Dick Rogers - 11/14/00 19:47:01

Great web site, Urs! I enjoyed all of it.

Michael Tuchman - 10/18/00 17:05:11
My Email:mft@mindspring.com

Our Mebane Phone # is (919) 304-6548. Not that I'm being SUBTLE or anything. We'll get the minivan out and tote the kids around somewhere.... Go Yanks!

Sophia - 09/23/00 02:29:04
My Email:sophia1@email.unc.edu

Ursula, Your website is great! Give me a call when you return from NY - we would love to have you all over the house. Sophia

Nor, Don, and Jordan - 05/16/00 14:00:54
My Email:normontgomery@aol.com

CONGRATULATIONS! Just heard the news from Shelley Germain and saw Carolines picture. She is beautiful! Can't wait to meet her in September!

Trisa LaSalle - 04/10/00 16:34:42
My Email:tlasalle@nortelnetworks.com

Urs, congratulations on the upcoming birth of the baby. Pictures are adorable. Trust me, time goes by so quickly...I can't believe Wesley is 13 and Alyssa is already ten months. Keep in touch. Lots of love, Trisa

Ray Edwards - 03/21/00 00:01:20
My Email:rgedw@gateway.net

Great shots! Thanks for sending me your album address again. The difference is... your big belly leaves you, mine keeps growing! Glad you enjoyed Bill's photo. I thought you might like it. Keep in touch..We have sold our house and are waiting for the engi eer's visit. We plan to close at the end of this school year and head for sunny Florida! I'll stay in touch and I'll start storing photos for your viewing pleasure.

Cathy Rogers - 03/01/00 00:06:10
My Email:rogers@shiloh.rutgers.edu

Urs, Great website! Whenever I start to miss you guys I can see you on the screen(not quite the same but it will have to do for now).

MEGHAN - 02/08/00 21:59:22
My Email:CHICKE2740


Denise A. Greene - 12/10/99 19:07:52
My Email:eneerg2@aol.com

Congratulations - the news is fabulous. What a lovely way to start the Millenium. Best Wishes, Denise

Caroline Jackson - 10/08/99 18:37:24
My Email:kjandcej@aol.com

Hey Ursulla and Rich, I was thinking of the best way to try and get in touch with you and remembered your web page. I would love to hear how you are doing. Your life seems very exciting from your web page!! My work e-mail, which I see more is caroline.jackson@sbt.siemens.com. I hope you are both doing well. Your wedding photo's are beautiful, Congrats!!!!

Nancy Pfaltzgraff - 09/22/99 20:12:21

Great to see your pictures - you look so happy!!!!

Kymmie - 08/03/99 22:20:01
My Email:kymmie@techline.com

You did such a great job on this Urs! I did not know that you got married! Congratulations! I'm so happy that you found the love of your life.

Cin - 07/02/99 01:49:59
My Email:csryan@ibm.net

Awesome pictures from Ireland and England. I cant wait to see ALL of them. I am so jealous. Love you.

Kathy - 06/21/99 16:16:44
My Email:ksheehan@prestongates.com

Hi Urs! I just checked the website to get your e-mail address and found the new pictures. Glad to see you're fitting a bit of the Irish side into your European life! I'm jealous! Suddenly, travelling between Seattle and San Francisco doesn't seem very interesting.... Take care! Kathy

Noreen - 06/15/99 19:08:26
My Email:Noreen_Montgomery@unc.edu

Urs, You amaze me! What a nice surprise! Thank you so much for the teddy bear and the outfit! The shower was totally awesome. Shelley did an amazing job and yes, I was very SURPRISED! I hope all is well with you! I emailed you a while back but never heard back from you so either you didn't get my email or you are having a ton of fun and haven't had the time! Drop me a line sometime! Say hi to Rich for me! P.S. Did you hear Shell and Scottie Cron are pregnant?

Denise A. Greene - 05/13/99 19:38:09
My Email:eneerg2@aol.com

Ursula and Rich, The wedding pictures are beautiful - you both look so happy. Enjoy Europe and your life together. Denise

PagePage - 04/27/99 20:40:59
My Email:pagepage@mindspring.com

Hey Girl! I am sorry Mike and I were unable to make the wedding reception/going away party. But at least I got to enjoy the bachelorette party. Glad to hear all is well. I am so jealous! The pictures are awesome. Keep in touch. Let me know when you ge an email address

Nor - 04/27/99 20:21:07
My Email:Noreen_Montgomery@unc.edu

Hey Urs and Rich! Hope all is well! We started golf and of course we miss you! Looks like you're having fun!Hope you get email soon! Keep us posted!

