The Branches of My Family Tree

Welcome to the generations of my family. I hope that you will find a something of interest. If you do, please let me know. I look forward to sharing information to make this tree grow.

If you find links that do not work, please let me know, I would like to correct them.

Take a look through my albums of generations. Or search for someone. I suggest that you search on just the Surname to start. Female's are usually referenced by maiden names.


Here is brief outlines of my family connections.

Allison | Bailey | Blagrove | Brown | Campbell | Carnegie | Dawson | Doyne | Graves | Harper | Heckathorn | Ilgenfritz | Kennedy | Kidder | Latimer | Laughlin | Mackall | McCarrell | McConnell | Morgan | Potts | Steed | Stone | Verdin | Williamson

Bailey Ancestors

Direct Descendants of Charles Bailey to Marcie McClelland

Charles BAILEY
=John Austin BAILEY (b. 1645) married Winifred TILDEN
==Enoch BAILEY (b. 1669) married Carrie
===John BAILEY (1696-1749) married Mary JACKSON (abt 1702-1749)
====Elias BAILEY (abt 1720-1798) married Sally HOUSE (1730-1790)
=====John BAILEY (1750-1830) married Susan HOUSE (1749-1820)
======William John BAILEY (abt 1773-abt 1850) married Dinah.
(2nd wife Betsy BRIGGS)
=======Austin BAILEY (1805-1878) married Mariah ELLIFRITZ (1818-1882)
(2nd wife Amanda SPEARS
========Albert BAILEY (1846-1918) married Mary Jane STEED (1843-1928)
=========Arthur Perry BAILEY (1868-1929) married Vivian Jackson KIDDER (1875-1949)
==========Lula Iona BAILEY (1921-1967) married William Louis MCCARRELL (1917-1996)
===========Linda Lou MCCARRELL married Darwin Lee CAMPBELL
============ME -- Marcie Lynn CAMPBELL! . . . . More BAILEY details

Direct Descendants of Old Man Ilgenfritz to Mariah Bailey

The Old Man ILGENFRITZ (?-bef 1572)
=Marx ILGENFRITZ (abt 1550-bef 1602) married Margaretha HESENAUER (abt 1550-bef 1602)
==Georg ILGENFRITZ, Sr. (1575/76-1636) married Margarete (?-1634/35) daughter George MICHAELS
===Georg ILGENFRITZ, Jr. (abt 1621-1691) married Barbara (abt 1619-1677) (2nd wife Margaret RUMMEL)
====Andreas ILGENFRITZ (abt 1661-1718) married Rosina (?-abt 1714) daughter of Johann Franz MORGENROTH,
(Andreas' 2nd wife was Barbara Schneider)
=====Johann George, ILGENFRITZ Sr. (1702-1749) married Maria APPELONIA (abt 1705-abt 1784)
======Johann George, ILGENFRITZ Jr. (1728-1810) married Margaretha MOHR (1731-1769)
=======Hans George ILGENFRITZ (1750-1831) married Permelia Milly 1(1795-?) daughter of John JARVIS
(Hans George had two other wifes)
========Mariah ELLIFRITZ (1818-1882) married Austin BAILEY (1805-1878). . .

More ILGENFRITZ relatives and details. You will be leaving my site and going to Merle Ilgenfritz's. Use your Browser's Back Button to return. Thanks for stopping by.

Direct Descendants of John B. Matthias

John B. MATTHIAS' daughter Catharine MATTHIAS (abt 1700-1761) married Peter MOHR (abt 1703-abt 1740) who had a daughter Margaretha MOHR (1731-1769) who married Johann George, ILGENFRITZ Jr. (1728-1810)

Direct Descendants of John R. Steed to Mary Jane Bailey

John R. STEED (1774-1826) married Rebecca BARKER daughter of Peter BARKER (?-bef 1850)
=Elijah STEED (1790-1886) married Mary Elizabeth SMITH (abt 1800-1856) daughter of Ralph and Mary SMITH)
==Peter Noah STEED (abt 1820-abt 1867) married Elizabeth ROBERTS (abt 1825-?)
===Mary Jane STEED (1843-1928) married Albert BAILEY (1846-1918). . . More STEED details to come.

