  Sometimes your ego and emotional desires get together and take off the same direction, or the directions the ego and emotional desires dictate do not conflict with each other. However, life is usually not that easy and it is often a choice of doing things you may not emotionally like but that you feel will attain other goals.  For example, it may mean sacrificing certain relationships for your career.  On the other hand, you may be forced to sacrifice the career you really wanted for the sake of a relationship.  Maybe you had better give up all together, is either the relationship or the career
that fulfilling?  The Sun sign is the stuff you read about in the daily horoscopes, the astrology for millions.  And surely there is a better word than "ego," perhaps a word with a little less of the Freudian baggage?

Ever notice that Scorpios seem to get a lot of attention as the "bad people" of the zodiac? It is unfair, I intend to personally dispel the myth.  You are able to assess the real or potential value of things and
people. This works well with your ability to create something new out of something old.  You might make a wonderful cook, writer or composer.  You seem to seek challenges requiring strength, swiftness, and cunning, but you are not a gracious or willing loser.  Not at all.  This gives an aura
of being self-sufficient and competitive, like you are holding something back of yourself.  It may seem funny, but you are not openly combative, preferring to work behind the scenes.  This can also be seen in your need for privacy.  Too bad you don't respect others' need for privacy, what with your probing, inquisitive ways.  You might have remarkable recuperative powers, and you are stubborn and strong-willed while, on the outside, you can appear congenial and gregarious.  You have a tendency, deep down, to manipulate and control. "Red satin sheets, you Scorpio's love that...." [overheard from a client -- and a typical Scorpio comment]

One way of describing sun sign tendencies is to confront a brick wall, obstacles we all face in life, and this one I know a little too well. Scorpio's, when faced with a brick wall, glance around nervously, and then saunter off to the nearest cafe. They order a cup of coffee, stir in some sugar, lick the spoon, and then put that spoon in their pocket. They go back to the brick wall under the stealthy cover of dark and dig a tunnel underneath it, carefully distributing the misplaced dirt so as not to leave a trail. Now, when they do get on the other side of the obstacle, they rather loudly point out how they stole a spoon and dug the tunnel all by themselves. Besides, there is no obstacle which is too much for a Scorpio.

You are possessive and vengeful with a need for emotional domination, yet you can also be subtle and would make a good researcher. Look: Scorpios are known for their intensity of expression.  You can be subtle and purposeful, even sarcastic, yet you are enigmatic, too.  Copeland was
a Scorpio.  Some music you might want to try  would include Vivaldi's "Four Seasons." Schubert's "Symphony No. 9," and Mahler's "Symphony No. 9."

Bait: Scorpio: Sneaky Snake -- I'll tell you a secret about how to catch a Scorpio, I mean, there's one thing that works best, but I don't want you to get paranoid, since it is the secret Scorpio ingredient, and keeping it a secret is no conspiracy. That's why the Sneaky Snake works so well on the Scorpio Bass. It's the allure of secrecy and mystery that catches that Scorpio attention. Just don't tell the Scorpio that this is a traditional lure for Scorpio's.


The moon is your emotional life.  It is desires as opposed to ego, need as opposed to expediency or reason.  How you react on an emotional basis to yourself as a person, to other people in general, and to the situations and experiences with which you are confronted throughout life. In your horoscope it also indicates your actual residence and domestic life, and women in general, as well as your mother in particular.  It also indicates babies and young children; your own as well as other
people's children.

This is sometimes called "the curse of the Libra Moon" because it makes for an emotional side which is "relationship challenged."  Just because you're romantic, though not overly passionate, you might find it hard to live alone.  And you certainly dislike being emotionally compromised. Still, your greatest accomplishments are motivated by stimulation from others.  You have a strong desire to cooperate and need to be liked. Ever notice that you are better planning than carrying out actions?  Your aesthetic tastes are found in your fondness for being well-dressed.  Too bad, too, because you also have a taste for rich food.  You like either some, or all, of the following: books, art, music, the law and legal matters.


Mercury is like a hyperactive child, perhaps that's because the planet makes a complete trip every 88 (eighty-eight) days.  No wonder this planet was named for the messenger of the gods, it behaves like a package delivery man, behind schedule.  Another comparison for this planet is Pee Wee Herman.  Mercury is the indication of your general intellectual orientation and the expression of your thoughts and ideas.  In other words, it describes the way you think and communicate, as well as the way you receive and are willing or able to accept information.  To a certain extent Mercury also describes your most likely means of transportation; that is, how you prefer to physically and mentally get where you're going.  Do you speed with all possible haste or amble along taking a few detours here and there?  To understand Mercury's total implication, it must be remembered that its sign position, as explained here, is also influenced by natal Mercury's house position and the aspects Mercury makes with other natal planets in your natal chart.  When Mercury is retrograde, really watch out.

