Hello there! You have found Jimbubba's web page! I'm still working on it. I add a little more every day, so be patient with me. If there is something you are dying to see, email me and I will give that project priority status. Other than that, sit back and enjoy the ride.


This page is dedicated to Jesus Christ. Without whom, I am nothing.

Here are some great pictures of my family.


Cledus "T". Judd (No Relation)

Here is a complete discography and an incomplete set of lyrics. I'm working on it little by little. I have most of the lyrics from "I Stoled This Record." I hope to complete the rest very soon.

Barry Manilow! My favorite musician.

Toby Keith? My ex-wife's favorite musician.

Dedicated to Tammy.

Shania Twain! Need I say more?

Do You Know Who Said?...

An awesome collection of quotes from all sorts of contemporary and historical figures. Well worth reading!

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