A special time

August 24th and 25th, 2001

     The idea was Betty Parson's.   Get a few scrap booking enthusiasts together for a night of cropping, a sleepover and a pilgrimage to Martha's Vineyard, the home of Susan Branch, artist, cookbook writer and scrapbook supply maker.

     The night started out at 6:00PM for all but the cross country guest from Utah.  Everyone brought a dish for a potluck, but first a little cropping.  After the meal the ladies went back to scrapping and chatting and a good deal of laughing.  With a 7:00AM departure for the ferry scheduled the scrapping had to stop at 12:30AM, except for two that shamefully went until 1:30AM.

     Breakfast was provided by Patti Cort.  It was delicious Monkey Bread.  Because of concern about seasickness it wasn't appreciated as it otherwise would have been.  The day had dawned cool with a blue sky and little wind.  We couldn't ask for more than that.    We arrived at the dock with plenty of time to spare and excitedly waited till boarding time.

    Upon arriving on Martha's Vineyard we quickly determined that the bus was our best mode of transportation and headed off to Vineyard Haven to the home of Susan Branch.  A friendly policeman gave us directions to her house and we left a note of hello and sorry we didn't get to meet you in person.

    Next stop was the Black Dog for lunch followed by some shopping.   With the day quickly passing we split-up, some to the beach for a much needed nap and some to the bus to Edgartown for some more sightseeing.  Those that went to Edgartown had about 30 minutes to soak up the atmosphere and spend some money before catching the bus back to Oaks Bluff for the ferry home.

     What could be better than to end the day with a beautiful sunset. .

Donna Mayer, crocheting and Patti Cort cropping

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To contact us: meadowkg@aol.com