You seem to seek intellectual challenges about which, you can be obsessive and stubborn. Your thought processes are not usually tinged with sentimental ties; however, emotions sharpen your instincts.  You certainly have the ability to give impression of knowing more than you really do.  Although secretive, you are analytical and skeptical.


Venus is gaining new ground in popularity.  Perhaps this the growth of the "Goddess" cult which is helping this planet.  Figure this, though: Venus is beauty, particularly female beauty.  Yet we all know how strong a woman can be.  Venus indicates the social element in life.  It represents how successfully (or unsuccessfully) your ego, emotions, and intellect have been integrated to form your social attitudes and response to other people in your public as well as private relationships.  The
position and aspects of natal Venus indicate what you value and what you do not value; what you think is acceptable and adds to the quality of life as well as what is not acceptable and to be avoided because it diminishes the quality of life.

You will find that you need a wide variety of relationships in order to keep yourself stimulated.  You are also better at uncomplicated friendships than prolonged passionate engagements.  You might find some leanings towards the spiritual of philosophic.  This will work well with your idealism.  People will find you honest and sociable.  You might also come across as being politically motivated, too.  And you should have a great sense of humor.


Mars is the ancient god of war.  In Roman times, Mars was also a sign of fertility, hence the male symbol.  Mars represents your power to function.  It can be compared to the work an engine performs.  Even if it is not understood how or why a motor works, it is easy to observe what it
does.  It might be used to drive a car, run a washing machine or perform other tasks for which it was specifically designed.  Mars indicates the energy that drives your ego, emotions, mental capacity, societal expressions, and values.  You may have great desire but if you have little energy, it is likely your desire won't be realized.  If for example, you have a lot of emotional energy directed toward satisfying your desires, you will probably get whatever you want.  If the force of natal Mars is directed to your ego, you may end up sacrificing your personal desires, or even moral principles, for your career or other long term goals.

Although your actions are enthusiastic and inspired, your restless nature shows up as changeable values and erratic behavior.  You do seem to act quickly and decisively.  You probably enjoy sports or other physical challenges.  Because you have a great need for constant stimulation, you actions may appear disconnected and you end up repeating yourself.


Jupiter can be called the lucky star.  Just don't bet on it.  And you can take that to the bank.  Jupiter represents your potential for growth and expansion on many levels; your physical body, mental capacity, spirituality, and the accumulation of non-personal things such as material assets, power, and status.  In addition to the sign that Jupiter occupies in your natal chart, the specific areas in which you are able to grow and progress are even more influenced by Jupiter's house position and the aspects it makes with the other planets in your natal chart.

Jupiter's expansive ability, as influenced by having it in Aries, has an eager attitude that you have to be careful with.  This "go get them" spirit is noble and just, usually to everyone but yourself.  You benefit from some form of restraint because you're a little too willing to "bet the farm" when you should be more cautious.  It's your over-active Jupiter.  There is a really uplifting aura that you have, though, and you can be quite inspiring.


Saturn is often called, "The Lord of Karma."  Saturn represents areas in which you are confronted with the greatest restrictions or limitations. These areas involve your actions and reactions, values, material assets, knowledge, communication, love, and so on.  Saturn indicates the lessons you must learn in life, and the conflict you may have between reality and your perception of reality.  It does not deny or lessen the positive forces you have of imagination, inspiration, spirituality, and romance, but it demands that you give these things structure and meaning.  Or it can demand that you lop off someone else's head.  See what we mean?  The glyph, the astrological shorthand symbol, for Saturn is the Scythe or Sickle of Chronos, who is none other than old Fate himself.  In the modern day, this is seen as the old man with the sickle at the end of the year.  With his sickle, he cuts down that which is not growing, in order to make way for the new.  Sounds like a male version of Fate.

See: what you need to do, is, well, it¹s like this: you must deal with a central conflict between control and non­control.  Ultimately, you will be responsible for the wise use of freedom, so watch your step.  You will find that you are happiest when your original ideas have meaningful application.  No matter what, you will always rebel, just a little bit, against society's restrictions.


