Rita - 08/24/00 16:02:57
My URL:http://www.isellhol.com
My Email:rita@isellhol.com
'cyberalien' - 07/11/00 09:51:07
My Email:mdependleton@home.com
got bumped. maybe you will have 2 messages.
Visiting Kiev and at internet cafe. We have an
aprtment here so living is cheap. In US dollars a bus ride is about 15 cents here, the subway about 110 cents and a taxi for 10 miles will run about $3.
I may retire in 2 years. My employer has sold the business and the future is not known exactly.
Living here a few months each year is a possibility.
Make sure to use the High Octane Hay for the 'Red Horse'.
David - 05/02/00 17:00:59
My Email:thorpeda@oplin.lib.oh.us
HAPPY 50TH! Hope you're spry as ever and twice as spunky!
David - 10/05/99 19:36:08
My Email:daveaux@my-Deja.com
Wow...nice new pics! Like the new "horse" and you're looking good, too. Couldn't tell from the pics that you're pushing 50 like a tugboat pushing the Lex (:-) Come on now...I haven't left a harrassing message in a year. It's like one frog said to the othe
one, "Time's fun when you're havin' flies!"
Pluto Cantu - 09/30/99 03:40:28
My Email:plutarcoc@hotmail.com
Laura, You look like a real cowgirl on that horse. Hope you enjoyed yourself at the Dude Ranch. I have not been able to go anywhere, except for riding my motorcycle once in a while.
Maybe next year I'll take a vacation.
Your Home Page is great. I liked the 4th of July poem that you wrote and the most appropriate music to go with it. You are very creative and very well liked. I am very happy for you.
Philip Calvit - 07/14/99 00:38:54
My Email:pjcalvit@aol.com
You are very creative. I only do e-mail and searches so far. Glad to hear from you and would like to know how you are kin to the Calvits. My brother Benny is putting together a family tree maker and will enter your line jus t send it to me. Thanks and
good nite.
Philip Calvit of the Joseph Line
sandy - 04/26/99 21:56:39
My URL:/Heartland/Plains/1552
My Email:sward11@bellsouth.net
you hvae a very pretty page love your pics you have sweet grandkids
Betty - 04/25/99 20:27:09
My Email:blegg@zoomnet.net
Ienjoyed the trip through your pages.
Nancy - 04/25/99 04:05:32
My Email:nancyc@worldchat.com
Hi Laura
I just stopped by to have a look at your page. I really like your "Hello Butterflies". Take Care Nancy
David Calvit - 04/23/99 01:50:02
My Email:dcalvit@ix.netcom.com
Really nice to meet you and your family this way - adds the personal touch, that, coupled with talking to you on the phone, makes me feel I really know you. Your new (but slightly used) cousin.
Billy Hone - 04/22/99 03:36:27
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Serena Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
Pluto - 04/06/99 05:23:32
My Email:plutarcoc@hotmail.com
Your Page is looking great. You are doing a great job. Maybe, someday I'll learn to create or work on mine. That poem is very touching.
Bill Grund - 03/01/99 14:51:01
My Email:bill_diesel@yahoo.com
Just droppped in to see your page. Real nice.
Jason - 02/04/99 02:51:39
My Email:jrosenburg@interconnect.net
Your page is nice, but not as nice as you are in person.
Ben - 02/01/99 13:38:26
My Email:Bennieg@webtv.net
Laura,you have a beautiful family. You can call me if you want too...I'm in the book.
Carolyn - 01/18/99 04:40:17
My Email:flor7rains@aol.com
Very good you get my vote.
Paul Banks - 01/15/99 03:17:45
My Email:pbanks@delrio.com
Always enjoy hearing 'As Time Goes By'
Well done web page
John E. Kay - 12/27/98 19:29:59
My Email:acems67@juno.com
Very good web page....
Nancy - 12/27/98 19:15:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Parc/1225
My Email:nancyc@worldchat.com
Hi Laura
Just stopped by for a visit. Your site is really nice. I like what you have done. I hope you win lots of money when you go on your trip!!!!!Take Care, Nancy alias Brown Eyes
Bob - 12/27/98 19:01:25
My Email:remjr@hotmail.com
I like it ... the pics are a good way to share yourself and your family. hugs Bob aka Lance
lynne - 11/26/98 22:15:58
My Email:LRiversper@aol.com
trying to pick up card # 811260091112100.
can you help me.?
David - 10/16/98 16:53:05
Hadn't harrassed you for a while...Got your Halloween costume yet?...sorry, I forgot...you wear it year-round!
Your Younger Friend
Carolyn - 10/06/98 04:20:29
My Email:flor7ral@cbc.cc.tx.us
Not bad for an ole English biddy!
Jane Rodgers - 10/04/98 14:39:25
My Email:jlrodgers1@juno.com
Very enjoyable, fun, and informative!
