More Information On the Kidder Ancestors

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  • Vivian Jackson (Kidder) Bailey - Vivian Jackson Kidder Bailey at Lula Iona Bailey McCarrell's house on Pleasant Hill Road, Hookstown, Beaver County, PA This house had to be demolished in 1997.

  • Vivian Jackson (Kidder) Bailey here's a picture of what her snuff can would have looked like. Here's her actual snuff can.

  • Vivian Jackson (Kidder) Bailey? - It is unknown who this actually is. It was found among William and Lula Iona (Bailey) McCarrell's pictures labeled "Mom". We have pictures of both William's mother and grandparents. We have the picture of Vivian Jackson (Kidder) Bailey. Vivian was living with Lula at the time of her death so we believe this may be Vivian's mother or maybe a grandparent.

  • Church picture at /Heartland/Plains/1255/1255.htm - Picture of a church in Maresfield, Sussex, England - many Kidder's lived there. Maresfield is near East Grinstead, England - Source: George Kidder.


Military Information

Erastus Kidder Pension File

National Archives Solder's Certificate

1/16/1890 - Document from the Department of the Interior Bureau of Pensions

11/2/1889 - Declaration for Original Invalid Pension

Page 1 of 2
Page 2 of 2
Transcription Notes:

  • Age 45 years, Pleasants County, WV

  • 5’6” tall, fair complexion, black hair, gray eyes
  • In the service and in line of duty near Bermuda Hundred in the State of VA about June, 1864, he contracted typhoid malarial fever affecting his back and head, and also causing piles.
  • Treated in Hospital Bermuda Hundred, VA
  • Since leaving the service has resided in County of Washington Ohio 3 years and in Belmont County OH 2 years and in County of Pleasants WVA 19 years to date.
  • Occupation Farm Laborer. Prior to entry into service he was a Cooper.

1/18/1890 - War Department Record and Pension Division

Transcription Notes:

  • Erastus Kidder was enl. 2/28/1865 as a priv in Co “I” 195 Ohio Vol & M.O. with Co 12/18/1865. From 5/2/1864 to 8/31/1864 held rank of Private

  • Medical records show him treated June 26 to Aug 5/64 Reuniss? fever, typhoid fever, disability, returned to duty, nothing additional found
  • 8/15/1890 - Declaration for invalid pension

Page 1 of 5 - Declaration for invalid pension

Transcription Notes:

  • Erastus Kidder age 47 years

  • Enrolled on 5/1/1864 in Co. G. 148 Reg Ohio Infantry Vol. in the war of the Rebellion.
  • Discharged at Marietta, Ohio on 9/14/1864.
  • . . . unable to earn a support by reason of weak back, rheumatism, heart decease, injury of left hand, neuralogic, catarrh affection in head from malarial fever and piles.
  • Applied for pension under application no 789373
  • Appointed himself as claimant (no attorney - filed own claim)
  • PO address is Delong, Pleasants County, WV
  • Witnessed by P.L. Bradford and Rufus Kidder

Page 2 of 5 - Declaration continued

Page 3 of 5 - 8/15/1890 - Affidavit to Origin of Disability Rufus Kidder

Transcription Notes:

  • Rufus served as corporal in Co G, 148 Infantry Vol

  • June 25, 1864 Erastus incurred Typho malarial fever very seriously afflicting him and was nursed by this affiant while in camp for said fever. Said fever affecting said soldier in head, back and lower bowels, and was treat in camp by doctor J. W. McElhinny for said fever which totally disabling him. ? ?? ???? duty ?? his discharge in ? 1864 at Marietta OH. Also affiant further states that said solder had at the sametime that he had fever had the diarrhea, producing great quantities of blood causing piles by the ?? Diarrhea ?? ?? it to tally disabled said soldier from doing active army duty. Affiant further states that he saw said soldier in a few days after discharge and he was still sick with said above named diseases and he continues unable to reason of his said disabilities to earn a support from manual labor. Totally disability him ?? each year continues so to the present time to a total degree.
  • Rufus PO Raven Rock, Pleasants County WV

Page 4 of 5 - Erastus Kidder, General Affidavit

Transcription Notes:

