Australian Champion
Kormeister Brinka
(V Rated)

Von Der Kruses Bismark (IMP USA)
Am. Champion Artus vom Adelshof (GMY)
Ilo Eulenspiegel (GMY)
Ces vom Haus Jassoy (GMY)
Am Champ Vroni von Hohenhameln (GMY)
Aki vom steinhausberg(GMY)
Evi von Hohenhameln (GMY)
Zenguard Ivory Jupp vom Magdegerg (GMY IMP USA) Anton vom Hein (GMY)
Int. Champ Babette vom Magdeberg (GMY)
Anne von der Silberhutte (GMY)
Int Champ Dingo vom Schwaiger Wappen (GMY)
Bonni Von Lee Harper (GMY)

Australian Champion KORMEISTER BRINKA 10/04/90-24/08/96 Brinka was one of the most decorated rottweiler bitches under the age of 12 months of age.After extensive showing she had only ever been placed in first place except for on one occasion when she was second to her litter sister.Brinka was titled before she was 18 months of age and included in this were Best Exhibit In Group Awards and R/U best Exhibit In show Awards.She was multi "V1" and Speciality winner and her very last time in the ring she was "V1" Reserve challenge Bitch and Australian Bred in Show under Herr Kurt Lohnert ADRK and was described as outstanding true rottweiler type.We would like to thank the International and National judges that recognised her qualities.Brinka lives on in my heart where she will remain forever.

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