Who was it who sang, "Freedom's just another name for nothing left to lose?"  Another name for Uranus is the planet of Elvis, because this planet leaves us all shook up.  But it wasn't born in 1935, in fact, Uranus was discovered in 1791.  Uranus represents your personal as well as societal freedom.  Uranus rules Aquarius, and, in an interesting note, Uranus is oblique in respect to its axial tilt and the planet's rotation around the Sun.  In other words, like Earth has a North and South poles
in pretty normal places, the poles of Uranus could even be pointing at the Sun on occasion.  It's a different planet, all right.  It indicates your originality of thought and expression and that which you do that differs in some way from what is generally considered as normal.  Since Uranus takes approximately seven years to transit one sign, all individuals born in that period will be under the same influence.  And, since it is approximately 84 years between its transit in one sign until it next goes through that sign, the groups of people with Uranus in the same sign are separated by several generations.  Though its sign position does indicate some direction, the personal implications of Uranus in your life depends far more on its house position and the aspects it makes with other natal planets in your natal chart.

You are interested in improving and make more efficient use of whatever resources are already at hand.  You will also demonstrate new ideas about health.  You will be known for the degree of intensity with which you dislike normal everyday routines and chores. You will go out of your way
to invent innovative, unique and timesaving ways to perform the various mundane routines and duties of living. You will be attracted to all manner of practical and useful gadgets -- anything that will make your daily life more exciting.


Neptune is in one sign for approximately thirteen years, taking about 164 years to complete its cycle through all twelve signs.  Since there are 164 years between one group of people who lived during its transit of a particular sign and the next group of people who will live when Neptune is again in that sign, Neptune's significance in a sign can best be observed as a generation or historical characteristic.

In your natal chart it is Neptune's house position and the aspects it makes with other natal planets that indicate its significance on a personal level.  Neptune represents areas where your ability to
comprehend abstractions and creative imagination may be found.  It is the area of your illusions and disillusionment, where things aren't always what they seem.  It represents your subconscious, dreams, and planes of existence beyond physical reality.  It can describe your spirituality as well as your mental derangement, your guilt and your persecution.  It can indicate that you will be personally responsible for, or confronted with the sick and downtrodden, the abandoned and orphaned, the lonely and isolated.  Sounds a lot like the Statue of Liberty.

Don't forget that it the epic saga of Odysseus, the adventures he encountered on his quest to go home to Ithaca, from the Trojan War. It took Odysseus 20 years to return home, because of Odysseus's failure to give credit to Neptune.

The last period of Neptune in Scorpio was 1955­1970.  The influence of Neptune in Scorpio has had very observable effects in its impact.  Sexual codes (Scorpio) that existed prior to the 60's were dissolved (a Neptunian influence) as sexually explicit material invaded all branches of the media and moved into everyday life.  Introduction of drugs and creation of a counter­culture eroded what had been the core of home, family, and traditional values.  Spying and secret surveillance at all levels of public and private life were evident in fact and fiction.  This is also the first generation to grow up in the computer age.  Look for more invasion of the private life by the technology first used in this time.


Look, Pluto wasn't actually seen until February 18, 1930, by Clyde Tombaugh, and this sighting came along with a coincidental rise in fascism.  (It was formally announced on March 13, 1930) and Pluto was not named for the god of the underworld, which is just another happy coincidence, but the planet was named for a cartoon dog.  Really.  The original glyph for Pluto was PL, standing for Percival Lowell, the guy who "discovered" Pluto.  (Get it?  The initials: P and L, make into the glyph.  Cute, huh?)  Actually, the astronomer Lowell merely predicted the existence and location due to perturbations in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune.  As it turns out, though, Pluto is too small to have the effect predicted.  Pluto does have a cute little moon called Charon.  Pluto takes approximately 248 years to make a complete cycle through all twelve signs.  The period Pluto spends in each sign can vary from twelve years to thirty-two years due to the eccentricity of its orbit.  Like atomic energy (a force ruled by Pluto), the presence and direction of Pluto's energy is never obvious until it is used.  The sign position of Pluto is interpreted as a characteristic of a generation or historical significance.  In your own natal chart, Pluto's significance is interpreted from its house position and the aspects it makes with your other natal planets.  Pluto represents areas of intense energy and areas where you want to exercise the most power or control.  Pluto is your
friend.  Always.  Remember that.  Hold that thought.  Pluto is the co-ruler of Scorpio.

Pluto's last period in Virgo was 1957­1971.  Virgo rules health, practical applications of science and technology, and the work force. During the most recent of Pluto's transits in Virgo, the general state of America's health and welfare underwent unprecedented changes, computers came of age, and the once powerful unions experienced great loss of influence.  In fact, most of the leaders of the so­called computer age were born under this influence.  This is the dawn of "the Geeks shall inherit
the Earth."



