
The following listing is of some sources I have
used to compile my data. However, not all sources are listed here.
Birth Records
Cemetery Records for:
Clay Point United Methodist Church Cemetery, WV; Georgetown Cemetery;
Lamp Cemetery, Pleasants County, WV, Internet; Little Methodist
Church Cemetery; New Somerset Christian Church, Jefferson County, OH;
Tyler & Pleasant County Cemetery Records - Vol I.; Locust Hill
Cemetery Records, Chester, WV
Beaver Cty, Greene Township, (1850), Beaver Cty, Hopewell Township,
(1850), Hancock Cty, WV (1850, 1880), Jefferson County, OH. (1870,
1880, 1900), Pleasants County, WV, Veterans Census, (1890), Pleasants
County. (1860, 1870, 1880, 1900), Tyler County, WV. (1850, 1860,
1870), Washington County, OH. (1850, 1860)
18th Cent. Bates & Write, Family Line Publ 1991; First Moravian
Church, York, York Co, Pa.; York Co 18th Cent. Bates & Wright
Family Line Pub 1991.
Jim Bailey, Nancy Bufflap Creedmore, Arch Getty, Michael Gulden, Ken
Ilgenfritz, Merle Ilgenfritz, Rachel Lynn, James Steed, Dolores R.
Swaney, Emerson Utz
Death Record for Pleasants County 1853-1860, Internet; 1865-1882,
Internet; 1883-1894.
Family Bible Records
Family Records, Eva M Fritz Henderson Ger. to Michigan Fam History 1550-1982.
Ilgenfritz Family Newsletter, Vol 1 #1, pg 8.; Vol l2 & 3 pg 17;
Vol 2 #5; Vol 2 #3.
Internet, "Electronic," Early Pennsylvania Settlers Page,
1737 - Dover Township - York County - Source: Pennsylvania German
Pioneers by Strassburger.
Marriage Record for:
Hancock County VA/WV Marriages 1847-1861 (Internet), 1848-1856,
1853-1883; Jefferson Cty; Pleasants County; Tyler County 1815-1890;
Washington County 1789-1840;
CB Club Card, Fishing Licenses, History of Beaver County, Inspection
Record, Operator's License, PA Hood Report YCHS 929.273, Social
Security Card, Social Security Death Index, W-2s
Anna Marie Allison, Albert Bailey, Vivian Bailey, Charles Campbell,
.Joseph Campbell, Lottie Halstead, Peter Eachel Anderson Harper,
Ethel Viana Harper, Vivian Jackson Kidder, Mary Laughlin, Robert
Laughlin, John Forbes McCarrell, William Lee McCarrell, William Louis
McCarrell, Mary J. Morgan