Meet my husband Paul. He was the one who got me involved with computers. After several years of watching him spend HOURS in front of the computer, I came to the conclusion: If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. And I haven't regreted it yet!
He was a high school Math and Latin teacher, who was also the Technology Coordinator for his school. He was extremely patient with my illiteracy in computers, just about everything I can do on the computer is due to Paul's ability to teach. He had been voted the Teacher of the Year at his school, and it was a well deserved honor.
Paul had a Masters in Divinity and a Masters in Theology, and a degree in Electrical Engineering. He was one smart fella! (Now that doesn't mean I didn't argue with him about religion and such....Because I did!!) He was an avid jogger and a fantastic skier. A man in constant motion. He was our family's resident chef. And a great griller...ask our kids about his grilled hotdogs!!!
He was born in California, but since he came from a military family, he had moved around quite a bit in his life, including 5 years in Germany. He had a difficult time adjusting to life in the Chihuahuan Desert of El Paso, he missed such things as: grass lawns, trees, snow...etc. But his spanish had definitely improved! : )
On October 21, 2003, Paul quickly and unexpectedly passed from this life into the next. The shock, grief, and sense of loss for his family and friends who have been left behind, is immeasurable. I know I haven't just lost my husband, and the father of my children, I have lost my best friend. Through good times and bad, through better and worse, through richer and poorer, through sickness and health, we walked together..."Along The Road".
We love and miss you so very much, Pablo. ~Leona, Tameka, Cathy, Amanda, and Tony
Prayer of Faith
We trust that beyond absence, there is presence.
That beyond the pain, there can be healing.
That beyond the brokenness, there can be wholeness.
That beyond the anger, there may be peace.
That beyond the hurting, there may be forgiveness.
That beyond the silence, there may be the word.
That beyond the word, there may be understanding.
That through understanding, there is Love.
~Author Unknown
Tony and his Daddy, June 1998