In Part Two you will read about the twelve houses of the horoscope.  They describe the twelve areas of life in which everyone operates on a daily basis.  You will read how you are likely to react and handle each of these areas of life according to your unique personality and the specific traits as they are outlined in Part One.

****HOUSE 1****

This is where the fun all begins, right here in the First House. It's also the first place where astrologers try to confuse you.  Sometimes it's called the Rising Sign, or the Ascendant, or the Chart Ruler, or sometimes it's just the First House.  And Houses (Astrology Houses) are a place where stuff happens.  Work gets done by the planets in various houses.

The First House describes your "outer" personality, that is, the stuff about you that we - all frequently meet.  The first house is your astrological personality, and remember, the Latin root of that word is
"persona" and that means mask.  So the first house, or ascendant, is what we see you as, the mask we see.  It's also (since it's associated with Mars and Aries) considered a "Me" or "I" place in a chart, with extra emphasis paced on whatever planets wind up in here.  Some astrologers refer to this as the "ego" house, but that seems to carry just a little too much psychological voodoo - Freudian baggage.  As long as you understand that this house is you, we'll all be okay. In some cases, physical characteristics have been shaped by this house, but then, this is an inexact science, and trying to package all of these hints of information might not work.  I'll toss in what bits I've seen for sure.

You probably have a strong physique.  I'll bet you're stubborn and you find it hard to break bad habits.  You can be tenacious, yet also lazy. You are often full of energy and enthusiasm.  This can take a sad turn due to your overabundance and overestimation.  Your passions are sincere, although you may act a little rash.  And you always want the last word. You might be outgoing though not necessarily aggressive or loud.  You can have intense self­absorption which makes it hard to accept guidance from others, and you may feel that asking for advice is a weakness.  You want to associate with others who make you look good.  You can be very generous, warm, and creative.  You have an interest in art, music, entertainment or communication.

****HOUSE 2****

The Second House is traditionally associated with Taurus, and then, by extension, with Venus.  It's a Fixed House, in fact, it's a Fixed Earth House, which might explain why it is so often confused with material assets in this world.  It's usually assumed to be the house of "stuff," and the stuff is the odd bits and pieces of your lifestyle that makes up your definition of yourself.  It can be everything but the actual domicile you live in, like all the furnishing in the house, just not the house itself.

Values and priorities are often defined by this house.  The common mistake of calling it strictly a materialistic place in the chart is that the basis of the materialism is what is the root concern, not the
acquisition of stuff, but the stability that it the stuff represents. Don't get this confused when this is suggested to be the "My" or "Mine" house.

Virgo rules second house.  You want to receive tangible benefit from ideas.  You should earn income from communication, education, writing, publishing, travel or transportation.  You have a unique understanding of the patterns and flow of traffic, people, merchandise, commands, or ideas.  Go with the flow has a special meaning for you.

Uh­oh, your material assets and income are vulnerable to sudden changes and various vicissitudes.  You may be conservative for a while and then suddenly spend money like it grew on trees.  For you, personal freedom and friendships are highly valued, although, your priorities and values are unpredictable.

Uranus conjunct Pluto occurs about every 171 years, the last time being the mid-1960's. The revolutionary character of its influence in the United States was seen in the enormous personal and public crisis over issues like the Vietnam War and the fast emerging drug culture.  For further information about this, find where the planets are in your chart, or consult an astrologer.  The influence may or may not affect individuals born in this generation personally but it will have much to
do with how their generation runs the world in the next century. This means you are a leader for the "new age" or part of "the next generation."  Could also mean a career in television.

You can have intense desires which can make you so intent on something that almost everything else becomes meaningless.  A bit compulsive, one might say.  You will find that it is difficult to give up one thing to attain another.  You may equate having wealth with having power.  Money can't buy love, but it does buy a lot of toys (equal opportunity compensations).  Look forward to new beginnings in regenerating assets, values, and priorities.  All the time.

****HOUSE 3****

Get ready for a ride: the Third House is associated with that busy sign Gemini and its attendant planet: Mercury.  The third house has a lot to do with mental activity, your possible intellectual orientation, technical skills, deft mechanical aptitude (or lack thereof), cars, transportation.  This is also one of the Houses of Cars.  If Planet Ferrari is in your future, it might be here.  It's also the home of old Ford trucks. Like any Gemini, and this house is a Gemini kind of house, the list of what goes good with this house is too long to really work with, and besides, you'd get bored with reading a long list like that, so we'll just spare you the trouble.

