The Sykes Family

My Mountain Heritage

Hi my name is Billy Sykes, I was born and raised in the Hills of Eastern Kentucky. My family was a coal mining family, who suffered many hardships, as only a coal mining family would know. I dedicate this page to all the present and past coal miners and their families. Email me at Thanks for stopping by!!!

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This is a picture of my dad and mom, Burgon and Ella (Moles) Sykes.

This is me and my cousin Mike at Captain James W. Sykes Confederate Marker Dedication, on July 21, 2003, in Clintwood, Virginia.

Here is a more recent pic of me taken in August of 2004, off on a ride.

This pic is of my wife Pam, and daughters Denise and Renee taken on September 17, 2004. They were on the way to see a Toby Keith concert for Denise's birthday.

This icon will take you to my John Sykes Sr., descendants line. Please click and you will be on your way!

This icon will take you to a new page that I have recently added. It is kind of a scrapbook for my grandchildren. You will find current as well as old pics of all the grandbabies. Yes, you could say I am a proud Papaw.

Links to other sites on the Web

Check out my Potter connections, really nice website!!
Here are some connections to Sykes, this is my cousins really cool website!
This is a very good homepage on a book called
Visit my hometown: Wheelwright, Kentucky
Please visit for Holiday Graphics
Brice & Cora Jane Sykes Family Homepage

Thanks for stopping by, please stop in again!!!!

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