CH. Kormeister Myka

Paco Du Scavin (Belgium) (V Rated)
Nike Van De Bollobossen( Blg)
International Champion Iwan Vom Fusse Der Eifel SchIII FH AD GMY
Kim Van De Bollobossen( Blg)
Manon (Blg)
Illo Kapenborgh (Blg)
Kiki Von Belgholz (Blg)
Australian Champion Kormeister Cora (V Rated) Australian Champion Graf Vom Gruntenblick GMY Kai Von Tengen Sch III GMY
Bea Von Der Hembachbrucke Sch III GMY
Australian Champion Kormeister Afra (V Rated)
Brabantsia Karla
Zenguard Ivory

Myka is an outstanding young bitch who is showing great potential in the specialty ring , she was multi "V" rated at only 24 months of age and to date has always been placed at these shows .Myka was "V1"and Reserve Challenge bitch at the South Australian Rottweiler Championship show where Josef Mravik(slv) judged.Myka has now been awarded Reserve Challenge in Queensland under german specialist Walter Werner ADRK as well as another "V1"and Reserve Challenge under FCI judge G.O'Shea ,she was also awarded Aust.Bred in show and Reserves Challenge under breed specialist Maggie Murray of New Zealand and She is now an Australian Champion and won the Top Bitch Award for the NDRC of NSW INC Point score system which follows on a Kormeister tradition She has also attained her "BH" title with a score of 57 ,Myka is a credit to her owner and trainer ,Keith Hampton and I hope that the success will continue for both of them in the future.We are expecting to bred this very consistant bitch in the very near future and reservations are advised.

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