Direct Descendants of Richard Kidder to Vivian Jackson Bailey

Richard Sr. KIDDER (b. 1492)
=Richard, Jr. KIDDER married Margarette
==Richard III KIDDER
=== John, KIDDER Sr, married Margarette
====John, KIDDER Jr married Joane BURCH
=====James KIDDER (1626-1676) married Mary MOORE (abt 1630)
======Ephraim, KIDDER Sr (1660-1724) married Rachel CROSBY (1660-1721)
=======Ephraim, KIDDER Jr. (1715/16-1776)
========Stephen KIDDER (d. 1812) married Unknown MAPES
=========David Franklin KIDDER (1809-1889) married Catherine BARNHART
(1816-1882) daughter of Henry and Pheebe JONES (David's 2nd wife Abria R. FETTY)
==========Erastus KIDDER (1842-1919) married Melissa Jane VERDIN (abt 1848-1884)
===========Vivian Jackson KIDDER (1875-1949) married Arthur Perry BAILEY
. . . More KIDDER details

Direct Descendants of John Verdin to Melissa Jane Kidder

John VIRDEN (bef 1765-bet 1803-1871)
=John VERDEN (abt 1790-1848) married Elizabeth Mary WILLIAMSON (1802-1870)
==William T. VERDIN (abt 1818-?) married Catherine PASCO (abt 1818-bef 1871)
===Melissa Jane VERDIN (abt 1848-1884) married Erastus KIDDER (1842-1919)

Direct Descendants of John W. Williamson to Elizabeth Mary Verden

John W. WILLIAMSON (bef 1709-1710) married Mary DAVIDSON (1648-?)
=Samual WILLIAMSON (1688-1771) married Mary IRVIN (bet 1682/1708 - 1733)
==Moses WILLIAMSON (1723-1791) married Jane MILLS (1726-1796) daughter of
Thomas (bef 1700-?) and Jane (bef 1704-?) Mills
===Thomas WILLIAMSON (1751-1839) married Elizabeth ANDERSON (1758-1824)
====Elizabeth Mary WILLIAMSON (1802-1870) married John VERDEN (abt 1790-1848)

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Brown Ancestors

Direct Descendants of Campbell Brown to Marcie McClelland

Sarah (abt 1777-?)
=Campbell BROWN (1821-1897) married Amanda SHOEMAKER (1828-1874)
==James A. BROWN (1857-1928) married Mary Elizabeth LATIMER (1859-1955)
===Chauncey L. BROWN (1882-1939) married Ethel Viana HARPER (1886-1965)
====Dorothy Marie BROWN (b. 1919) married Robert Howard CAMPBELL (1916-1979)
=====Darwin Lee CAMPBELL married Linda Lou MCCARRELL
====== ME -- Marcie Lynn CAMPBELL. . . More BROWN details to come.

Direct Descendants of James Latimer to Mary Elizaabeth Latimer

James LATIMER married Martha JOHNSON
=George D. LATIMER (1835-1917) married Margaretta NEWTON (1837-1925)
daughter of Isaac NEWTON (1805-1888) and Nancy CATTERSON (1807-1874)
==Mary Elizabeth LATIMER (1859-1955) married James A. BROWN
...More LATIMER details to come.

Direct Descendants of John Harper to Dorothy Campbell

John HARPER (1754-1821) married Margaret BENNETT (1755-1821)
=John HARPER (1786-1833) married Letitia CARR (1785-1866)
==James B. HARPER (1823-1890) married Mary MCCOY (1825-1890)
===Isaac HARPER (1845-1892) married Agnes EACHEL (1840-1915)
Agnes is the daughter of Peter EACHEL (1812-1817) and Nancy MCCOY (1804-1887)
daughter of David MCOY/MCCEAY (1744-1831) and Nancy SHEARER (?-1826)
====Peter Eachel Anderson HARPER (1866-1956) m. Sara Esmeralda HARPER (1867-1935)
=====Ethel Viana HARPER (1886-1965) married Chauncey L. BROWN (1882-1939)
======Dorothy Marie BROWN married Robert Howard CAMPBELL

