Quilts By Kate

Updated Feb. 6, 2001
Thanks for taking the time to look at my quilts. I have attempted to make the graphics easy to load and still be worth looking at. Let me know via e-mail if you have any trouble. Hope you enjoy the quilt show.

Hidden I recently joined the One-Day-Quilt-Frenzy list and discovered their webpage with past Frenzy projects. I was intrigued with the Hidden Wells quilt. I used a couple "uglies" and some fabric I have had around for awhile. I was very pleased with the results. I am not fond of machine quilting but because I wanted to make this as a gift and had precious little time to complete it I went with machine quilting. The picture is not as good as some of the others on this page because I had to use our video camcorder and capture a still from that. We sold our digital camera with the intention of upgrading....I surely do miss it. The fabric colors are not very true but you get the idea. A fun and fast project.

Thimbleberries One fine Friday evening I was browsing through the newest Thimbleberries book of Weekend Projects that a friend lent to me and I was suddenly inspired to make this quilt. I am limited to the fabric I have on hand while living here in Mexico. With book in hand I started making my fabric choices and was cutting within the hour. The top was completed four days later. The blue squares pick up blue in both the floral and in the mauve small print. In the picture the blue squares really pop out but in reality it is a little more subtle. Since the picture was taken I added another border (5") using the floral fabric.

2block This two block quilt was inspired by a quilt I saw at the Quilt Farm in Boston, N.Y. about 6 or 7 years ago. I purchased the fabric at that time but only got around to starting the quilt in February 1999. I believe the original quilt had plain borders. I am considering tea dyeing the quilt top to tone down the too "white" fabric in the center and border of the quilt.

blockofmoq Here is the quilt top I made using Jeanne Prue's 1998 Flower Block of the Month patterns. Jeanne issued a challenge in Jan. saying she would post a picture of the first quilt top that she received. It was enough of a motivator for me. I won! She had the picture posted for a couple weeks and I received many letters of congratulations and compliments.

oceanwaves I made this one about 3 years ago. I built a quilt frame from a kit just so I wouldn't have to baste the quilt together (3 bar frame). It looked beautiful in our livingroom in our previous home, frame and all, but it never got quilted. I found I just don't like to work on a frame. So when we moved to Mexico the frame went in storage and the quilt came with me. The inspriration for the quilt came from an article in Country Home about a quilter from Walnut Creek, California. One of her quilts featured in the article was all done in off white to beige. I kepted going back to look at that quilt and knew that I had to start collecting fabric for my own version. It was finished in 1999.

bargello This is an early quilt of mine. I was looking for a new project and my favorite quilt shop in Boston, New York, The Quilt Farm suggested I try this Bargello quilt. The directions were from an article in Quilter's Newletter. It was fun and easy to do.

feathered I made this quilt after receiving an EQ file from a list member of the Info-EQ. I'm sorry I can't remember the name of the person that offered the file. I made the quilt as a gift for a very special aunt. The picture shows the quilt before the quilting was completed. It is now finished and graces the back of my aunt's sofa.

logcabin This is one I'm proud of. The colors were chosen for my sewing room in our remodeled farmhouse in Springville, N.Y.. I never even started the quilting before we had to move to Ohio. It was during our four years in Ohio that it finally got quilted. It is only the second full size quilt that I have ever hand quilted.

McKenna's When my middle daughter was about six years old I took her with me to the quilt store and told her to pick out her favorite fabric. After much deliberation she chose one and from there we picked out lights, mediums and darks to go with it. I planned to do a quilt using the same block but changing the position of the different values as described in QNM Oct/88. It was a wonderful lesson and a lovely quilt. My daughter has since decided the color doesn't suit her but I'll hold on to the quilt because some day she just might change her mind again.

scrap Here is another unfinished project. It hasn't been quilted yet. It was made at the last minute as an anniversary gift. I had hoped to have all the guests sign the quilt but was discouraged by the daughter of the couple from doing this. She said her mother had said, "The one thing I don't want is one of those quilts." Oh well, it was my first scrap quilt and I am very pleased with it and giving it away was going to be tough. Now to just get it finished. Note: I made a last minute decision at Christmas (1998) time to give this to my sister-in-law. It coordinated with her familyroom perfectly. Thanks to long waits in the airport over the holiday I was able to get it quilted in time for our visit.

quilt One day I was playing around with EQ and decided to do a paper pieced project. I had recently challenged myself to doing something in yellow and this seemed like the right time. I was using only quarter yards or scraps and ran out of the blue I was using in the border. I was firm about not trying to locate more but to make do with what I had on hand. Not my all time favorite quilt but it will look great in my oldest daughters room here in Mexico. Sure wish there was a quilting elf available.

logcabin Here is the Log Cabin and Pine Tree quilt (Thimbleberries book) that I recently finished piecing together. I am still thinking over whether to machine quilt or hand quilt. With my track record either way it could be awhile before it is completed.

babyquilt This is the completed baby quilt that was in the EQ version on page 2 of my site. I was very happy with the final version. In fact I delivered it to mother and baby within an hour and a half of completion because I was so tempted to keep it for myself. My better self prevailed and the mother was very pleased with her gift.

closeup You can see the quilting in this close up...I won't mind a break from quilting hearts, let me tell you.

quilt This Storm at Sea wallhanging was done with paper piecing blocks. I had purchased a bunch of fat quarters one day and came home and put this together. I don't usually use much yellow or red so this was sort of a personal challenge.

housequilt The lady in the picture is the owner of this quilt. Her and her husband very generously gave my husband a cozy roof over his head for nearly 6 months while we worked at buying and selling for a state to state move. We appreciate all they did for us and hope this quilt reminds them of our love.

starquilt This is a quilt I made for my cousin on the occasion of the birth of her daughter. I really didn't know what I was doing when I made this quilt....cutting on the bias and using cotton/poly blends were a couple of the mistakes I made. In the end it turned out beautiful and it is the first quilt I did some fancy hand quilting on.

weddinggift A very dear lady friend of our family remarried after the death of her equally dear husband. She never thought to marry again but she found a special man and they married. I made this mini quilt to celebrate their union. The colors were chosen to match their bedroom and the Ohio Star was used because that's where we lived at the time.

quilt This is a quilt I did around 1991. It hung for a short time from the railing of our loft in the familyroom. One day my aunt was visiting and begged and begged me for the quilt....it isn't even in "her" colors but she just had to have it. The picture was just recently taken and it has suffered some from sun fading but I think it is still very pretty. I remember that I had finished putting the top together and then hung it up to have a look before quilting it and discovered that one block was sewn in turned the wrong way...out came the seam ripper.

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