  • Richard Poole, Age 60 years resident of Pleasants County, Post office add BH Ma??o Pleasants County WVA (seal: 3/6/1890)

  • Affiant says he was well acquainted with Erastus Kidder Claimant some several years before his enlistment in the US Army. He was a sound, hearty man and free from any disease, affiant saw him no more until after his discharge from service and return home, saw him in some ten days after his return found him sick with Colorth in head, Piles, and back affection, rendering him unable to do farm work, except something very light worked with him on various times, and found that he could not do more than 1/4 of an able bodied man’s work and each year would get less able to do work and now he is not able to any work only the very lightest kind would note him where he returned home between 1/2 and 3/4 degree and now totally disable as near as he can judge. Affiant and claimant lived adjourning farms for the first four or five years, and never more than 3 or four miles apart seen him very often nearly every week since.
  • Witnest by John Bolly and L? M Boley

Page 5 of 5 - Erastus Kidder, General Affidavit

Transcription Notes:

  • Isaac Bauchart Age resides in Pleasants County, Post office add Raven Rock Pleasants County WVA.

  • That affiant became first acquainted with physical condition above solider after his discharge and return home 1864 Sept 24 medi able afterward and found him suffering with weak back or shine affection Piles and Calurrh in head, that he was unable to do but little work of any kind, have frequently worked with said soldier and he could do not more than 1/4 one fourth of days work on an average from the time of his discharge and working with him down each year ? ? ? ? disabling him from manual labor atleast 3/4 degree then and 3/4 now as near as he could judge or more.
  • Witnessed by A.C. Virden and John W. Justice.

3/15/1907 - Declaration for pension

Transcription Notes:

  • 65 years of age residing in Delong, Pleasants County, WV

  • 5’8”, fair complexion, blue eyes, dark hair, occupation was Cooper.
  • Born 9/6/1842 at Washington County OH
  • Place of residence since leaving the service was Washington County, OH and Pleasants County WV

6/8/1911 - Declaration for pension

Transcription Notes:

  • 69 years old, resident of Pleasants County, WV

  • 5’8”, fair complexion, blue eyes, dark hair, occupation was Cooper.
  • Born 9/6/1842 at Washington County OH
  • Place of residence since leaving the service was Washington County, OH and Pleasants County WV since 1872
  • PO Bens Run RFD No 1 Tyler County, WV

9/30/1912 - Declaration for pension

Transcription Notes:

  • Erastus Kidder age 70 years, address: Bens Run, Pleasants County, WV

  • 5’8”, light complexion, blue eyes, black hair, occupation was Cooper, born 9/6/1842
  • Enrolled on 5/1/1864 in co. G. 48 Reg Ohio Infantry Vol in the Civil War also served in Company I 195 Ohio Infantry - enrolled on 2/28/1865 at Marietta Ohio and Discharged at Alexander VA 12/18/1865.
  • Several places of residence in Washington County, OH and moved to Pleasants County WV, 1872.
  • Applied for pension under certificate no 496595.

3/19/1913 - Request for record of date of birth
3/22/1913 - Commissioner of Pensions
4/5/1913 - Department of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions, Washington D.C.
State of West Virginia, Pleasants County to Wit:

Transcription Notes:

  • Personally appeared before me the undersigned authority, Erastus Kidder, who being duly sworn says, that his father and mother many years ago had a family bible in which they recorded the births and deaths of their family, but affiant has not seen the said bible for many years and although he has inquired diligently about it, he is unable to learn any thing of its existence at this time, and affiant believes the same has been destroyed or lost many years ago. That it has been something like Thirty years ago since affiant last heard of the said family bible.

  • Taken, sworn to and subscribed before me this 5th day of April 1913.