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Campbell Ancestors

Direct Descendants of James Campbell to Marcie McClelland

James CAMPBELL married Rebecca FERGUSON
=Joseph CAMPBELL (b. 1802) married Rachel POTTS (b. 1807)
daughter of Noah POTTS (abt 1828-?) and Barb HECKATHORN (abt 1830-?)
==Joseph CAMPBELL (1835-1917) married Lucinda JEWELL (1843-1916)
daughter of William JEWELL (1794-bet 1860/1870) and Sina GREEN (abt 1801-abt 1880)
===Charles Howard CAMPBELL (1884-1960) married Mary LAUGHLIN (1890-1959)
====Robert Howard CAMPBELL married Dorothy Marie BROWN
=====Darwin Lee CAMPBELL married Linda Lou MCCARRELL
======ME -- Marcie Lynn CAMPBELL
. . . More CAMPBELL details to come.

Direct Descendants of Jacob Heckathorn to Barbara Potts

=Jacob HECKATHORN (1744-1831) married Anna BENZ (?-bef 1850)
==Barbara HECKATHORN (abt 1830-?) married Noah POTTS (abt 1828-?)
===Rachel POTTS (1807-?) married Joseph CAMPBELL (1802-?)

Direct Descendants of Alexander Laughlin to Mary Campbell

Alexander LAUGHLIN (b. 1715) married Kathryn NELSON (aft 1719-abt 1741)
=John LAUGHLIN (1742-1790) married Sarah PARK (aft 1746-1798)
==Thomas LAUGHLIN (1767-1843) married Sarah Jane SIMPSON (1767-1851)
===Robert LAUGHLIN (1796-1849) married Rebecca DAWSON (abt. 1808-1868)
====Thomas LAUGHLIN (1832-1925) married Phoebe CARNEGIE (abt. 1836-1870)
=====Robert LAUGHLIN (1866-1967) married Maria Lizzetta KENNEDY (1870-1895)
======Mary LAUGHLIN (1890-1959) married Charles Howard CAMPBELL
. . . More LAUGHLIN details to come.

Direct Descendants of John Dawson to Rebecca Laughlin

John DAWSON (bet 1640/1650-aft 1712) married Rebecca DOYNE (abt 1650)
daughter of John DOYNE (aft 1644)
=Nicholas DAWSON (1675-bet 1727/1728) married Mary DOYNE (bet 1683/1886-1734)
==Thomas DAWSON (1708-1800) married Elizabeth Hawkins LOWE (1712-1800)
daughter of John LOWE (1689-1774) and Mary HAWKINS (abt 1680-1744)*
===Benoni DAWSON (1742-1806) married Rebecca MACKALL (1743-1816) daughter of Benjamine MACKALL and Mary [could this Benjamin and Mary be the same as the ones listed here?]
====George DAWSON (abt 1780-1830) married Jane MACKALL (abt 1775-1878) [1st cousins -- George's father Benoni and Jane's mother Rebecca are brother and sister.]
=====Rebecca DAWSON (abt. 1808-1868) married Robert LAUGHLIN (1796-1849)
. . . More Dawsons details to come

*Mary HAWKINS daughter of Henry HAWKINS and Elizabeth HOLLAND (abt 1660-1717)
Elizabeth HOLLAND daughter of Henry HOLLAND (abt 1630-?)

Direct Descendants of Unknown Doyne to Mary Dawson

Unknown DOYNE (1595-?) married Unknown (bet 1589/1599-?)
=William DOYNE (abt 1610-?) married Unknown WHARTON (1612-?)
==Robert DOYNE (bet 1647/1657-1689) married Mary STONE (1650-1675)
===Mary DOYNE (bet 1683/1886-1734) married Nicholas DAWSON (1675-bet 1727/2728)

