Welcome to my Guestbook!

Bob & Bev - 07/11/00 23:11:47

It was fun looking at your web site. Look forward to future ones. This is the first time I've looked at a web site. (Bob speaking)

Kim Schmitt/Lynden , WA - 05/05/00 15:51:14
My Email:kjschmitt@juno.com

Hello,I found your sight so interesting - both your Mexico experiences and your craftiness!! I knew Deanna Wentz when she lived in Tacoma, WA while I was growing up. I look forward to seeing more of your pictures and your quilts (maybe I'll have time to learn "how to" when my youngest is in 1st grade next year???? I love to sew. Kim

Esther Dolan - 03/06/00 00:27:40
My Email:endolan@juno.com

A delightful sight. I truely admire such talent. I loved seeing my wall hanging and your note attached to it. Thanks.

Colette - 03/03/00 03:11:16
My Email:freman5@effingham.net

Would you email me and I will write back...I am a sister-in-law to Norma Freeman in Ohio. I tried to email you from your web site and it didn't go thru. I am very interested in quilting and would like to "chat" with you thru email a little if you don't ind. Thanks!!

Ann DeCosta - 02/01/00 13:49:33
My URL:http://www.yale.edu
My Email:ann.decosta@yale.edu

You've worked very hard to put together a wonderful, informative site. I was curious about the "Hidden Wells" quilt (which was discussed in the Info-eq Digest 1/29/2000) and just had to see it. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing all your quilts, it was great fun and you should be very proud of what you've accomplished. Boy was I surprised to find your article on Scanning "A Big Deal". You have done the legwork for many of us who have scanners but no time. I was planning on trying to scan some fabric over Christmas break but never got to it. I also bought a digital ca era right before Christmas which I haven't even unpacked yet. I couldn't make up my mind whether to send it back or not because of the lack of time. But now, maybe I should do some further reading on the camera/computer programs to see if I can use the c mera in place of the scanner. In other words, take a picture of the fabric which could then be used in EQ4. Have to go, time for work. Best wishes, Ann DeCosta

Debra Revay - 01/31/00 17:42:04
My Email:dkrevay@hotmail.com

Hi Kate, You really do have some beautiful quilts. I'm planning on getting EQ4 as soon as I can save a little more money up. Thanks for the links too.

Lori in Tucson - 01/29/00 23:17:55

Kate, I found your web address on the Frenz list and just had to see what everyone was talking about. Well, now I know! Your quilts (both virtual and real) are just so absolutely wonderful. They are all so wonderful that I wouldn't even venture to say hich one was a favourite. I'm so glad I don't have to make a "viewers choice" decision because that would be tough! Lori

Deborah Martin - 01/29/00 20:16:16
My Email:martin93@gateway.net

Kate: Your quilts are so beautiful. I live in North Tonawanda right now but we will be moving to So. Calif within 6 months. I can't wait. I am from here but lived in CA 15 yrs. I really miss it. I'm hoping to someday be able to put my quilts on display. Deb

Karen Buckholtzs - 01/29/00 17:47:20
My Email:quiltdesigns@aol.com

Kate, Your quilts and family are beautiful! God has blessed you with many talents. Thanks for sharing them with us. Karen Buckholtzs ODQ-Frenz Quilting2friendship

Joanne and Andrew Primer - 01/18/00 13:20:39
My Email:regjo@benet.net.au

Kate Thanks for sharing your visit to the mountains of Mexico with us. Special to share time with the sisters. You are a busy lady!!!! What a way to keep in touch eh! Well done.

Linda K. - 01/15/00 19:43:16
My URL:http://albums.photopoint.com/j/AlbumList?u=46108
My Email:lindak@clipper.net

Welcome to Frenz, Kate. I really enjoyed your quilt show. The story line you've added makes it all the more enjoyable. Beautiful work!!

Fred & Norma Freeman - 01/13/00 14:59:08
My Email:ffreeman@in-touch,net

Hello! Glad for the emails sharing your time in MX with us! We are anxious to hear where the next "adventure" will be to. It would be nice to see you all again...any chance you might be coming this way? Take care.Love, F,NJ,J,R,E,&M!

