Sorry I'm fixing my page to make it look better( i hope )

I've learned in my lifetime so far that you can't help who you fall for and no matter how hard you try and how much it hurts you everyday that you just wanna be with them or just talk to them you never stop trying to make them happy by the little things you say or do because thats what makes your life worth going on for.

If the only way to be with you is in my dream then I want to sleep forever....'

"I wish I could see through your eyes so I would know what you like to see. I wish I knew your wishes, so I could give you everything you want. I wish I dreamed the same dreams you do, and together we could make them come true. I wish I knew what makes you happy, so I could make you the happiest person in the whole world. And lastly, I wish I were a cell in your blood, so I would be sure I was somewhere in your heart."

"I can only wonder how touching you would make me feel."

I really miss you sometimes When you’ve cared about someone As much as I did about you, Being apart is a hard thing To get used to. I thought I’d handle it just fine… And that I’d be happy Just to keep you on my mind. But it isn’t always that easy. Sometimes the one thing that would Please me that most… Is simply seeing you. I knew that I’d miss you… I just didn’t know I’d miss you As much as I do.