Virgo rules third house.  You are concerned with communication and transportation.  You might make a good writer, teacher, publisher, salesman, travel, design or engineer. You can look forward to much visiting and communication in your neighborhood and with siblings.  You will be fond of gossip.  Down inside, you have great instinctual understanding.

You will find that you have identification with primary education, siblings and community affairs.  You will always need to express your feelings, though this expression may be in circumspect, roundabout
manner.  You will reflect the ideas of other people.  And you will prefer working close to your home.  You enjoy dealing with information.

MOON sextile VENUS
You're one of those people who always seems to land in the right place at the right time, given the beneficial angle between the Moon and Venus. These two get along pretty well together, and you'll find that you get along pretty well, too.  In fact, a lot of your friendships and relationships (and not JUST romantic ones) offer positive openings for you.

MOON opposition JUPITER
You've got a set of opposing reactions to the way you feel.  See, you can act the fool, and be the dramatic individual that you like to be, very demonstrative of what you want, or, at the opposite side of this, you can act just like you live in monastery.  You do have marked propensity for setting goals which are unattainable, and you can frequently promise a lot more than you can deliver.

****HOUSE 4****

The Fourth House describes your real estate and actual residence, your domestic life in general, the conditions and environment likely to be experienced in old age, and one of your parents, usually the mother.  Some times marriage stuff shows up here, as well.  This is the House of steady, immoveable assets.  Real Estate city, here.

Libra rules fourth house.  You like you residence to be beautiful and harmonious.  Your marriage is
likely to be with someone from your home town.  You enjoy entertaining at home.  You have an interest in real estate, architecture, or interior design.  Your culinary skills result in artful presentation with particular flair for desserts.

You may be adopted.  Or a parent may be disabled, addicted to habit-forming substances, or connected with some secrets.  You are likely to feel that your childhood was deprived.  Your best residence is near or on the water, and your childhood may be spent in such a location.  Lucky you.  Do you surf?

Neptune sextile Pluto is an aspect of extremely long duration. The current sextile between these two planets has been affecting generations for the last forty years. This long term Neptune aspect influences on society represents constant opportunities to change the course of existing structures and pave the way for new ones. Those who will live under the influence of the other aspects (i. e. , conjunction, square, trine, and opposition) as they occur between these planets in the future will have to deal with the ideologies and other societal institutions that we have had the opportunities to create.

No matter how much you try to escape it, your will power and drive are highly influenced by your childhood and family background.  You invariably end up back home.  And who said you can't go home again?  Ever thought of being a real estate agent in your own home town?  You will have interest in selling homes or other real estate properties.  And, as an adult, you tend to dominate the domestic environment.

SUN conjunct MERCURY
Mercury and the Sun always travel close together, and since it's the innermost planet, this isn't so unusual for typical Mercury behavior.  However, when the two are so close together, the neat little astrology term is called: "combust" (must come from the heat of the Sun).  This lends an entirely subjective air to just about everything you say, do feel, or touch.  While it excites your mind, it also makes it hard to tell "feelings" from what you're thinking.  While the Sun represents your basic self and drive, and Mercury is symbolic of your thinking, what happens with this is that the two parts of you: your thinker and your feeler, gets mightily confused.  You will be forever challenged to distinguish between thinking and feeling.

Have we talked about challenges yet? Have we talked about surmounting seemingly unsurmountable problems.  The good news is that you have the stamina, courtesy of Mr. Saturn, to overcome the impossible.  The problem is that, until you overcome the impossible, will you feel real and true
success.  Until then, until you've faced the impossible and done it, you're not going to feel like you have "arrived" if you know what I mean.  And yes, you'll try just about anything in the book to get the job done.  You might even write your own, too, because you have to come up with answers to questions no one has ever asked before.

SUN conjunct NEPTUNE
There's a faint, distant music going in the background, and only you can hear it.  That's the first indication of this conjunction.  It's probably some kind of New Age tune, maybe a Celtic Harp, or whales.  or whatever.  Since you've always got some tune like this in your head, you will find that you are not much for competition, and you don't appear to be very ambitious, preferring, of course, the pursuits of the inner life.   More often than not, your success is incumbent upon you being in the right place at the right time.  You will excel at a service-related occupation, and you should have a definite affinity for water.

SUN sextile PLUTO
You're going to find that most of your good chances come from what seems like a benevolent blessing from a superior, or someone who might seem to have more control over a situation than yourself.  You'll also have a knack for being able to talk yourself into good situation, and the same
knack applies when it comes to talking yourself out of bad situations.