Direct Descendants of William Stone to Mary Doyne

William STONE (1510-?) married Elizabeth BRADLEY (1525-?) daughter of John BRADLEY
=Richard De Croston STONE (1540-1605) married Isebelle GIRDLER (1553-?)
==John STONE (bet 1575/1583-1806) married Dorothy (abt 1581-?)
===William STONE (1603-bet 1659/1660) married Verlinda GRAVES (bet 1618/1622-1675)
====Mary STONE (1650-1675) married Robert DOYNE (bet 1647/1657-1689)

Direct Descendants of Thomas Graves to Verlinda Stone

Thomas GRAVES (1556-1637) married Joan BLAGROVE (1560-?)
=Thomas GRAVES (1584-bet 1635/1636) married Katherine CROSHER (1586-1636) daughter of Joseph CROSHER (abt 1561)
==Verlinda GRAVES (bet 1618/1622-1675) married William STONE (1603-bet 1659/1660)

Direct Descendants of Richard Blagrove to Joan Graves

Richard BLAGROVE (1508-?) married Unknown WRYTT (1512-?)
=Thomas BLAGROVE (1534-1590) married Joan BELLAME (1538-?) daughter of William BELLAME (1512-?)
==Joan BLAGROVE (1560-?) married Thomas GRAVES (1556-1637)

Direct Descendants of James Mackall to Jane Dawson

James MACKALL (1630-1693) married Mary GRAHAME (1639-1718)
=James MACKALL (abt 1671-abt 1733) married Anne Brooke DAWKINS
==Benjamine MACKALL (abt 1708-1767) married Mary
===James MACKALL (b. abt 1738)
====Benjamine MACKALL (1764-1830) married Rebecca DAWSON (1763-1846)
===== Jane MACKALL (abt 1775-1878) married George DAWSON (abt 1780-1830) [1st cousins -- George's father Benoni and Jane's mother Rebecca are brother and sister.]
. . . More Mackall's details to come.

Direct Descendants of Richard Brooke to Anne Brooke Dawkins

Richard BROOKE (d. 1593/94) married Elizabeth TWYNNE (d.1599)
=Thomas BROOKE (1561-1612) married Susan FOSTER (d.1612)
==Rev. Robert BROOKE (1602-1655) married Mary MAINWARING
===Robert BROOKE married Mary WOLSLEY
====Anne BROOKE married James MACKALL

Direct Descendants of William Kennedy to Maria Laughlin

William KENNEDY (abt. 1798-?) married Mary (abt. 1798-?)
= Joseph L. KENNEDY (1838-1900) married Lizzie SHIRTS (1839-1892)
daughter of John SHIRTS (abt. 1809-?) and Nancy (abt. 1810-?)
==Maria Lizzetta KENNEDY (1870-1895) married Robert LAUGHLIN
. . . More KENNEDY details to come.

Direct Descendants of Jacob Heckadorn to Rachel Campbell

=Jacob HECKATHORN (1744-1831) married Anna BANZ
==Barb HECKATHORN married Noah POTTS
===Rachel POTTS (b 1807) married Joseph CAMPBELL (b. 1802)
. . . More Heckadorn's details to come.

Direct Descendants of William Carnegie to Phoebe Laughlin

William CARNAGEY (aft 1729-1774) married Jude (b. aft 1733)
=William CARNEGIE (1755-1841) married Mary SWERN (1769-1865)
==William CARNEGY (1794-1850) married Jane FOSTER (abt 1806-1881)
daughter of Thomas and Martha FOSTER
===Phoebe CARNEGIE (abt 1836-1870) married Thomas LAUGHLIN (1832-1925)
. . . More CARNEGIE details to come.

