These are the rights and freedoms for school students under
the first amendment
of the Constitution
1. Freedom to meet with other Christian students for prayer, bible study and worship.
2. Freedom to wear Christian t-shirts, symbols, and buttons at school
3. Freedom to share the gospel on campus.
4. Freeom to handout gospel tracts on campus
5. Freedom to engage in voluntary school prayer
6. Freedom to bring your bible to school
7. Freedom to present school projects from a Christian perspective
8. Freedom to study and practice the christmas and easter holidays on campus
9.Freedom to have bible clubs and prayers on campus
10. Freedom to be a living witness for Jesus Christ.
The above information was supplied by the American Center for Law and Justice
The word campus refers to any and all public schools from elementary to College and Universities.
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free John 8:32
INDEX-Has "Footprints in the Sand" poem
LIFES READINGS-Readings to help you through life's trials
ATTRIBUTES OF THE BIBLE-Teaches the attributes of the bible
DOCTRINES OF THE BIBLE-Teaches doctrines of the bible
PARABLES-This talks of the parables of the bible
RAPTURE1-This is part one on the rapture.
RAPTURE2-This is part two on the rapture.
RAPTURE3-This is part three on the rapture.
RAPTURE4-This is part four on the rapture.
SALVATION-Tells how to become saved
CHURCHUSA HOMEPAGE-This is the homepage to ChurchUSA.
WWCOL HOMEPAGE-This is another great Christian chatroom.
WTSS -Christian Chatroom
WEB RINGS-This is a webring page of Christian sites
PERSONAL PICTURES-This is a personal page of pics friends and
SHIMMER'S SITE-Directory of Christian resources
MONKEYSPLACE-Friend from Churchusa
AMISFIT-Personal link
SUEBQ-Personal with links
EB-A friend of Shimmer's
DREAMER AND KID-Carol and Andy's site
LONESTAR59-Personal site with Christian links
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