You probably have an extensive library collection since you exhibit a tendency to have many books, magazines and other factual materials.  You will also be an inveterate tinkerer and likely to have a wide assortment of appliances and other devices at home.  Probably computer geek.  There is a chance, later in life, you may live with a sibling.  You will find that your home will be used for community meetings.

The good news is that this little conjunction between dreamy Neptune, and mental Mercury gives you an inherent ability to understand and intuitively grasp the picture.  The problem with it, though, is that you can spend too much time looking at the big picture and not realize what is going on underfoot. All the pretty things in life will attract your attention, artistic endeavors of many different flavors will catch your attention.  You also find that you have a knack for the study of human
behavior, too.

You are apt to be most sociable at home, sort of like a real good host. You enjoy entertaining at home, as a matter of fact.  You will want your home to be beautiful as well as peaceful and harmonious.  You are bound to select marriage or business partners from your home town.  You can
enjoy a sociable relationships with your parental units.

VENUS conjunct MARS
Ah yes, the two love planets lined up next to each other, and this bodes well for you.  It does create small problem in that you might not be able to tell the difference between true love and just being the boss of your relationship.  It does reveal that there is a basic, almost animal like, sexual energy with this alignment. To further exacerbate this delineation, however, consider this: Gandhi and Hitler both had Venus-Mars conjunctions which ought to indicate the potential energy of that aspect quite nicely.

You know, whether you have a little Sagittarius in your chart or not, you're still going to act like one from time to time with that same flair for making things grand, all the time.  It could be seen as a
self-indulgent side, perhaps one that you are often tempted to take to excess.  But with this little angle in your chart, you know what is best? Excess is best for you. You have a high capacity to enjoy the finer things in life.  Get after it.

You can always expect the unexpected in your romantic department.  The only problem with betting on the unexpected is that it shows up when you least desire it, and it can really surprise you, and not when it would be considered timely.  And you will probably tend to attempt to dominate these  unusual encounters.  Ain't nothing normal about your romance.  This also indicates you have intractable streak when it comes to voicing your own opinion, which you will feel is always right, even if the evidence suggests otherwise.

This is going to come as some surprise, but you'll find that relationship, especially them darned old romantic type of relationships, always seem to take a toll on you.  And I'm not talking Toll House cookies, either.  Pluto will bring about some strain to your romance arena.  And I'd a be a little wary of a lover who tries to wheedle, cajole, or threaten in your relationship.  There are easier ways to work this out.

****HOUSE 5****

The Fifth House is associated with Leo, and Leo's main planet -- the Sun (figures that Leo would get assigned to the biggest and brightest star in our sky).  So what this talks about, even though it's a fixed  house, it's also a fire house, and fire means passion.  Passion is associated with romance, and romance always seems to lead to children.  While it's not a hard and  fast rule, counting the number of planets in the Fifth house can give an indication to how many kids you're destined to have.  It's also a place where one can find out what your creative calling is, because everyone does, in fact, have a fifth house.  This is also a place to consider whether you're going to do well in the stock market, or other, similar gambling venues.  But most important, this is the first place to look for kids.  For some strange reason, romance seems to lead to children.  Cosmology is still working on an explanation.

Sagittarius rules fifth house. You've a strong sense of your own creative spirit which is a  generous,
risk­taking spirit with a merry temperament and a capacity for great enjoyment of physical pleasures.  Your love of children and animals, sports, and romantic adventure, but this is marred by immaturity and self­indulgence.

You have lots of enthusiasm for creative projects, romance and physical pleasures.  You also embody a love of children.  Then there's your vivid imagination.  You are idealistic or have spiritualist tendencies.  You have a strong competitive streak which emerges as a sports enthusiast.
Also, there's your good sense of humor.  The only thing that you should be wary of is being too self­indulgent.

Lots of folks are going to mutter behind your back about how lucky you are.  Now, you may not feel like your lucky all the time, but when push comes to shove, or when the dealer thinks he's dealing from the bottom the deck, you get a break.  You're also going to have a larger ability to
enjoy the finer things in life, sort of like a party animal.  Doesn't mean that you'll go overboard, either, just means that you do like the stuff that you like.  You have to be careful, though, because you have
tendency to opt out for the easiest answer rather than facing the true challenges.

The easiest way to make you unhappy, under this influence is to confine you. There's a restless sense of always wanting to know what's "over yonder" (just because it's there, it obviously needs your investigation).  And you are likely to seek the new and unusual rather than stick to the old straight and narrow.  There's a quirk or two that comes with this square, and the term "alternative" seems to fit you and your lifestyle.

