"Our Girls"

Santa with Charlene and Christine Dec.1967 .

Charlene, Charles, Christine, and Cheri in April 1968 .

Arlene, Cheri, Charlene, Grandma Dockery(Josephine) and Christine at Elks Club picnic April 1968 .

Christine, Charlene, Cheri and Charles at the Sea Quarium July 1969

Cheri, Charlene, Christine, and Cynthia Nov.1969 .
Cheri, Christine,Charlene and Cynthia(June 1970).

Charlene, Cheri , and Christine,June 1971 .

Charles and the girls Christmas morning 1971.

Me and the girls Christmas morning 1971.

Charles and the girls in the pool June 1972.

"Daddy's Little Girl"

"Daddy's Little Girl"

You're the end of the rainbow, my pot of gold,
You're daddy's little girl to have and hold.
A precious gem is what you are,
You're mommy's bright and shining star.

You're the spirit of Christmas, my star on the tree,
You're the Easter bunny to mommy and me.
You're sugar you're spice, you're everything nice,
And you're daddy's little girl.

You're the treasure I cherish so sparkling and bright,
You were touched by the holy and beautiful light.
Like angels that sing a heavenly thing,
And you're daddy's little girl.

Charlene's Page

Christine's Page

"Cheri's Page"

"Cynthia's Page"

"Rose Arlene Jackman" The Early Years

"Charles F. Dockery" The Early Years

"Album Home Page"