Darlene VanTrease - 01/11/00 17:03:57
My Email:dpvt@aol.com

Enjoyed your pictures. Glad you are enjoying your stay in Mexico. Thanks for keeping us posted. Love, Darlene

Oscar & Olivia - 01/10/00 15:29:40
My Email:edgalrov@prodigy.net.mx

Neal & Kate: We enjoyed looking at your site, but we have also enjoyed having you in our Country, in our home and in our meetings. It was special to accompany you in your byke tour out in the beautiful mountains between Arteaga and Cola de Caballo, Coahui a and N.L. States. As photographers we admire you taking advantage of color and light in your pictures, as well as in the combination of colors in your quilts.

Steve Carolus - 01/10/00 03:38:00
My Email:stevencarolus@msn.com


Marlin & Dorothy Young - 01/09/00 21:51:46
My Email:derdy@wesnet.com

we really enjoyed your pictures. We have been wondering how you were doing in the sunny south, and in the icy north. good to know you and your family had a great time. I'm sure it is good to be back home again. Thank You for sharing your December Fun ith us. Love Marlin and Dorothy

Carl & Diane M - 12/27/99 02:46:38
My Email:camcom31@aol.com

We really enjoyed our trip to Mexico tonight.Your quilts are lovely Kate, and really enjoyed a peek at the trip you and the sisters took. Thanks for sharing.

Cindy Lytle - 12/16/99 18:35:54
My Email:lytle006@juno.com

Great Work Kate, What a wonderful idea.

- 12/01/99 19:07:21


Jeff Thayer - 12/01/99 02:42:09

I am at Marlin & Dorothy Youngs' and catching up on you folks. When are you coming back? Will be good to see you again! Jeff

Adrienne - 11/24/99 18:31:21
My Email:kischuk@ecn.ab.ca

I loved your quilt gallery.You have some beautiful quilts.How do you find the time to do them all?!:)

Tammy Keeping - 11/17/99 02:25:04
My Email:Tamantha@etown.net

Hi, I've enjoyed visting your site very much and have bookmarked it to return too. I live on Manitoulin Island in northern Ontario and I am a quilting addict. I have two daughters 8 and 11 who I hope to teach quilting, my oldest is already very interested in learning the art. :) I visited Mexico last summer when I was chosen to be Guider in charge of a group of Pathfinder Guides for a provincial sponsored Mexico trip. We were in Mexico City, Cuernavca, Taxco area, for three weeks, what a very beautiful country! You are blessed to have the opportunity to enjoy it for three years. Anyhow, I will return to your site again - job weel done :)

Tammy Keeping - 11/17/99 02:18:15
My Email:Tamantha@etown.net


Beckie Berry - 11/14/99 15:02:04
My Email:BeckienCJ@aol.com

Hi...saw your posting on Quiltopia...welcome to the group...I signed in here first but I'm sure your quilts are beautiful...I'll go look now!

becky - 11/14/99 13:14:00
My Email:albecmar@aol.com

Katy, I saw your note on Quiltopia digest Nov 13 and I came to your webb site. Your quilts are beautiful and very inspiring. I especially loved the Challenge one, your daughters quilt and the one you were going to do for your NY farmhouse. I just finished a bab quilt and am currently working on a quilt top done in the 30's that was an Autograph Apple Core. I wanted to keep the signatures of family members but not of the people I didn't know. So I tore it apart and am making a square in a square scrap wallhangin . I am paper piecing it and am having a great time with it. Good luck with you up coming move and success in your future quilting. By the way I live in Ohio and love it.

stephanie - 11/14/99 07:43:39
My Email:srgivens@ix.netcom.com

Kate, I really enjoyed your site. Your daughters have sweet faces, and you're a lucky woman to have them. I loved the picures of Mexico, it looks like an artists paradise. We had bouganvillia in California, a magenta color that covered the garage and t glowed when the sun shone on it. Your quilt show was very interesting, I especially like to read about the way peope make the decisions about their work. I, too, have EQ4, but never have really put it to use, perhaps there is still hope for me. Thanks for sharing alittle of your life, Stephanie in Tulsa

