Dear C.J.,
It is hard to believe that you are a year old today. It seems like just yesterday you were a newborn. The year has past so quickly. This last year has been wonderful watching you grow. Your first smile was special to your mom, dad, Uncle Jeremy, and me. What a wonderful little smile. You sure know how to make everyone laugh. Then you learned to roll over. We should of posted a sign that read "Watch out world C.J. is mobile!" You could get anywhere you wanted to go by rolling over. When you learned how to motivate on your tummy nothing was safe anymore. We won't even discuss when you learned how to crawl. My house and your mom's house will never be the same. You are now learning to walk. On your 1st birthday, you can walk pretty good as long as you don't try to run. You are always in a hurry so most of the time you are running not walking so you fall down alot. You always get back up though. You are a very determined young man.
Watching you grow up has been really a true blessing. You are really special to me. You and I spend time on my computer. You really like to go to elmo and pooh web sites. You like music sites also. I have downloaded two games that we play together on the computer. I really enjoy spending time with you.
On your first birthday, I just wanted you to know how special you are to me. Grandma loves you very much. Every year I hope I can make you another web page about things that happened to you in the last year. Happy Happy Birthday Wild Man(your puter nick).