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11/12/00 12:44:49
Name: MarilynHogan My URL: Visit Me
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Looking for relatives who may live inthe U.S. since coming from Ireland.My grandfather was a prizefighter,with a boxing name of Shamus O'Brien early!900's.His real name was Michael Hogan.

11/12/00 12:44:13
Name: MarilynHogan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find us?: Search

Looking for relatives who may live inthe U.S. since coming from Ireland.My grandfather was a prizefighter,with a boxing name of Shamus O'Brien early!900's.His real name was Michael Hogan.

11/12/00 12:42:54
Name: MarilynHogan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find us?: Search

Looking for relatives who may live inthe U.S. since coming from Ireland.My grandfather was a prizefighter,with a boxing name of Shamus O'Brien early!900's.His real name was Michael Hogan.

11/03/00 18:10:18
Name: Margaret Anna Hogan
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

If I do not belong to your Hogan, Maybe some one out ther can help me.

10/27/00 18:26:44
Name: John Hogan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find us?: web

I liked your site and will study it for signs of relatives. My great grandfather Michael Hogan was born in Dungarvan around 1850. His dad was John

10/27/00 17:30:18
Name: John Hogan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find us?: web

I liked your site and will study it for signs of relatives. My great grandfather Michael Hogan was born in Dungarvan around 1850. His dad was John

10/17/00 20:03:31
Name: peter trevethick My URL: Visit Me
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Gateshead Trevethicks of interest, my great grandfather was Daniel Trevethick, of Gateshead, known as Dirty Dan because of his womanising. The name Trevithick comes from the Cornish class prefix tre(f), ‘homestead’ or ‘land-holding’ and the personal name from the old Cornish name Budic. Budic is found in the 10th C Bodmin Gospels and in 15th C form Buthek. In Cornish orthography the vowel ‘ ’ would give an ‘i’ or an ‘e’ which is why both the Trevethick and Trevithick forms are found.

09/01/00 22:52:02
Name: sonnie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find us?: my teacher

Hi.my grandmother was telling me we came all the way back from irland if you live in alabama and are a hogan who knows a lil bout are history please e-mail me. thank you, sonnie,12 al

08/04/00 04:38:59
Name: Mary Reynolds My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find us?: surfing the web

My grandfather would have been James Hogan, Shenandoah, PA. He worked in the coal mines. He married Helen Bertha Sirpaulis. They had the following children: James, Joseph, Margaret, Edward, Bernard, Irene, Elenore, Francis Hogan. My mother was Irene nd she was born in Shenandoah, Pa in 1925. We really have not been able to find much on my grandfather as they divorced when my mother was approximately 10 years of age. They never saw him again. I have searched in the Shenandoah area but cannot find him. I found my grandmother's (Sirpualis) burial site. So from what you say the original Hogan family started in American in New York City? I would like to know more if possible. Phillymawmaw@ivillage.com

07/02/00 09:32:48
Name: Rod Smith My URL: Visit Me
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Hello Dan - we corresponded by email three years ago and I see now from your material that we definitely have the connection. Brothers James and Thomas. I note the mention in your material on James. Many thanks. I note too your reference to the supposed c nnection to Richard Trevithick. I'm still interested in that but I wonder if we'll ever know. Your site is great to see and full of detail. A treasure trove for researchers. Best wishes. Rod S.

06/22/00 21:42:46
Name: William Kennedy My URL: Visit Me
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My Family come from Ardcrony. Carney. Borisakane. Puckaune The Kennedys I think I might have some cousins called Hogan my mother left Ireland in 1954 and moved to manchester England I still have a lot of family in the Nenagh area

06/21/00 11:28:23
Name: Dana Arnold My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find us?: the Arnold list

Very, very nice.

06/08/00 02:16:31
Name: Beth Hogan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find us?: web link


04/11/00 15:53:09
Name: Kevin Paul Hogan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find us?: Yahoo

Hi,just looking around for Hogans. I have my history going back about 200 years. My family originates in Borrisokane Co.Tipperary. My Grandfather was known as Jack "Cassidy" Hogan as he was brought up by Cassidys. My Grandmother was a Hough. Grandad was o e of 17 Children. My father is one of 10. Nice to talk to you...........

