This is the entry to my home pages and I choose to tell you a story about a wonderful man named Zeke. See that handsome face above? That was my man!
Zeke, also affectionately known as Zekie--the man was rescued by a golden retriever rescue organization called RESCUE A GOLDEN OF ARIZONA. Their mission is to help unwanted, neglected and abused golden retrievers in the state of Arizona. That is how he came to me.
Zekie has a long story, so for now I will tell you a start. Zekie was found by a rancher in Northern Arizona, wandering in the desert so far from people and any homes, it was figured he was dumped out there to die. Why you ask? Probably because Zeke had cancer, a squamous cell carcinoma tumor in his mouth (which was the outward signs of what he had). The old rancher felt pity on this ole soul and brought him back to town, where he found a loving angel named June. June is known in town for helping animals that need homes.
June also works with rescue when she has goldens that need help. We met June half way from her home to Phoenix and picked him up. After taking him in to our local vet found indeed he had cancer and probably would not live long. Zekie's cancerous tumor had gone into his lungs. Something that could easily have been treated early, could not be treated at this point. He almost had a decision made for him to be taken lovingly to the bridge, but a kind hearted lady named Sandee, who drove to get him gave a special day. Taking him in for a nice bath, loving picnic and walk in the park realizing that Zeke was NOT ready yet to leave this earth! She and the President and Vet Liaison made a decision to allow him whatever time he had left to live with us.
Luckily I got a call from our foster coordinator who asked if I would take him in. From that moment on he became one of our family. I have much more to share about Zekie, but for the moment, please know that he will indeed have a webpage here, and that will come. So please bookmark our pages and come back to see.
Zekie lived life in a grand style, loving and living each moment of each day with grace, dignity, spunk, patience, loving, hope, perserverance, and most of all happiness!
Zekie gently crossed the Rainbow Bridge on March 22, 2003 after living 13 months and 14 days with his family. He will always be in our hearts and greatly missed.
What we have enjoyed,
we can never lose;
All that we loved dearly
becomes a part of us.
Now, if you haven't seen our webpages yet, please take a moment and go to the drop-down menu below to view all our other pages. Zekie's page has been created and you can find it by Clicking here and will be placed in the list as soon as I can put it together. We were having too much fun with him when he was here in the world and would love for you to visit his webpage! Enjoy your trip into our world.
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