Anne - 11/06/99 15:44:38
My Email:sjc4us@aol.com

Kate: Your quilts are so beautiful. When and how do you purchase all your lovely fabrics? I don't know what I would do if I didn't live near quilt shops! I bet you are home schooling your daughters as well, aren't you? I enjoyed your site very much. Thanks

Sara Ertell - 11/02/99 22:47:42
My Email:casita@infocom.com.

Dear Folks, I just viewed your trip to Mexico (very nice). It would be nice to see you sometime, but My mother keeps me busy along with other things. Jeff and Rollie are starting mtg. tonight in New Madison, Ohio. Hope you are all well. sara

Mark & Jeanette Myers - 11/01/99 01:51:01


Barbara - 10/23/99 19:12:53
My Email:Sewandsew9@Aol.com

Hi, I'm currently living in Guaymas, Mexico. I have stirred up a lot of interest in quilting here because of my obsessive passion. I would love to have Email address of others in my position.

Barbara - 10/23/99 19:11:27
My Email:Sewandsew9@Aol.com

Hi, I'm currently living in Guaymas, Mexico. I have stirred up a lot of interest in quilting here because of my obsessive passion. I would love to have Email address of others in my position.

Irene & Stewart Helf - 10/18/99 13:50:55
My URL:http://www.warwick.net
My Email:ihelf@warwick.net

Hi There, we got a read of your e-mail at Don & Ruth Anne's and as they aren't on the net yet looked up your home page when we got home. Good to see your family picture. It seems so long since we saw you in person. Also enjoyed your quilt and trip pictu es. You are a talented lady,Kate. I have never tried quilting yet, it looks like it would be fun. Will be in touch by e-mail. Love to you all Rene

Fran Iverson Gonzalez - 10/13/99 14:29:18
My URL:http://www.flash.net/~qltcnfig/
My Email:qltcnfig@flash.net

Kate: Beautiful quilts, beautiful family, beautiful site! Thanks for sharing! You've inspired me to finish some of my UFOs.... Fran Gonzalez

sally wojcik - 10/12/99 01:54:17
My Email:richard.wojcik@gte.net

Just wanted to let you know I couldn't pull up your bear page, either, so there must be a problem.

rick & sally wojcik - 10/12/99 01:11:30
My Email:richard.wojcik@gte.net

Thanks for sharing your trip. Pictures are beautiful. What wonderful experiences you are having. Your children can't possibly know what rich memories they are making.-experiences that many people will never have in a lifetime. We'll share these with Dave and Maureen if they haven't already received them.

colleen grehlinger - 10/11/99 21:42:32
My URL:http://www.hwtrucks@gemlink.com
My Email:colleeng71

i can't pull up the bear making page(s), although i had no problem with quilting and painting. there is no underline under the words bear making like there is on the other two, if that helps you analyze the problem???????i should hire you to build our Ha dpicked Western Trucks web page. also should get your or Neil's opinion on a Kodak digital camera a customer has given us to try out. i'm going to try to print out your quilt pages and take them to the little shop here in town. it has a new owner that as put a lot of new life into the shop, from what i here. i stay away so i won't be so frustrated with no time to devote to what i'd rather be doing!!!Later:)

Glenda Reyes - 10/11/99 02:17:51
My Email:glendarey@hotmail.com

So interesting to see the pictures of your trip to the mountains. Thank you for sharing them to all of us (familia Reyes, fam. Morales).

June - 10/11/99 00:44:38
My Email:junes@eatel.net

Thanks for sharing your pictures with us. Looks like you've really been busy! Love your log cabin quilt. Looking forward to seeing you at Effie.

joe falcon - 10/10/99 17:01:00
My Email:jfalcon@ciris.net

made a copy of your pictutes for Herb & Mary

Barbara Weber - 10/10/99 11:42:45
My Email:User134300@aol.com

BEAUTIFUL!!!! How did you get so lucky to be able to move around like that???. I'm STUCK here in Cincinnati Ohio, UG.

