How We Got Started in Scotties

scottie with ball

In 1976 we lived in Melbourne, Victoria and owned a West Highland White Terrier called Justin. Justin was a birthday present for me from my parents. When Graham and I got married, Graham of course married Justin as well. wedding.gif

After we had been married for a few years we were returning from the airport via St Kilda and right outside Luna Park was an unkempt Scottish Terrier running around in the middle of the intersection with everyone blowing their horns at him. We felt very sorry for him. It looked as if he hadn't been groomed in months and a very sorry sight. So we took him home, bathed him and over the next few days rang all the right places to see if any one had lost a Scottie. To no avail.

Meanwhile he and Justin had sorted out an amicable relationship so he became part of the family, who we named "Scottie" (original eh?). For a number of years he was a loved member of the family and we were devastated when he died. Justin was 12 years old by then and quite missed the company of his pal, Scottie, and we realised that we had not only fallen in love with Scottie but with the breed as well, so we decided to get ourselves another Scottish Terrier. We managed to find ourselves an 11 month old Scottie, Robbie, to keep him company. Unfortunately just 18 months later we lost our Justin.

fergrob.gif Having grown accustomed to have the black and white mix we decided to buy another Westie. Only this time, we decided we wanted to show and thought we would be able to take Robbie along for a ride. So, Fergus was added to the family. Well if we're showing one why not show the other as well. This decision, of course led us to learn a great deal about the breed and before long we found ourselves showing both. After showing for a few years we decided we wanted to breed. We bought ourselves a lovely Scottie bitch, CH Allscot Black Jewel, Holly, on whom we based the founding of our kennels.

We decided at this point, to concentrate on one breed as its hard enough to do one breed justice in the show ring. So we decided scotties were the breed for us. Here we are 30 years later and find that our house is now ruled by Scottish Terriers, though to this day we still have a soft spot for Westies.

scottie and westie


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Last revision: October 2008
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