You'll find that both these planets are associated with Scorpio, and that lends a lot of that Scorpio intensity to this square.  There's also a suggestion that you will have a high degree of physical stamina, too.  The problem is that you can come across as being to forceful at times.  Some would even consider you threatening even though you thought you were just trying to make a point.  You'll find that it's real easy to get you to your boiling point (read: you get mad easily).  Don't blame me, I just read the stars.

****HOUSE 6****

The Sixth House is usually associated with dear, sweet Virgo, and her planetary association is allegedly Mercury. Personally, I'm a little suspicious of just calling every Virgo a Mercurial Person, but it is a mutable earth sign, and liquid mercury exempifies this.  The sixth house is about service, and what we all do to be of service in the world.  It also addresses some of the professional stuff in your life, like who you hire as an attorney, or a mechanic, or as your favorite astrologer.  Like any good Virgo, though, the Sixth House is about responsibility.  And it's where you first have to own up to stuff in your own way.  If you have no planets in the Sixth House, you might be best off as an Unemployed Professional.  Might be hard to pay the bills, though.  Take a look at the sign which rules this house for more information about this "work" concept.

Capricorn rules sixth house.  With all the stuff they load on you at work, I'll suggest that you get
one of those back brace things.  It could help because you always get stuck with an inordinate load at your place of employment.  A little more organization at work would help, and setting up (and FOLLOWING) a set of guidelines for yourself would help.  There's a hint that you could be prone to a chronic illness.

****HOUSE 7****

I always like old time astrology.  One of the first folks I ran across swore up and down that the 7th House was the Marriage House, no questions.  And, when you consider all the planetary and sign influence, maybe that sort of fits, but I would tend to look at it in a little broader perspective.  It's a Cardinal Air House which means we associate it with Loving Libra, and that sign is usually attached to Venus.  There might be more information, but the "jury's still out" on that one, as far as assigning it to some of the asteroids.  It is a house about partnerships, though, and how you get along with other people, and what sort of people you might attract into your life.  So, in a sense, it could be a marrying house, but the very thought does make me nervous.  "Marrying a punk, my lord, is pressing to death, whipping and hanging." (Lucio in Shakespeare's Measure for Measure, Act V, scene i, lines 529-30) If you wonder why you attract certain people, look at the sign which rules this house.

Aquarius rules seventh house.  For you, a long or stable marriage is difficult to achieve, which can¹t
be all bad.  You may be viewed by others as unusual in appearance or behavior.  You are apt to have an unusual or unorthodox alliances, marriage or business partner.  You have an ability to make strangers feel at ease.

You should not marry when too young or without a great deal of consideration.  Take my word on this one.  You are likely to marry someone older or more mature.  Which isn¹t all bad, if you really think
about it.  Your view of marriage and its responsibilities may be so severe as to prohibit it.  Way to go.  There is a good chance that you may marry as means of obtaining security.

This is an odd alignment that doesn't occur to terribly often.  It has the strangest effects, and sits on a generation of people, rather than just one.  You're going to have very relaxed attitude towards
organization.  Saturn can mean structure, and Neptune's square to Saturn can give you a very "laid back" attitude towards rules and regulations. You're timing might always feel like it's a off.  In fact, I would guess you're just ahead of the rest of us, but that won't always be the way it appears to the "powers that be."  You can encounter injustice, and then have no clue as to how to correct the problem.

****HOUSE 8****

This is the Eighth House.  I've always associated it with Scorpio and certain, inevitable things in life.  And just like the second house describes your "stuff", the 8th House talks about "other peoples' stuff."
Noticed how that is plural?  I like Falstaff saus about borrowing money: "O, I do not like that paying back. 'Tis a double labor."   (in Shakespeare's King Henry IV, Part the First     [III.iii.179])  See, it's
a Scorpio thing.  And Scorpio is a fixed water sign, but you knew that. This is the house that helps presage our passages into other realms.  It also describes what's owed to you.  I just hope you didn't lend it to a Falstaff character.  It can also hold the secret to your passions, or just some secrets in general.  Reminds me of an old Scorpio friend, one of the people this work is dedicated to, and he used to suggest that just looking like you had a secret was enough.  Must be that Scorpio thing again.  Inherited stuff shows up here, or when this house is aspected, as does working with other resources.

Pisces rules eighth house.  I always suggest that you be a little more careful about loaning money to
scum.  Unless, of course, you want to float some of it my way. The problem with getting left short is that you can almost always work your way out of it.  You have this unusual ability to be resourceful in the face of adversity.  There's also more than a hint that you've got this wonderful, if somewhat undependable sixth sense.