Direct Descendants of Charlemagne to Susan Foster

Emperor Charlemagne CHARLEMAGNE (742-813/14) married Hildegarde of SWABIA (757-782)
=Roman Emperor LOUIS I (778-840)
==King Louis of GERMANY (806-876) married EMMA
===Carloman of GERMANY (d. 880)
====King ARNULPH (d: 899)
=====Ludgarda of GERMANY married Duke HENRY I (876-936)
======Princess Hedwiga of GERMANY married Duke of France Hugh MAGNUS
=======King of France Hugh CAPET married Adelais of AQUITAINE
========King Robert of FRANCE II married Constance of TOULOUSE
=========King Henry of FRANCE married Anne of RUSSIA
==========Count Hugh of VERMANDOIS married Adelheld of VERMANDOIS
===========Countess Isobel of MEULAN married Robert DE BEAUMONT
============1st Bossu Robert DE BEAUMONT married Ms. Aurelia DE GAEL
=============1st Blanchmains Robert DE BEAUMONTA married Petronella DE GRENTMAISNIL
==============Margaret DE BEAUMONT married 1st Earl of Winchster Saier DE QUINCEY
===============2nd Earl of Winchester Roger DE QUINCEY married Helen MCDONAL
================Elizabeth DE QUINCEY married Earl of Buchan Alexander COMYN
=================Elizabeth COMYN married Earl of Angus Gilbert DE UMFREVILLE
==================2nd Norman Earl of Angus Robert DE UMFREVILLE married Elanora DE MAUDIT
===================Sir Thomas DE UMFREVILLE married Joanne DE RODDAM
====================Sir Thomas DE UMFREVILLE married Ms. Agnes (de UMFREVILLE)
=====================Elizabeth DE UMFREVILLE married Sir William DE ELMEDON
======================Joan DE ELMEDON married Thomas FOSTER
=======================Lord of Etherstone Thomas FOSTER married Elizabeth DE ETHERSTONE
========================Lord of Etherstone Thomas FOSTER married Elizabeth FEATHERSTONEBAUGH
=========================Roger FOSTER married Joan HUSSEY
==========================Thomas FORSTER married Margaret BROWNING
===========================Thomas FORSTER married Margerie HOPKINS
============================Susan FORSTER married Sir Thomas FOSTER
=============================Susan FOSTER (d. 1612)

This line is an unusal line, there are two other lines of individuals that start with Charlemagne and end with Susan Foster. I have only included one. This infomation comes from a book by Jess Mackall located in the East Liverpool Library, East Liverpool, PA.


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McCarrell Ancestors

Direct Descendants of William McCarel to Marcie McClelland

William MCCAREL (1817-1892) married Samantha E. HOUSEHOLDER (1831-1912)
=John Forbes MCCARRELL (1853-1930) married Mary J. MORGAN (1854-1937)
==William Lee MCCARRELL (1893-1952) married Anna Marie ALLISON (1898-1983)
===William Louis MCCARRELL (1917-1996) married Lula Iona BAILEY
(1921-1967) (William's 2nd Wife Paulene Drane)
====Linda Lou MCCARRELL married Darwin Lee CAMPBELL
=====ME -- Marcie Lynn CAMPBELL
. . . More MCCARRELL details to come.

Direct Descendants of Thomas Morgan to Mary McCarrell

=Thomas MORGAN (b. abt 1829) married Mary Elizabeth MINOR (b. abt 1822)
==Mary J. MORGAN (1854-1937) married John Forbes MCCARRELL

Direct Descendants of Thomas Allison to Anna McCarrell

Thomas ALLISON (b. abt 1785) married Mary (b. abt 1792)
=Charles W. ALLISON (abt. 1826) married Sarah Annie ALLISON (1826-1867) daughter of Peter Dallas ALLISON
==Peter Lincoln ALLISON (1864-1906) married Mary MCCONNELL (1867-1918)
===Anna Marie ALLISON (1898-1983) married William Lee MCCARRELL (1893-1952)

Direct Descendants of James McConnell to Mary Allison

James MCCONNELL married Jane
=John M. MCCONNELL (1832-bef 1913) married Lavina MONEYPENNY (1833-1913)
daughter of James MONEYPENY and Jane
==Mary MCCONNELL (1867-1918) married Peter Lincoln ALLISON (1864-1906)
. . . More MCCONNELL details to come.

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Revisions: March 16, 1998; April 2, 1998; April 14, 1998; November 21, 1999; January 31, 2000; September 2000

Other Stuff:

Source Information

Occupations of Long Ago

More detailed information appears on my Family Tree Maker site. As well as actual traditional Trees to print out.

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