Who Wants to be a Star?

A four legged TV star that is.

On our recent trip to Sydney, we stayed with the well known TV star Mickey, affectionately known as Micky Mouse. He recently starred with five other Scottie celebrities in some very well put together chum dog food advertisements. Still beats me how they got five scots all to watch their table manners at the same time.

Mickey was called on again to audition and to bring 3 friends with him to audition for the Good-O commercial. As we were staying with out scots for the Sydney Royal we were invited to join in. (The invitation will probably not be extended again).

Naturally all the dogs were very excited at the prospect of being a star like Mickey. He was very laid back about the whole thing. After all he had done it all before. We had no time for training but then how does one train delinquents? So off we set down to a Sydney studio with Mickey, Jana, Chelsea Brown and Coco.

We arrived to see a big sign saying "Chum Auditions Here Today Studio 2" and a wide assortment of other four legged hopefuls waiting their turn on the quest to stardom. All the scots were sent in straight away to be greeted by about 10 people with various jobs, big stage lights and one end completely painted white with rounded corners and angles. Mickey was to go first and he did very well, being an experienced actor. Next Jana had her turn and shall we say, she did not quite live up to her namesake on 60 Minutes! She did what she wanted to do and that was to head out and see what all those other dogs were there for anyway.

Next came Chelsea Brown. As soon as she was let off to try her bit, headed off on a handbag inspection and refused to stay on stage. She felt all the action was behind the lights not in front of them. She was sacked in the first 40 seconds!

Then came Coco, who at first froze to the one spot, then she was persuaded (by food) to walk to her position center stage and sit and stay for at least 1 minute. I really don't know what came over her as she actually did what she was told (for a change). I felt quite proud (too soon) and it looked as if she had been to obedience class. After she passed that test she was asked to carry a 1kg bag of Good-O's across the stage. After some enticement from the animal trainer extraordinaire (me) she grabbed the bag and KILLED it! Oh dear, I had always wondered how those small dogs had carried such heavy bags of food. Now I knew because lying on the floor were a thousand and one polystyrene balls and Coco looking very pleased with herself after her "kill". The then asked if she had a double who could maybe do the bits she found too difficult.

Needless to say Mickey won the part and we look forward to seeing him with his Labrador friend on TV in the near future. If you wonder which one he is, at the next show just look out for the handsome Scottie in the sunglasses and sequined jacket. But, no autographs please (at least not while he is in the ring).

by Maxine Drew Trainer Extraordinaire.

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