****HOUSE 9****

The is the Sagittarius House -- mutable, fiery -- and a good "higher education" place.  This is a place to look for them things that make us "cultured" and I'm not talking about religion, neither.  However, it does address whether you're going to go to university or not (I'll always suggest more schooling -- it's a Sagittarius thing).  Travel, luck, money, education is all inherited from this house.  And think about
getting a college degree, too.  Or something like that. Or maybe go to France.

Pisces rules ninth house.  Foreign folks often provide you with a source of inspiration.  Or perspiration, I could never make out the difference so don't sweat it. But the Sagittarius nature of this house is going to be mellowed out a lot by having a watery Pisces ruling it.  An above average brain gives you a chance to think too much which leads to a confused output.  It doesn't mean you're slow or stupid, it just means that you can come across as being in a confused mental state.

This is fortunate for you.  Jupiter rules this house.  You have an innate intellectual curiosity, which makes you suitable to be a writer, publisher, or avid reader of newspapers, magazines, and their ilk.  You have a razor­sharp quick wit.  And a sharp tongue.  You have an appreciation of knowledge.  There is a problem, though, you may be too lazy to pursue education.  There is a definite interest or involvement in law, politics, foreign travel.

****HOUSE 10****

This is the 10th House, it's associated with Capricorn, which, if you will check your class notes, is ruled by Saturn.  And both of those indications would suggest career.  And that's what this house is all about.  It's also a "Daddy" house, pretty much opposite the Mom House.  In any case, this is what you are supposed to do in the world, what you are called forth to perform, as it were.  It's also going to hold a clue as to what people hold sway over you, as in, pointy headed managers.  Of course, you might also turn out to be a just such a person, and that story can sometimes be found right here.  This house can hold a lot of tension, as in parental tension, as if any of us need any more tension like that in our life -- times  being what they are, you know.

Aries rules tenth house.  When the fire of Aries rules this career-oriented house, you're going to
find that you seem to have an inordinate amount of drive when it comes to pushing yourself ahead.  The media walks into the room, and you instantly grab their attention.  Or the reporter's throat, which means you will have his or her attention soon enough.  Romance does suffer with placement, though, because you seem to focus a lot of time and energy on making money.  There is some trouble with your parents, but in this day and age, it's hard to find someone who doesn't have trouble with their
folks, at one time or another.

****HOUSE 11****

This is the Aquarius House, the house that is about things like groups of people.  Just like the fifth house is about your own, personal creative space, this about your creative space on a big scale. Don't forget that this is also a fixed-air kind of a house, too.  For what's it's worth. This can also be about professional association, friends, groups, any number of gathering activities.  It's about what you do to make you way in the world.  Like job.  some of us don't have jobs, so that might be a problem.  Others don't want jobs.  Better yet, ask yourself, "Self, what is a job, anyway?"

Gemini rules eleventh house.  One of the inherent problems with having the flighty sign of Gemini
ruling your "house of friends" is that you will find you are capable of enjoying many good acquaintances but few friends of substance.  You will be able to draw on a breadth of humanity rather than a depth of humanity. You're also going to enjoy a pleasantly active role in numerous professional groups or societies.  You're a good one to have behind a cause since you have a knack for letting the public know what's up.

****HOUSE 12****

This house is the Neptune - Pisces - Mysteries sort of place.  It's the last house on the block, so to speak, and speaking of living in blocks, one astrology teacher suggested that the more planets you have in the 12th House indicates the greater likelihood of jail time.  It also used to be considered the house with the unknown enemies and restrictions -- modern views tend to call this more the subconscious side of life because frequently, our hidden enemies are merely from our own shadow side of life.  Of course, that excuse never worked with the police, but it doesn't mean I won't occasionally try it.  New Age stuff suggests this is the House of self-undoings, you know, self-defeating behavior.  Like listening to Astrologers too much.

Cancer rules twelfth house.  I don't know how to break this one to you, but your own emotions seem tobe the source of all your troubles.  You can always get yourself in trouble, with no help from anyone else.  You will display a strong understanding  of the more arcane events and sciences in life.  I'd also
suggest that you like clandestine or secretive relationships.  It's the intrigue fact that appeals to you.  More than likely, you're the quiet type.  Past lives?  Sure, but you knew about that: chef, historian,
perhaps even a landlord.  If you have troubles with landlords, maybe you were a slum lord in past life.

--Kramer Wetzel, Fishing Guide to the Stars on the road with the humble PowerBook....

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