Welcome to my Guestbook!

DDSusan - 09/04/00 19:22:51
My URL:http://www.digitaldelilah.com

Your website looks great! All of your hard work shines through and it is obvious that you have spent a great deal of time and effort into making these wonderful pages! Why not consider putting your site to the test? We invite you to apply to the Digital Delilah's Website Competition! Or maybe you'd like to join the Staff! You are also cordially invited to apply to join our webring! http://www.digitaldelilah.com

Juan Carlos (VETe) - 06/05/00 18:15:03
My Email:jcmmv@yahoo.com

nice site! congratulations! Will return with more time to see it all

Sandra Hoy - 04/03/00 23:44:10
My Email:parsons_hoy @yahoo.com


Jill - 03/21/00 14:56:53
My URL:http://www.hponderosa.com
My Email:hponderosa@aol.com

I would like to invite you to visit my web-site. http://www.hponderosa.com

Julie Oest - 02/14/00 18:07:49
My URL:/dbranch2000
My Email:jo35@weekmail.com

Beautiful, beautiful horses! We have 2 appy babies due by the end of Feb. and hope to get up to 10 broodmares by the end of summer. Like the looks of your stallions, may be talking to you more about them. Julie

Julie Oest - 01/24/00 04:54:41
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/dbranch/index.html
My Email:jo35@weekmail.com

Nice site. Loved the stallions. Had fun visiting.

Mckenzie Blake - 01/11/00 00:03:54
My Email:lblake@shentel.net

Hi, love the site! I was wondering if you have bred any of your stallions to a red roan appaloosa quarter horse? please contact me..Bye..

Sam - 01/01/00 14:17:54
My Email:awesam@exis.net

Betty! hope to talk Annie into coming up and looking at your place. might be fun.

Sam - 01/01/00 14:17:45
My Email:awesam@exis.net

Betty! hope to talk Annie into coming up and looking at your place. might be fun.

Cowgirl-Eclipse - 11/25/99 18:00:05

Wow! Crash looks great! Things sure have changed... Went through your whole homepage.. Brought back many memories... Here at home in New York having Thanksgiving with my family...... Happy Thanksgiving!!!! Take Care--

Lisa Parkhurst - 09/22/99 20:12:07
My Email:l_parkhurst@hotmail.com

Hi Betty, After I contacted you about two weeks ago, my system crashed, and along with it went your info. I am going to try again to reach you by our system is still acting screwy.

Brenda Gilfoil - 07/31/99 13:52:38
My Email:wndrtwns@webtv.net

I enjoyed visiting your page! I think Aratzar would enjoy it too! Very nice.

Lisa Parkhurst - 04/16/99 03:16:19
My Email:l_parkhurst@hotmail.com

Nice pictures

Lisa Parkhurst - 04/16/99 03:14:20
My Email:l_parkhurst

Nice pictures

Kimberly Echard - 04/10/99 17:59:06
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ak2/kiMMieDaWn
My Email:kimiie68@hotmail.com

Hi! I am 21 y.o. I love horses. I dream of owning a ranch some day. Bye!

Amy Poole - 01/07/99 20:19:46
My Email:pulz@nauticom.net

Very nice Betty! Hubby was next to me when I was looking and he has no idea where you live. He is from Portsmouth, VA! Great looking horses AND dogs! Really enjoyed it.

Cheryl Taylor AKA cÄt - 01/05/99 15:12:52
My URL:http://www.airnet.net/btaylor/
My Email:btaylor@airnet.net

Hi Betty, nice webpage!! Your doing a good job!!! I liked the pictures!!

Lanny - 12/29/98 22:59:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/9299/lanny/
My Email:ljsib@hotmail.com

Hey Betters! Looks good!

Brian Dees - 12/26/98 01:52:03
My Email:Paradise_Ranch@hotmail.com

Great page...looking forward to working together in the future! Great looking place, you should be proud!

Amy" littleFilly" - 12/22/98 23:54:11
My Email:littlamy@webtv.net

hey Betty! Neat web page! I look forward to getting up that way and seeing your farm. Those are some good looking beaties you've got there! Good luck to you!

Gene Jordan - 12/22/98 19:14:03
My Email:rjordan@steward-net.com

Real nice.

Appajo - 12/22/98 18:57:11
My Email:tammy.mcgarry@pwgsc.gc.ca

Hi Betty! I wanted to be the first to sign your guestbook but I will have to settle for being second. Your webpage is coming along great. Please have more pics of "my" Cab! *S* Bye for now from snowy, cold Quebec, Canada

Ron Farmer - 12/22/98 18:01:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/paris/leftbank/6262
My Email:ronfarmer@geocities.com

What a beautiful web site.

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