10/03/98 01:27:41
Name: Bad Bunny
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
justin h - 10/02/98 16:20:51
My Email:estell2davis@yahoo.com
ho anut laura its justin just wantedsay hello I was showing a teacher your page and i decide to say hello
love ya
Robert Cantu - 09/17/98 19:18:20
My Email:rgcantu@cbc.cc.tx.us
Hey that was pretty good! I'll have to ask you for some pointers when I finally get around to doing one for myself. I especially liked the variety of things on your page. Good job
Chad - 09/16/98 15:22:13
My Email:Chad.Phillips@iname.com
Very good web page. I like how you did it, and how you set up your pictures. I am trying to get mine started but i am having trouble with mine. Do you have any advice.
Linda Wedel - 09/15/98 21:02:29
My Email:wedel@lightspeed.net
Hi, enjoyed your home page, my mom was also a real fan of Maeve Binchly. She was a childrens librarian. Loved books and kept us all reading. She passes away in August so I really miss her but know she is in a better place probably organizing the library.
Hubby and I were in Oregan two years ago, drove down the whole coast line. It was very beautiful. I am in central Calif. in the valley but spend most weekends on the coast. It is a little cattle town of about 2000 people and we love it. Good to meet you.
Linda Wedel
Kathy - 09/15/98 03:04:42
My Email:flutin@hotmail.com
i liked your theme song. Any particular reason you chose it? Did you enter it with a midi, or just use a CD sound clip?
bev - 09/14/98 17:29:02
My Email:bev.bridges@mailexcite.com
What a delightful web page......I am a native Texan transplanted to California. Liked a lot about Texas, but not the heat nor the crawly thing......Love the big sky, and the people ...
Cynthia Daye - 09/14/98 14:00:27
My Email:cdaye@eicon.com
Very nice. I hope you enjoyed putting it together.
Gordon Pattison - 09/14/98 12:50:25
My Email:dragonslayer@jetnet.ab.ca
Hi i really injoyed your home page
I am just learning how to make my own
I live in NE Alberta Canada
Thanks for a great page
Jolene Bolinger - 09/14/98 05:11:38
My Email:bolinger@mail.icongrp.com
Love the web page. I'm new to web page developing, but not new to computers. I teach 4-6th graders basic computer skills.
- 09/14/98 02:10:40
Pat Mowry - 09/14/98 02:09:14
My Email:mowrypt@valunet.com
No comments, just surfing....
P.S. You a very pretty lady.....
Ralph - 09/13/98 18:51:40
My Email:coyfrid@novagate.com
Just surfed on in from netsavers. Interesting Page. I have only been to Texas a couple of times in the Houston and Dallas areas. Liked it but like it here in Michigan too. Have a son in Huston area. When he gets connected to the internet he can visit too.
Fritz - 09/13/98 17:45:48
My URL:http://msn
My Email:fritzbrat@msn.com
I am so happy that you have such a lovely family.
Domestic Goddess - 09/13/98 13:20:35
My Email:dsandacz@hotmail.com
Hey, neat page, got here from Webstakes. I live in Texas too but up around the Houston area. We almost moved there this last summer actually, the Beeville area. Keep up the good work, TA
Serena Bates - 09/13/98 12:16:54
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ky/Droodlespage/index.html
My Email:Droosmom@usa.net
Hi! A friend of mine sent me a card from your site. While I was here, I visited your site, and really enjoyed my visit! It is truly nice to see a family share a bit of themselves on the web. The site I have listed is my three year old's site,please vi
it it and sign his guestbook, thanks!
Sheila - 09/13/98 05:14:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/1184/
My Email:britt@WF.net
Came here to enter the sweepstakes for the cruise, but you can't enter your email address, the whole graphic is not showing up, thought you would like to know so you can check it. But anyway while here I looked over your site and greatly enjoyed the vi
it. Keep up the excellent work and it is neat to see a close family and very touching these day's. May God Bless You All, Sheila!!!
The site that I have listed on here is my daugther's site, it has her horse and other horse links and other neat things. Pay her a visit and leave your hoof-print in her guestbook while in Texas, Thanks!
God Bless,
Kathleen Mahood - 09/13/98 02:57:10
My Email:KMahood@tyler.net
I landed at your site through a webstakes email I received. I wanted to let you know I really enjoyed you web page. So many others are boring and self-serving, I liked the way you shared your family and friends with your visitors.
Kathleen Mahood
Tyler TX
stephanie barber - 09/12/98 21:04:52
My Email:billy@wnm.net
you have a beautiful web page and i would like to be entered for the cruise.
Burley Daniels - 09/12/98 15:57:45
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/il/organicgardening/index.html
My Email:bdaniels@cityscape.net
Good site, Laura!
Mark don't fool around with small trout!
Please visit my site and sign Guestbook.
Ana Bazan - 09/01/98 01:26:37
My Email:bazan@vsta.com
Enjoyed visiting your web site!
David - 08/13/98 20:46:21
My Email:thorpeda@opln.lib.oh.us
Well, I've been watching the Lansing Police News and haven't seen your name...means one of three things: 1) You never made it 2) You were sick and didn't burn it down after all 3) You were extradited quietly back to Texas.
Hope you had a good time...did they let you take your walker on the plane?
The Youngster