Kate's Painting Projects
Here are a few of my finished decorative painting projects. I learned to do decorative painting while living in Ohio. My friend Rhonda, a very accomplished decorative painter, taught me all I know. Unfortunately, I lose confidence when she isn't around. Since moving to Mexico I have concentrated mainly on quilting but hope to get back to a few unfinished projects in the near future.
A fun project that our painting group did a couple years ago. I missed the class so had to work on it at home alone.
After completing the still life I decided the background need something to liven the piece up. I found a picture of an apple core quilt in a back issue of Quilter's Newletter Magazine.
This is one project I am very pleased with. I did most of this at home on my own. The feather gave me a bit of trouble so I took it to my teacher and she gave it just the right strokes to really bring out the feathery look.
I will add more to this page whenever I get around to getting the paint brushes back out.
Updated May 8, 1999