3/11/1919 - Return Check Notivication
3/22/1919 - Pensioner Dropped notification

148th Infantry History

  • References for this Unit see also Bibliography of State-Wide References •Ohio In The War-Volume II. Whitelaw Reid. Moore, Wilstach & Baldwin. Cincinnati 1868

  • This Regiment, organized as a Ohio National Guard unit, formed for one hundred days service, May 18, 1864, under Colonel Thomas W. Moore, and left for the field May 23d, by rail, when an accident occurred to the train resulting in the death of three and the serious injury of three others. The Regiment moved to Washington via Harper's Ferry, then to White House and Bermuda Hundred, where it served in the trenches until the last of August. It returned to Ohio and was mustered out September 14, 1864. -- From Dyer's Compendium
  • 148th Regiment Infantry. Organized at Marietta, Ohio, and mustered in May 17, 1864. Left State for Harper's Ferry, W. Va., May 23; thence moved to Washington, D.C., June 1, and to White House Landing, Va., June 9. Moved to Bermuda Hundred, Va., June 11, and to City Point June 15. Attached to 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 10th Army Corps, Army of the James. Duty at City Point till August 29. Moved to Marietta September 5, and mustered out September 14, 1864. Lost during service 2 Officers and 37 Enlisted men by disease. Total 39.

195th Infantry History

  • References for this Unit see also Bibliography of State-Wide References •Ohio In The War-Volume II. Whitelaw Reid. Moore, Wilstach & Baldwin. Cincinnati 1868

  • Organized in March, 1865, for one years service, under Colonel Henry B. Banning, it proceeded to Virginia and after Lee's surrender performed garrison duty at Alexandria until mustered out December 18, 1865. This Regiment was mostly composed of veterans who had seen service. -- From Dyer's Compendium
  • 195th Regiment Infantry. Organized at Camp Chase, Ohio, and mustered in March 14 to March 20, 1865. Moved to Harper's Ferry, W. Va., March 22-25; thence to Winchester, Va., and assigned to Brooks' Provisional Division, Army of the Shenandoah. Ordered to Alexandria, Va., April 28 and provost duty there till December. Mustered out December 18, 1865. Regiment lost during service 32 Enlisted men by disease.

Listing of Kidder's in the Revelotionary War

1890 Veteran's Census

William Virden 14th VA Cavalry

  • William Virden: pvt. Co. A. (2nd) b. 1819. Ent. Union 7-5-62. Furnished Franklin A. Renick as substitute but present 9-10-62, 1-4-63 and 5-14-64. AWOL 8-15 to 8-31-64. Present 11-12-64; paroled Charleston 5-8-65, age 46, 5'8, fair complexion, hazel eyes, dark hair.

Misc. Information

Nickerson - Kidder Information Part 1 and Part 2

Newspaper article from Aug. 1945.

Land Patent Record of David F. Kidder

Transcription Notes:

  • The United States of America
    Certificate No. 6080
    To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting:
    Whereas David F. Kidder of Washington County, Ohio has deposited in the General Land Office of the United States, a Certificate of the Register of the Land Office at Marietta whereby it appears that full payment has been made by the said David F. Kidder, according to the provisions of the Act of Congress of the 24thof April, 1820, entitled "An Act making further provision for the sale of the Public Lands" for the North East quarter of the South East quarter of Section fifteen, in Township two, of Range six, in the District of Lands subject to sale at Marietta, Ohio, containing thirty-nine Acres, and sixteen hundredths of an Acre, according to the official plat of the survey of the said Lands, returned to the General Land Office by the Surveyor General, which said tract has been purchased by the said David F. Kidder. Now know ye, that the United States of America, in consideration of the Premises, and in conformity with the several acts of Congress, in such case made and provided, Have Given and Granted, and by these presents Do Give and Grant, unto the said David F. Kidder, and to his heirs, the said tract above described: To Have and To Hold the same, together with all the rights, privileges, immunities, and appurtenances of whatsoever nature, thereunto belonging, unto the said David F. Kidder, and to his heirs and assigns forever. In Testimony Whereof, I, John Tyler, President of the United States of America, have caused these Letters to be made Patent, and the Seal of the General Land
    Office to be hereunto affixed. Given under my hand, at the City of Washington, the tenth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty four and of the Independence of the United States the Sixty Ninth
    By the President: John Tyler
    By John Tyler (Gr), Sec'y
    R. M. Whitney, Recorder of the General Land Office
    Signed by Recorder 10th Dec. 1844.

Other Contacts