
Louis L'Amour

Hi, Louis L'Amour collectors, my name is D. Smith and this page is dedicated to the list of books that L'Amour wrote. The books that are marked with an "x" are the books that I have collected.
email me if you have any suggestions or books that I dont have.
*Hard copy = H
*Paperback = P
unless stated

ftp = First Time in Paperback


Bendigo Shafter (x)
Beyond the Great Snow Mountain (x)
Borden Chantry (x)
Brionne (x)
The Broken Gun (x)
The Burning Hills (x)
The Californios (x)
Callaghen (x)
Catlow (x)
Chancy (x)
The Cherokee Trail (x)
Comstock Lode (x)
Conagher (x)
Crossfire Trail (x)
Dark Canyon (x)
Down the Long Hills (x)
The Empty Land (x)
Fair Blows the Wind (x)
Fallon (x)
The Ferguson Rifle (x)
The First Fast Draw (x)
Flint (x)
Guns of the Timberlands (x)
Hanging Woman Creek (x)
The Haunted Mesa (x)
Heller with a Gun (x)
The High Graders
High Lonesome (x)
How the West was Won(x)
The Iron Marshal (x)
The Key-Lock Man (x)
Kid Rodelo (x)
Kilkenny (x)
Killoe (x)
Kiowa Trail (x)
Last of the Breed (x)
Last Stand at Papago Wells (x)
The Lonesome Gods (x)
The Man Called Noon (x)
The Man From Skibbereen
The Man from the Broken Hills
Matagorda (x)
Milo Talon (x)
(H/P) Mounument Rock (x)
The Mountain Valley War (x)
North to the Rails (x)
Over the Dry Side (x)
Passin' Through (x)
The Proving Trail (x)
The Quick and the Dead (x)
Radigan (x)
Reilly's Luck (x)
The Rider of Lost Creek (x)
Rivers West (x)
The Shadow Riders (x)
Shalako (x)
Showdown at Yellow Butte (x)
Silver Canyon (x)
Sitka (x)
Son of a Wanted Man (x)
Taggart (x)
The Tall Stranger (x)
To Tame a land (x)
Tucker (x)
Under the Sweetwater Rim (x)
Utah Blaine (x)
The Walking Drum (x)
Westward the Tide (x)
(H/P) West of Dodge (x)
Where the Long Grass Blows (x)

Short Story Collections

Bowdrie (x)
Bowdrie's Law (x)
Buckskin Run (x)
Dutchman's Flat (x)
(H) End of the Drive
The Hills of Homicide (x)
Law of the Desert Born (x)ftp
Long Ride Home (x)
Lonigan (x)
Night over the Solomons (x)
The Outlaws of Mesquite (x)
The Rider of the Ruby Hills (x)
Riding for the Brand (x)
The Strong Shall Live (x)
The Trail to Crazy Man (x)
Valley of the Sun (x)
War Party (x)
West from Singapore
Yondering (x)

Sackett Titles

Sackett's Land (x)
To the Far Blue Mountains (x)
The Warrior's Path (x)
Jubal Sackett (x)
Ride the River (x)
The Daybreakers (x)
Sackett (x)
Lando (x)
Mojave Crossing (x)
Mustang Man (x)
The Lonely Men (x)
Treasure Mountain (x)
Lonely on the Mountain (x)
Ride the Dark Trail (x)
The Sackett Brand (x)
The Sky-Liners (x)

The Hopalong Cassidy Novels

The Riders of High Rock (x)
The Rustlers of West Fork (x)
The Trail to Seven Pines(x)
Trouble Shooter


(P) Education of a Wandering Man (x)
The Sackett Compainion: The facts behind the fiction (x)
A personal guide to the Sackett Novels

(H) Frontier
(H) A Trail of Memories (x)
The Quotations of Louis L'Amour, compiled by Angelioque L'Amour


(H) Smoke from This Altar (x)
Bantam Books by Louis L'Amour.