The Dogs

After graduating from college in 1975, Betty got her first Australian Shepherd. After breeding and showing Bulldogs for many years, she decided that Lynchpin Knoll Farm needed "Farm" dogs, and the Aussie population started to grow and be shown. Now with 5 adult dogs, we breed occasionally, and puppies are available by reservation only. ATTENTION!!!!!!! A new litter of puppies born March 21, 1999. Blues and black tris available.


Star Production Amaz'n Grace. We lost Gracie this past year, she is gone, but not forgotten, she lives on our hearts and in her puppies.


Lynchpin Saving Grace (Pete) Gracie's last puppy, she died giving birth to him.


Old Oaks Michael of Lynchpin, black tri stud dog, red factored.


Of course, every horse farm must have their Jack Russell Terriers, we have "Puddin Jacks" Good Golly Miss Molly, and Pushon Johnson.



