Hand quilted up to the final border. It wasn't quite ready for the anniversary party but was a big hit anyway. All the main blocks are significant to the couple by virtue of the block names, e.g. Septmeber autograph block, Love-in-a-mist, Birds in a Pine tree, the ring chain block is for my father-in-law who worked for a company that makes chain. The border/backing fabric has birds in it in honor of my mother-in-law. The photo and the four labels (Happy 50th Anniversary and the date that surround the photo were all printed on fabric using Bubble Jet Set. I took the border fabric to the copy store and made a color copy of it with a printed Guest list in the center. We had all the guests sign the list and I will have that printed on fabric and sew it to the back of the quilt. I also made a quilt label using QuiltClips software and MS Word. It was a pleasure to work on this project and without EQ4 it would never have happened (and in two weeks from conception to this point)....never mind that the final border still isn't finished post 3.5 weeks...I'm trying, I'm trying to get it done. See the EQ4 version below.

This EQ4 version of the anniversay quilt has now been enhanced with the actual photo of my in-law's wedding picture. Thanks to some very clever ladies on the Info-eq list I just learned how to do this. Way too cool!
The fabrics are the actual fabrics scanned but they did not come out really true in color and the scale it not correct either. The overall look of the quilt so far is much lighter in color and feel. I have the center portion completed and am now working on the seminole border and the top and bottom blocks.