Dorothy & Marlin Young - 10/09/99 18:37:46
My Email:derdy@wesnet.com

We enjoyed seeing your pictures. You are spending some precious time in Mexico. Love Dorothy and Marlin

Liz & John Douglas - 10/09/99 18:19:25
My Email:douglase@xtra.co.nz

Keep the letters coming!! Thanks

JoNN - 10/09/99 12:43:53
My Email:jotto46@mtco.com

Your mexico pictures brought back many memories of my childhood, as we vacationed in Monterrey, Saltillo, Cuernavaca and Taxco( my spelling has suffered in 60 years!!) Keep sending pictures and enjoy all the beautiful places to visit. Xoshimilco (spelling difinitely wrong)was a beautiful place for flowers-flowers and more. I t is lovely to see these areas again.Thank you so much. Happy quilting, JoAnn Otto

- 10/09/99 12:31:34


Ingrid van Tuyl - the Netherlands - 10/09/99 08:15:32
My URL:/ingrid_van_tuyl
My Email:ingrid.tuyl@gironet.nl

Like your quilts very much, real beautiful !!! Do you also design with Electric Quilt?? hope to hear from you. Ingrid

Sandy Heiser - 10/09/99 02:13:25
My Email:sanheiser@wzrd.com

Hi all! Being a landlocked beach bum (freshwater lakes don't count) the pics of the ocean stirred longings deep within to foresake all sensible goals like education and such and just liquidate my life saving and retirement funds and live in a thatched hut on the each ;) sighhhhhhhhh..... I'll have to pay somebody to pluck my chickens tho......

Marlin and Dorothy - 10/03/99 15:48:49
My Email:derdy@wesnet.com

I'm sure you are making the most of mexico

Ohio Bev - 09/15/99 15:38:27
My Email:ewellba@pmifeg.com

Greetings!!! Wonder if ya still remember us?? Sorry correspondence has been neglected!!! Hey!!! I love, love, the bear with feather!! Just now clicked on him to SET AS WALLPAPER on my computer!!!

Anabela Astrom - 06/28/99 07:29:26
My Email:akl061k@tninet.se

Love it, Love it!! Your painted bear is really fabulous, would love to get a love letter from him!! Your pictures show the life of a happy family and the colors in your quilts reflect it so well! So beautiful they are, cannot say which one I prefer! All of them!!! Thank you so much for sharing your Eq files with me. Hope to learn quickly to be able to share mine also. Portuguese greetings from Sweden Anabela

Isabel - 06/22/99 01:54:54
My Email:genenerd@aol.com

Finally made it here! Cool site! Will let u know when I finish my page! Can't wait 2CU in a month!

Lou Anne Klefstad - 06/01/99 05:12:32
My Email:SDKLAK@aol.com

Your quilts are beautiful!!!! I am enjoying this chance to see a part of your life!!! You have a beautiful home!!! and beautiful family!!! It sounds to me like you are where God wants you to be!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!

Sandy Kadolph - 05/29/99 19:10:02
My Email:skadolph@ames.net


deanna - 05/28/99 04:35:08
My Email:deannawe@infinet.com

wow..i just viewed those beautiful pictures of mexico...am i ever slow!! never noticed them before..and your crafts look so good..i love the teddy bear with the feather..so real looking!!and mama...the tan is disqusting..you can quit now before we all get jealous..ha!!

Linda - 05/15/99 13:01:12
My Email:art12a24@aol.com

I love your quilts! They're all beautiful. And what a lovely family you have. A friend sent you address to me and it has been a joy. Congrats. Linda

Cathy Marvin - 05/13/99 22:37:49
My Email:cleemarvin@aol.com

This is wonderful. I can imagine the time it must take to set this up but it's neat to get a taste of such a different area, and culture. We'll be sure to check back from time to time.