04/09/00 05:24:40
Name: John G. Hogan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find us?: Northernlights search engine

From John Gregory Hogan: I'm one of the Hogans who began with John J. Hogan in Southbridge, MA. Originally from the city of Thurles, Tipperary. I was born in Philadelphia in 1949, am a former USMC officer and currently live in Seattle and work as a software engineering process improvement specialist/manager on contract to IBM for the State of Washington.

04/04/00 16:59:22
Name: Kenny Edwards
My Email: Email Me
How did you find us?: surfed in

Nice web site. Researching the Hogan faimily of Bedford and Campbell county, Virginia. Obediah Hogan, m. Margaret Mitchell. Obediah Hogan, father believe to be Milley (male) Hogan.

03/31/00 22:07:20
Name: Lucy My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find us?: yahoo.com search

Nice site. Your history of the Hogan is invaluable. Unfortunately I come from a different line of Hogans. John Hogan married Hannah Vaughan in Cork, Ireland. Daughter, Mary Hogan, born 1873(my ggrandmother) came to NY (from Cork) as an orphan before 1 10. Can't find anything on the web for these guys!

03/29/00 22:08:05
Name: annemarie Hogan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find us?: i was just browsing

i have only just started searching for my ancestors but i am not really sure were to look,any suggestions?

03/25/00 05:52:36
Name: Mike Hogan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find us?: Alta Vista Search

Looks great. I'll need to come back and look at it closer. If any Hogans from Wisonsin are looking to connect, email me. Thanks.

03/14/00 10:36:38
Name: Laura Octavia Tarleton My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find us?: Searching for "Octavia"

I am the daughter of Genevieve Ellen Hubbell, Daughter of Octavia Ellen Fish and Harry Alton Hubbell, and cousin of Gwendolyn Shepardson, referred to in your pages. I was searching the web this night and came across your page! Will refer back and perhap have information you can use to update your pages.

03/11/00 03:39:31
Name: Barry L. Hogan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find us?: Search

Hi Hogan! I'm originally from Oneonta, N.Y. now in Savannah, GA., I'm researching my line from Michael Hogan (18?-190?)Ire-Mayo? to Carbondale,PA. coal mines. My Grandfather Raymond Francis Hogan (1893-1965) worked on the D&H from 1926-1956, Dad is still n Oneonta, retired from SUNY Oneonta (27 yrs) Have you any information on these Hogans?

03/10/00 12:51:27
Name: John T Hogan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find us?: Link from search engine

Hi. This is way cool! I have lived in the Binghamton area my whole life, and never knew about you. In fact, we are probably cousins. I am a direct decendant of John and Anna Hogan (great great grandparents), as well as a direct decendant of Julia trevethi k and Edward Hogan (grand parents). I fyou need any info on this line, email me and let me know. Keep up the good work.

03/01/00 03:43:46
Name: Gerri Shepardson My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find us?: was given a search engine to try for our surname

I wasn't able to get to any Shepardson information. Possibly because web page is still ongoing. Will check back at a later date. Thanks.

02/24/00 00:32:09
Name: James J. Condict My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find us?: stumbled across it

I am looking for Walter Griffin Hogan born in 1777 Ireland. This line evidenty is a different line.

12/14/99 16:54:42
Name: dana hogan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find us?: lost in the web

Your history of the family name was great...unfortunately, we are of a different line, and I can't find any names that correspond. Great work though!

08/18/99 20:25:30
Name: Raymond Leslie Trevethick My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find us?: Simon Trevethick and a friend

Hi. We have downloaded your pages and will read them with great interest.

04/08/99 23:58:43
Name: Catherine Lycett Hogan
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


01/05/99 17:30:52
Name: Norma Snyder My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find us?: Family newsletter


10/03/98 01:23:53
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

08/08/98 21:39:22
Name: Darcy Hogan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find us?: My Dad

I'm so glad you did all this. (Mainly because I'm lazy and don't want to have to research it all myself one day)! :) Great work Dad. It's important to learn from whence we came in order to achieve a greater understanding of where we're going. I love you

08/07/98 21:13:56
Name: Chuck Arnold My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find us?: Your entry in my guestbook

Have wondered for a long time what connection, if any, there was between the Rhode Island and the Mass/Conn ARNOLDS. You bear out that they all arrived in Mass. about the same time- seems likely that they were related. Good Pages -keep up the good work

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