
scottie with flag

Maxine and Graham with Emma and her father Warwick Hi....we're the Drew family, Maxine, Graham and our merry band of four footed clanscots. Welcome to our small piece of cyber space and to our world of Scottish Terriers. Besides the Scotties other interests include - Genealogy and Football (thats Aussie Rules, the REAL thing).
Maxine and Graham
Emma and her father Warwick


Graham and Maxine were thrilled to win under terrier specialist Jane Harvey (Victoria) at this years Queensland specialist terrier show. The Sporting Terrier Club show (STC) had an entry of over 300 dogs and Destiny was just over 18 months of age. Geez I'm clever
Just Soooooo clever Destiny was also Best of Breed at Brisbane Royal, 2006, under terrier specialist Geoff Wiltshire (NZ) and was in the final four for Best in Group.


Sire: Rhum Tea Merchant
Dam: CH Clanscot Glasgow Kiss

Shown winning Best in Group

Many Best in Group and classes in Show awards

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