Australian Champion
Kormeister Bronco
(V Rated)

Von Der Kruses Bismark (IMP USA)
Am. Champion Artus vom Adelshof (GMY)
Ilo Eulenspiegel (GMY)
Ces vom Haus Jassoy (GMY)
Am Champ Vroni von Hohenhameln (GMY)
Aki vom steinhausberg(GMY)
Evi von Hohenhameln (GMY)
Zenguard Ivory Jupp vom Magdegerg (GMY IMP USA) Anton vom Hein (GMY)
Int. Champ Babette vom Magdeberg (GMY)
Anne von der Silberhutte (GMY)
Int Champ Dingo vom Schwaiger Wappen (GMY)
Bonni Von Lee Harper (GMY)

Ch Kormeister Bronco 10/4/90 Bronco's impressive pedigree is only surpassed by his show record . Bronco is one of the most decorated Rottweilers in Australia to date . His record includes being graded excellent 18 times under international breed specialists , including 6 times" V1".Multi Best in Show awards , Multi R/U Best in Show awards, Multi Best Exhibit in group awards , Multi R/U Best Exhibit in group awards and to many age in group and in show awards to mention . Top Rottweiler for the Northern Districts Rottweiler Club of NSW from half way through 1993 till he was retired in 1996 . Bronco's antics in the ring were his trade mark and many a time he held quite a captive audience waiting for his show to begin . His show career started at 17 months , when he was returned to his breeders . He took to the ring like a duck to water and at his very first show was awarded "Junior in Show" from Violet Slade (UK) . Her critique mentioned that Bronco "moved like a steam train" which to this day is still one of his best attributes . Bronco's career was cut short , he was trying to impress a bitch in season when he ruptured a cruciate ligament and had to have a full knee reconstruction , he was out of the ring for six months , his return to the ring was a heart stopping occasion for his owners as he was awarded V1 and Reserve Challenge dog at the 1993 National judged by Carla Lensi Italy and was there because of his movement . This says a lot for the willingness to please Pat and the dogs remarkable attitude which he passed onto his progeny , the ever present tail wagging as he strutted his way around the ring . Bronco is happy in his retirement and lives life to the fullest with the Henrickson Family We salute you Bronco for being the great ambassador of the Rottweiler breed that you are Proudly bred , owned and handled by Pat Henrickson

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