Richard Deadman - 04/14/99 17:30:20

Hi Ursula and Rich....Fran Nemec and I were just browsig your web page and like what we saw.... CONGRATULATIONS! If you get a chance drop us a line sometime.

Denise Greene - 04/08/99 17:56:22
My Email:eneerg2@aol.com

Ursula, So glad you're now Rogers - we all thought that was best. I love your pictures - I have visited the site several times and watch for changes. Stay well - and keep smiling Denise

Susan Appelbaum - 03/08/99 18:07:27
My Email:susanr314@aol.com

Got this URL from Denise. Hope all is going well for you. Alway's wondered what job you took...Got a call from someone to give you a (glowing) reference).

Debbie - 02/04/99 21:38:14
My Email:ddbriggs@snet.net

Hi! Congratulations!!! Is there a picture of the two of you? I finally am able to get to your home page (my ISP service has been a little shaky lately). Congratulations & Best wishes.

angela camasto - 01/18/99 09:13:08
My Email:acamasto@hotmail.com


sophia - 01/13/99 01:36:34
My Email:sophia1@bellsouth.net

Hi Ursula...great web site! This month looks great for company, any weekend free for you and Rich? Name the date...Soph

Ann Chambers - 01/07/99 04:10:25
My Email:achambers@worldnet.att.net

Urs-u-la....I'll have to forward some pictures from "national jerry week" for you to add to this page. I miss you!!!!!!! Stay well, Love Ann

Denise Greene - 12/09/98 19:37:25


Laura Gucciardi - 11/12/98 16:16:06
My Email:llgucciardi@intermedia.com

CONGRATS! Great pics! Love, La

J. Oliver - 11/11/98 23:19:45
My Email:jabberwocky@mindspring.com

Ursula, Nice Walhalla Oktoberfest pictures! Looks like some can be used as bribe/blackmail material :) -"Carmen"

Randy Wert - 08/17/98 01:51:13
My Email:rtwert@fast.net

Schoene Internet-Seite! Ich bin Vetter von Ricky. (Sein Vater war der aeltere Bruder von meinem Vater.) Der Christian ist aber niedlich! Sieht viel besser aus als sein Vater!

Debbie - 08/13/98 00:40:56
My Email:ddbriggs@snet.net

Congratulations! Christian is adorable (you look great in the pix, too)!! Awesome home page. Talk to you soon.

Jim Igoe - 08/13/98 00:40:16
My Email:ham715@aol.com

Hi we've been really busy lately, we just finished puting a coat of stain on our porch it's red cedar. We are also planning all kinds of other projects to do around the house. Kelly, and I have decided that if my job will accomadate me I'll start in the f ll working on a certificate to get my CASAC which you need to do case management work with patients who suffer from drug/alcohol addiction. Nothing much else to report except this weekend Kelly, and I are going to my 20th year high school reunion where th re are things going on fri, sat, & sun. Always are best Jim n Kelly

Jim Igoe - 08/13/98 00:39:20
My Email:ham715@aol.com

Hi we've been really busy lately, we just finished puting a coat of stain on our porch it's red cedar. We are also planning all kinds of other projects to do around the house. Kelly, and I have decided that if my job will accomadate me I'll start in the f ll working on a certificate to get my CASAC which you need to do case management work with patients who suffer from drug/alcohol addiction. Nothing much else to report except this weekend Kelly, and I are going to my 20th year high school reunion where th re are things going on fri, sat, & sun. Always are best Jim n Kelly

Heidi Gordon - 08/12/98 20:18:32
My Email:MoGoFam@aol.com

WOW! I didn't think it was possible for two cute baby boys to be born to one family in such a short time. Christian is really cute. We hear from your Dad that he is already 11lbs! Unbelievable, Jake is only 15 lbs. 5 oz. Seth and I have finally entere the 80s (as a co-worker of his exclaimed) and bought a computer two weeks ago. We are still in the early stages of discovery. Barbara Lunati got me your address. I have to learn how to put photos on E-mail. I have some on a floppy and I know there mu t be a way. Well, just wanted to say hi. Everyone looks unbelievably happy and wonderful. Christian is a good looking baby (must be those Ruf genes coming through - sorry Rick). Maybe we will see you soon Ursula, we hear you will be in town the same w ekend as we will. I wish we weren't missing Rick, Tina, and Christian (is it going to be Chris?). Jake was hoping for someone to talk to about the difficulties of being a baby. Yeah, right. Take care, good to visit your site. Love, Heidi

Cin - 08/10/98 20:09:36
My Email:csryan@ibm.net

Very cool, Urs. This is quite a creative set up! The baby is beautiful. Congrats to all of you!

