Noi, Bomp(meeh),Nitda
Dis page is especially dedicated 2 the 2 most important people in my life that is my lil sis, Noi and my cuz, Nitda. Throughout my happy times and sad times, they were always there for me. With that special bond we share through blood, we have that true love 4 each other. People come and go but these 2 will never go like the others do. We know we always have each others love and help when we need them. No one knows me well like these 2 do. That special bond ties us to be call 3IN3-BLOOD-CUZ-4-LIFE. Not anyone can separate our love for each other. NITDA------girl, u know ur a lil too crazy and retared sometimes but I still love u...hehe and u know it! I'm always here for u if u need me! NOI------girl, u know ur a lil bit off sometimes...mean, but yet loving...hehe and u know how much u mean to me lil sis! Like I'm there for Nitda, I will always be there for u no matter what. You know you are my lil sis...so u mean a lot to me.

There's one other person that have always been there for me when I needed her. She's more than just a friend...to me she is like another sister. We shared many good and sad times together. I know she will always be there for me....right EUY SAOHOON? HEHE...yeah, that's her screename but her real name is Davanh. Wanna say kopt jai euy sao for being there for me each and everytime. You are one of a kinda and you deserve the best in everything.