Australian Champion Kormeister Catja CGC ( V Rated)
Australian Champion Graf Vom Gruntenblick (GMY)
Kai Von Tengen (GMY) SCH III FH
Dago Vom Hause Normann (GMY)
Lissy Vom sonnenberg(GMY)
Bea Von Der Hembachbruckle (GMY) SCH III FH AD
International Champion Ives Eulenspiegel (GMY) SCH III
Anja Vom Schwaiger Wappen (GMY) SCH I
Australian Champion KormeisterAfra(V Rated) Brabantsia Karla Guilding Flame (UK)
Brabantsia Leoni
Zenguard Ivory
Jupp Vom Magdeberg (GMY)
Anne Von Der Silberhutte (GMY)

Catja was part of the last litter that was sired by the german import Graf Vom Gruntenblick.She attained her title before she turned 18 months of age and was consistantly placed at the specialities.She was awarded "Puppy In Show" by Herr Mathias Meyer ADRK and continued on to be Top Puppy Bitch for the Northern District Rottweiler Club of NSW and Top Bitch as well. Catja then went on to her CGC title and then family duties.She has produced both obedience and comformation champions from her first 2 litters and both a son and daughter from her last litter are following strongly in their footsteps .
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