Kristine Wickham - 07/27/98 22:57:08
My Email:kwickham@systrausa.com

Hey, Urs- Very cute homepage - Can't believe you put my picture on there!!!! Hope all is well. Kris

Janet - 07/27/98 19:21:41
My Email:janetr@us.ibm.com

Nice job Ursula. What talent you have...ain't the computer age tons of fun?!

Linda Sylvester - 07/27/98 00:09:51


Gabrielle Danek - 07/24/98 18:39:15
My Email:gabrielle.danek@csfb.com

hey ursula ... what a neat idea!!! hope all is well ... just chatted with tina last night.

Carla - 07/20/98 13:44:52
My Email:Murphy

Congratulations Tine and rick on the birth of your son Christian! I hope that all is going well. Be sure to sleep when the baby sleeps!

Chris Samson - 07/19/98 14:40:23
My Email:schatlan@stny.lrun.com

Hi Ursula, I am a friend of both Tina's and Rick's, and Rick just recently pointed me to your 'brag book' of Christian when i inquired about seeing photos. He's adorable. Nice job on the home page too. Well, take care, and have fun with Christian.

Leslie Deak - 07/17/98 18:06:52
My Email:ldeak@gte.net

I like the homepage, though I think you've really strayed from the good side with your choice of basketball teams. You should know that Duke basketball is crazy, award-winning fun, and has a long winning tradition (something which NCSU has yet to find). Your nephew is really cute. Exciting times! Les

Kathy - 07/16/98 16:58:49
My Email:ksheehan@bogle.com

Hey Urs! I just got a much "better" i.e. faster computer with a better monitor at work so I thought I'd check out the pictures on your web page again. Your nephew is adorable! Kathy

Tracey Taylor - 07/16/98 11:13:59

Congratulations! What beautiful pictures and what a great idea. Best wishes to the whole family!

Sheri Steinman - 07/15/98 23:08:16
My Email:sheristeinman@yahoo.com

Wow! What a wonderful idea. I am impressed. Sheri

Mark Minardi - 07/14/98 20:13:42
My Email:minardi@erinet.com

Auntie Ursula, Nice page, thanks for sharing with everyone. The pictures that Rick was sending us wern't quite living through the transfer. I know this is the first for you. For Kay and I this is neice/nephew number 33. Each one is a miracle! Mark

Kelly McCarthy Acebal - 07/13/98 15:56:21
My Email:ckacebal@bellsouth.net

The pictures of Christian are precious! I guess this makes him my third cousin! Tina, I know Rick is taking great care of you and Christian. Take care and thanks Ursula for the page!

Jim Dugan - 07/10/98 23:54:35
My Email:jdugan@tntie.com

Great homepage!!!

Uncle Jim&Aunt Dione - 07/09/98 20:34:42
My Email:wert@nwark.net

WOW! I'm an UNCLE! Congradulations,now comes the best part of life! We wish you all the best ! And good luck to Christian! We love you all ! Love, Jim,Dione & The Wert Cousins (Tabitha,Danielle, Cory & Jessie)

Beate - 07/09/98 17:41:06
My Email:bwright@tidalwave.net

I Love your home page - why didn't you tell me about it sooner? Christian looks adorable! Congrats again!!

Meghan - 07/08/98 18:45:12
My URL:Tina, Rick, Ursula and Christian
My Email:ckicke2740@aol.com


Meghan - 07/08/98 18:43:55
My URL:Tina, Rick, Ursula and Christian
My Email:ckicke2740@aol.com


Laurie McFadden - 07/08/98 13:03:56
My Email:mcfadden@king.alfred.edu

Great "brag" page! Keep it up! I like the rest of your web page too - easy to navigate, simple yet interesting (the way they should be). Laurie McFadden

Aunt Kay - 07/08/98 03:14:16
My Email:minardi@erinet.com

Hey, your page gets better-looking every day! You have lots of cute art. We'll be checking in often for peeks at Christian.

Tina Mulloy - 07/07/98 21:13:00
My Email:tina.mulloy@ge.corporate.com

Urs, HI how are things going?? Congrats on your Aunt status...now you will have to move back here to watch him grow and also hang out with some old friends!!!!!!

Christian J. Wert - 07/07/98 16:48:00
My Email:rickwert@riconnect.com

ayhuifl.gd fjtrza5p7 9p7 9 zxj reh zh eh zh r6j rsd67ikf (actual 4-day old typing... translated, it either means "cool page Aunt Ursula set up for me" or "you're not going to believe what I just left in my diaper!" either way, we're thrilled with it! Thanks! RTC

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