Bev - 12/17/98 16:23:51

Hello!!! Howdee!! Friday the 18th is my last day to work THIS YEAR!!!! YIPPEE!!! Hope to hear from you soon! I understand BJTM had a call from Neil yesterday! Missing you still!!

the Krack family - 12/13/98 04:44:49
My URL:http://www.foxinternet.net/business/paradisefarm/index.html
My Email:herbfarm@juno.com

Hi, we are friends of Deanna, we like your web page. Ours has pictures of our place but no clear facial shots. We like your pool!

Marj. Critt - 11/25/98 04:23:26
My Email:tmcritt@bettanet.net.au

Very interesting to visit your page, and see your photos etc. Kepp up the good work. Greetings from Adelaide, its a beautiful sunny day here!!

Sandy Kadolph - 11/13/98 17:55:52
My Email:skadolph@ames.net

Pictures of your quilts were beautiful! The descriptions made me realize that I'm not the only one who has several projects waiting to be quilted.

- 11/08/98 17:36:28


You figure it out! - 11/03/98 22:08:31

I see that your November calendar has a Monday the 26th as well as a Thursday 26th. Is this unique to Mexico? I can't see the date that Ma & Pa will arrive! What a puzzle!

Rhonda Cable - 10/31/98 03:58:51
My Email:RKCBrush@aol.com

I finally got the time to just sit and play with the computer, your site is marvelous, want to see some painting though!!!! You do remember how to paint don't you????? Did you ever finish that lap top desk?? oops, shouldn't have asked....I did on the ot er hand finally finish the fireplace screen....ha! love to you and family, Rhonda

deanna wentz - 10/29/98 23:15:58
My Email:deannawe@infinet.com

Hold out your hands, my dear Kate, for here comes the most richest, thickest, chocolatest piece of avalance calorie enhanced birthday cake your taste buds have ever slurpeed----enjoy..and don't forget to lick the drips. We love you..Come visit us for the rest!Happy Burpday

Ohio sends Greetings! - 10/29/98 14:32:30

'Tis a delightful day here in Ohio - made even more pleasant with thoughts of you in Mexico on your birthday! Listen closely to hear the chords of the birthday song as all of Dayton, Eaton, Morrow, Springfield, Troy, and other places too numerous to ment on raise their voices in song to wish our friend Kate a Happy Birthday!!!!!

JoQnn - 10/27/98 17:53:01
My Email:jotto46@mtco.com

I'm so impressed with your HTML "learning". The class I am enrolled in is on that subject, but it's still greek to me! I used to live near the town of Reynosa,Tam. but have been gone for many years. Good luck with your quilts-they are to be cherished. JoAnn

Jane Kaiser - 10/26/98 18:13:48
My Email:jkaiser@pioneerplanet.infi.net

I loved the quilts you have on your website. I am just learning EQ3 and am impressed!

deanna wentz - 10/25/98 02:56:42
My Email:deannawe@infinet.com

Happy birthday to two wonderful gals..and all this in English, too. And many more..

Beverly Ewell - 10/19/98 18:39:52
My Email:ewellba@pmifeg.com

When the October birthdays are here - know that we are "singing" at the top of our voices to you! Hope they will be as fun and full of surprises as your 40th Birthday was, Kate! Will this be your 16th - Rebecca?? Driver's license age?? Cheerful - pleasant days to you! Smile awhile and while you smile, another smiles and soon there'll be miles of smiles because you smile!!!! Good day! Adios!!

Jose Luis - 10/12/98 00:54:10
My Email:rg-2682-mx@usa.net

Excelente, mi amor, Excelente.

Gwen in Wales - 10/05/98 21:15:01
My Email:Gwen0873@aol.com

Just dropped in to say hello. Hope to visit again

Beverly Ewell - 10/05/98 18:51:00
My Email:ewellba@pmifeg.com

Mail is being returned. And I have not had any mail from you for eons! Please help! Did your address change? Bev

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